I Became the Sun God

Chapter 370 Accident

Boom boom boom!

Thermal imaging, locking algorithm, ground coordinate synchronization!

The combination of many technologies allowed the rockets that suddenly came from the sky to hit those ferocious beasts accurately.

Fire and explosions instantly filled the thick fog.

Even the dense fog that could obscure the five senses and electronic signals quickly evaporated under the strong wind and blazing heat.

Facing the attack of rockets, the huge ferocious beast suddenly lost its former majesty.

Amidst the wailing and roaring, the ferocious beasts were covered in blood, and some were even blown into pieces.

This is the power of human science and technology!

At least the extraordinary in the early stage cannot compete with the power of technology.

Although technology can be regarded as a foreign object, this foreign object is too powerful.

The extraordinary person who has just started to practice is simply unable to defeat the King of Beasts.

But thin humans can easily hunt tigers with weapons.

This is the power brought by external objects.

Of course, foreign objects are foreign objects after all.

It is impossible for foreign objects to make people realize immortality, let alone to break through the limits again and again.

Only extraordinary people can do this.

But no matter what, under the human firepower, a large number of ferocious beasts fell instantly.

And most of the remaining ferocious beasts were injured.

For ferocious beasts, their instinct is to avoid all possibilities of injury.

Because in the cruel nature, even for an apex predator, injury may mean death.

This beastly instinct is also possessed by ferocious beasts.

Therefore, most of the ferocious beasts left here decisively after feeling the terrifying power.

Only a small part of them were still unwilling and tried their best to hide in the thick fog, waiting for further opportunities.

Clearing complete!

Shao Mingyuan nodded with satisfaction:

Although there are still ferocious beasts dormant, the situation is still much better than before.

Even if we don't gain much today, killing so many ferocious beasts that may become a disaster in the future can be considered a great achievement.

What's more... we haven't gained anything!

Shao Mingyuan looked at the ancient tree. The dragon's roar could be heard faintly from the fruit on it, exuding a strange fragrance.

Be careful, we'll leave as soon as we get the fruit.

Some powerful guys are still unwilling to give up.

Shao Mingyuan took a deep breath. He and Li Fan moved forward side by side and rushed towards the ancient tree quickly.

The other extraordinary beings and special forces also took various coordination and cover actions.

Seeing the fruit getting closer and closer, there were angry roars and suddenly thunder exploded on the ground.

The ferocious beasts, covered in blood, once again rushed out of the thick fog.

This time, they were greeted by soldiers and extraordinary beings who had already prepared their firepower.

Da da da!

Large-caliber bullets hit them, causing large pools of blood to bloom on their bodies.

But even so, there are ferocious beasts that insist on not falling or retreating, and continue to move forward despite the terrible firepower of humans.

Almost in front of each other, humans and beasts rushed to the ancient tree at the same time.

court death!

Three Yin Demon Killing Sword!

Li Fan shouted loudly, then turned his palm into a sword and slashed out a cold sword energy, directly cutting off the head of a giant python that could change color.

Sword points to the seven stars!

Shao Mingyuan's sword technique was light and agile, and the seven black water sword energies vaguely turned into a sword array.

Under the intersection of sword energy, a monkey with water mist all over its body was directly stabbed into a hornet's nest.


But the roar of the beast is still there!

There are many ferocious beasts who are unwilling to give in. Even Li Fan and Shao Mingyuan's amazing methods cannot deter these ferocious beasts who are willing to take their lives.

Eventually, all the fruits are divided.

The humans got three, and the rest were all taken by the ferocious beasts.

After witnessing the power of human beings, the ferocious beasts immediately retreated after seizing the fruit.

For the ferocious beasts, getting the fruit is not the end, but the beginning of countless enemies.

They must have enough strength, or a safe enough place, to absorb the power from the fruit.

The same is true for humans. They must evacuate as soon as possible, otherwise they may encounter danger.

Leave here now, our mission is completed.

Following the setting in the novel, Shao Mingyuan used the jade box to collect the fruit, and then decisively issued the order to retreat.

Qin Ran looked at this scene, chuckled and shook his head:

Do you really think I'm bringing you warmth?

You want to leave just like that? You think too simply!

Qin Ran snapped his fingers, and the ground suddenly trembled violently.

Rumble... As the earth trembled, the corpses of the ferocious beasts on the ground exploded into clouds of blood mist that filled the air.

The blood mist exudes an evil aura, wildly devouring the white mist, and the white mist is quickly receding.

In the thick blood mist, as the spiritual mist was swallowed up in large quantities, blood began to flow down.

The blood flowed towards the ancient tree as if it were alive.

Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The villain's standard sinister laughter rang out.

How many years!

How many years have passed!

I finally recovered successfully!

Nie Long, Nie Long, your essence will eventually become a part of me.

Jie Jie Jie Jie! If you want to use the dragon soul to die together with me, you underestimate my secret method of White Bone Mountain.

Along with the old sinister laughter, as the earth gradually trembled, the entire earth suddenly cracked with the ancient tree as the center.

A dragon corpse tens of meters long suddenly appeared in a deep pit under an ancient tree.

The dragon's body is wrapped with a large number of vines.

Those vines are extremely evil and seem to be still extracting the dragon's original power.

And in the center of the coiled dragon, a broken white bone slowly stood up.

He looked at his palms and said to himself regretfully:

It's a pity...my body is gone.

But it doesn't matter. I can transform this evil dragon like you into the Seven Killing Soul, so I don't need to use my original physical body.

As he spoke, the ferocious white bones shattered into pieces, turning into a bloody figure and pounced towards the huge dragon corpse.

Wait until I refine your body into the Seven Kills Soul, and then I will take care of the dragon soul of this evil dragon like you.

Don't think that I don't know your plan.

Don't you just want to use the power of ambergris vine to condense the origin of dragon soul into dragon soul fruit, and then take the opportunity to seize the body and be reborn?

Jie Jie Jie Jie!

The plan was perfect, but it's a pity that these humans interrupted your plan.

You have scattered countless powers, but the dragon soul has not condensed into the dragon soul fruit after all. I will see how you take over and be reborn.

A cold and hoarse voice came from Jiaolong's mouth this time.

Along with that sound, the vines began to be filled with golden light.

It seemed...the being hidden in the vines had to change its plan after being shouted out by the hoarse voice.

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