I Became the Sun God

Chapter 369: No vision firepower to clear the ground

We are heading in the right direction.

The vicious beasts are leaving more and more traces, and there are even signs of fighting.

This means we are getting closer to our destination.

Everyone, please brace yourself and don't let down your guard.

Shao Mingyuan, who was among the crowd, made this judgment after listening to the scout's report.

As wise as he is, he has already seen through the truth.

The facts proved that Shao Mingyuan's judgment was correct.

All the ferocious beasts are gathering in one place.

Whatever is out there, humans have to get a piece of it.

Everyone looked at Shao Mingyuan with admiration.

This young leader is so wise, no wonder he has risen to prominence.

With such different thoughts, the group of people got closer and closer to their goal.

As they got closer and closer, the undisguised aura of a large number of ferocious beasts began to fill the forest.

Those smells are terrifying!

Even the special forces who have experienced hundreds of battles instinctively feel fear.

Although the ferocious beasts were born late, their bodies are uniquely endowed.

The body was originally stronger than human beings, but after being endowed with extraordinary strength, some outstanding people have come from behind.

I will cover your breath with water mines.

You use special equipment to cover up the smell, etc., and you should be able to hide it from most ferocious beasts.

We have thermal imaging equipment, and the field of view may not be worse than that of ferocious beasts, it may even be stronger.

After all...the fog here is so thick that it seems to block perception.

Li Fan walked beside Shao Mingyuan, and the gloomy Shuizang Lei followed everyone like a shadow.

The unique characteristics of Shui Zang Lei make the aura exuded by these people become undetectable.

It was precisely because of this that they were able to penetrate so far without encountering a battle.

According to the original plan, it was to be as low-key and in-depth as possible.

And if fighting is necessary, just go to war with the opponent directly.

The rules of the beast are simple.

As long as humans show enough strength, humans can make the ferocious beasts afraid and dare not act rashly.

Although I don't know how strong the strongest beast here is,... the officials have already made backup preparations, hoping that they can deter all beasts.

It’s just that this method needs to be coordinated internally and externally.


The fog suddenly cleared!

Just as the group of people continued to move forward, they suddenly found that everything in front of them suddenly became clear.

The dense fog that made one unable to see his hands dissipated in an instant, and was replaced by a clear world.


It's not that it's dissipated, it's that there's no fog here!

Everyone, be careful...something doesn't look right here, and it could be the source of everything.

Hide yourself and be ready to send signals and fight. Those big guys have noticed us.

Shao Mingyuan looked around, then his expression changed, and he quickly lowered his voice to remind everyone.

After being reminded by Shao Mingyuan, everyone realized something was wrong.

Behind them, the thick fog still existed.

In other words, centered on the area in front of them, the surrounding dense fog still existed.

In the thick fog, huge figures flashed from time to time, as well as pairs of ferocious eyes.

All the ferocious beasts are waiting for something here.

It's that tree.

The fruit of the tree, to be exact.

Shao Mingyuan, who was fully armed, looked at an ancient tree in the distance with burning eyes.

The tree should be a common tree, but the fruits growing on the vines above are extremely magical and amazing.

They were fruits the size of human heads, with mysterious lines carved on them, and they even emitted light in the midst of light and death.

However, the light did not completely cover the fruits, and it was still a little short of the top. Obviously, the fruits were not yet ripe.

What the beast is waiting for is the ripening of those fruits.

It's really exactly the same as in the novel...

Shao Mingyuan sighed at the wonder of fate, and then whispered an order:

It's best not to disturb those ferocious beasts now.

When the fruit is ripe, immediately release the signal to the outside world.

What we have to do now is to ensure safety while waiting for the fruit to mature.

I suspect...those fruits are related to dragons.

Thinking of the previous vision, Shao Mingyuan vaguely guessed the magical uses of these fruits.

Something to do with dragons!

This is definitely a natural treasure!

Once you take it, you may experience a great increase in your cultivation level or a transformation of your bloodline.


After a moment of waiting, all the fruits shone brightly, and the dragon's roar sounded in the fruits.

At the same time, the ferocious beasts hidden in the thick fog were completely unable to restrain themselves.

As if they had agreed, the ferocious beasts rushed out of the thick fog and rushed towards the fruits.

A python with a single horn, a big bird with golden scales, a giant ape with an ominous aura, and a tiger with wings on its back!

God knows when there were so many species in this mountain forest.

As soon as the ferocious beasts appeared, they started a bloody killing with red eyes.

Their goal is only fruit, and anyone who stands in front of them or threatens them is their enemy.

For a time, the entire empty area of ​​dense fog became the most bloody and primitive battlefield.

Countless ferocious beasts were fighting there, trying their best to get closer to the ancient tree.

It's now!

Shao Mingyuan shouted loudly.

Then the signal bombs soared into the sky and shot out above the thick fog, emitting a dazzling light.

At the same time, the drone with its own wireless base station capability also carried the information that had been entered long ago and headed upward to break through the blockade of dense fog.

The situation here is being revealed to the outside world in this way.

Coordinates locked!

The battle plan has been transmitted!

Everyone be prepared for protection, our fire support will be here soon!

The person in charge of the special forces reminded everyone loudly.

After a few breaths, the cannonballs burning with flames accurately hit the set coordinates.

There is a place where ferocious beasts are fighting!

Quite smart.

Qin Ran looked at the fighter jets that kept flying back and forth, with a look of surprise on his face.

Official forces have been prepared for a long time.

In this way, those people broke through the fog's signal and vision blockade, and conveyed the firing message to the foreign enemy.

Those fighter jets that have been prepared in advance only need to launch artillery shells according to the coordinates without thinking.

And it's a special cannonball!

With thermal imaging and contour tracking capabilities.

Qin Ran saw clearly that the cannonballs that broke through the fog actually turned around and hit the ferocious beast.

But those monkeys, which are about the same size as humans, are not within the locking range of the cannonballs.

Obviously, this thing is technology and hard work.

Officials are using this method to clear away the aliens with sightless firepower.

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