I Became the Sun God

Chapter 368 Entering the Mountain

live streaming?

So fancy?

Upon hearing Pant's confused answer, Qin Ran's reaction was the same as Mark's.

Is this thing... okay?

I'm afraid I won't be labeled as a cult...

But Qin Ran soon felt relieved.

After all, he is the god who dominates everything, he just needs to make rules.

How they play it is their business.

As long as you stay within the rules, you are destined to benefit.

What do you want?

Isn’t it the fundamental belief in gods?

To believe in this thing, we must focus on both quality and quantity.

Both hands must be grasped and both hands must be strong.

Not just grasp it, but hold it.

Only in this way can the chemical reaction caused by it allow you to do whatever you want.

Quantity is very simple. The more lives you practice, the more faith you will gain.

Be it human or alien.

It doesn’t matter if it’s a visualization method, an ancestral flow, or a bloodline flow.

As long as you practice cultivation, you cannot do without the help of the power of a great existence.

And I... am those countless great beings, and all the superior gods are just my vest.

Under such circumstances, the more practitioners the better.

As long as civilization does not collapse and everything develops normally, humans can play whatever they want.

Even if you hack Pant to death tomorrow.

Qin Ran doesn't care.

Whatever Pant tries, as long as there are more and more extraordinary people, that's a good thing.

As for quality?

For the same human beings, the beliefs that the strong and the weak can improve are definitely different.

In terms of piety...there is basically no big deviation in this point.

Maybe as a religious believer, he would be a little stronger than other practitioners, but not by much.

The world is too impetuous now.

There are only a handful of people who can immerse themselves wholeheartedly in faith.

Even Buddhism...many people have begun to transform and say that Buddha is wisdom.

Of course, that was before the spiritual energy was revived.

After the spiritual energy is revived, the belief in gods and Buddhas is actually revived.

But again, people's hearts are too impetuous, and they are incomparable to other worlds.

So for Qin Ran, the stronger the practitioner in the real world, the greater his gains.

But... this can only happen step by step.

Balance is an important thing.

Especially when it comes to religion and interests, especially when individual power can already fight against the state machinery, the whole process must be done step by step.

To ensure that social order remains stable, the government must have sufficient power.

Jun Inoue of Fuso, Tantric inheritance of Fuso, Wudang Mountain of Bactria, Moonlight Warrior of Egypt, Titan inheritance of Greece, Vampire of Germany, Finn of the Vatican...

The purpose of the emergence of these extraordinary beings is to allow the authorities to master extraordinary power and prevent the existing order from collapsing.

Only if the situation remains unchanged can everything develop steadily.

What Qin Ran has to do is to ensure that the movement is not turbulent while accelerating the extraordinary transformation of the real world in both quality and quantity.

For example...continue to create alien races and expand the scope of inheritance!

Qin Ran looked in the direction of Daxia.

Werewolves and vampires appear, and even angels and demons appear.

New intelligent life appeared in Egypt, and even the will of the God of Life came to accelerate the reproduction of the race just like creation.

These are all major events that shocked the world! ,

It can be said that the eyes of the entire world are focused on the east, even Daxia.

Of course, Daxia was not just watching stupidly.

Taking advantage of the world's attention being diverted, Daxia also made his own moves in private.

In the Wudang Mountains, there is a ruins where the dragon shines and the bull fights, and all the beasts roar together.

In response to such a scene, Shao Mingyuan, the official person in charge of the Wudang Mountains, a powerful figure in the extraordinary department, and a youth representative in today's political arena, reported his views.

The treasures of heaven and earth, the remains of dragons, the caves of mountain gods, the secrets of the dragon clan...

No matter what kind of speculation it is, the changes in Wudang Mountain are worthy of Daxia's careful exploration.

Under such circumstances, Daxia quickly organized the team and designed the route.

In addition to a large number of official elite warriors, there is also a popular disciple of Wudang Mountain—Li Fan!

Li Fan, who contributed the Yin Five Thunder Secret Technique, is already a great hero to the country, not to mention that he also has a unique secret technique - the Three Yin Demon Killing Sword!

With such an advantage, Li Fan can already be said to be the backbone of the extraordinary.

In the vast mountains, with the so-called revival of spiritual energy, that is, the wave of imperial ooze brought by Qin Ran, the entire mountain forest became primitive and dangerous.

Maybe an ancient tree has the ability to eat people without spitting out their bones.

There is no telling which ferocious beast passing by has the power to crush an extraordinary being.

The Wudang Mountains can be said to be one of the most dangerous restricted areas in the world.

After all, this is where the largest number of extraordinary beasts gather in the world.

Of course, for Qin Ran, this is just a experimental field.

After his experiment is over, he will further promote changes based on actual conditions.

As for the next target, he has already chosen it.

This time he was going to take such a big step that he almost pulled his balls.

But for now, we still have to see the effect of the experimental field.

Qin Ran turned into a ray of divine light and flew towards Daxia at an incredible speed.

For Qin Ran today, the earth is already very small.

In a few breaths, he reached the sky above the Wudang Mountains.

Sure enough, just as he noticed, the official people had already entered the mountain.

There is thick fog everywhere in the mountains.

As the plants are more or less baptized by the emperor's fluid, which is the black liquid, the amount of water vapor they swallow is astonishing.

Even the water vapor is filled with a faint aura.

This kind of spiritual energy is very inactive, and only those with extraordinary secret techniques can absorb this spiritual energy.

But the effect of practicing here is stronger than outside.

The more this happens, the more dangerous it becomes.

Living in such an environment, God knows how terrifying those ferocious beasts are now.

The fog is too heavy. Unless we pay a certain price, this place will be unknown to us.

Among the disappearing mountain roads, there was a strong extraordinary being opening the way, and everyone was discussing in a low voice.

Don't be too nervous, everyone.

My previous guess may be correct.

It should be that a treasure from heaven and earth has been born.

Shao Mingyuan looked around and suddenly said:

We haven't encountered any ferocious beasts along the way. This is obviously abnormal.

The ferocious beasts have a strong sense of territory. Even if they are afraid of us, they will still threaten us.

But now they're all gone.

There is only one explanation. They...all left the territory and gathered in one place.

There's something attracting them.

If we find the traces of the ferocious beast, we can search for it according to the map.

The communication equipment has failed. Prepare the flares and we will move towards the target as soon as possible.

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