"" Wang Chongyang, the old Taoist head of Quanzhen Sect, is here to meet you, young hero!"

A group of Taoists landed on the ground, and the old Taoist holding a whisk in his hand spoke.

Ye Changan narrowed his eyes and said coldly,"Wang Chongyang? What? Do you from Quanzhen Sect want to meddle in other people's business?"

Wang Chongyang did not comment and continued,"Young hero! There are many outstanding disciples from major forces in the martial arts world who came to Zhongnan Mountain today. If you kill them all, you will probably become the enemy of the entire Song Dynasty martial arts world."

"Not only that, with so many people dying today, the Song Dynasty court would probably not remain indifferent!!"

"Young man, please stop as soon as possible. I have some friendship with Huang Shang, the Imperial Master. I will ask him to mediate. Maybe there is still room for change!!"

"Moreover, this incident happened in my Zhongnan Mountain, so the old Taoist had to come forward!"

As soon as Wang Chongyang finished speaking, Hong Qigong suddenly smiled and said,"Wang Chongyang! You can't take sides! These people are greedy for money and want to kill people, so they must be prepared to be killed!"

"You didn't come out to stop these people just now, and now that things have come to this, why do you come out to mediate?"

Hearing this, Wang Chongyang's face darkened and he said unhappily:"Hong Qigong, what are you talking about?"

"These people are the elites of the martial arts world of the Song Dynasty. If they all die, the martial arts world of the Song Dynasty will not be completely destroyed, but will also be seriously damaged."

"This is a loss for the entire Song Dynasty!"

"Besides, if all these people died in my Zhongnan Mountain, how can my Quanzhen Sect explain to my friends in the martial arts world?"

Hong Qigong sneered and was about to speak.

But Ye Changan interrupted him with a wave of his hand, looked at Wang Chongyang coldly, and asked:"Want to stop me? Wang Chongyang, are you mentally prepared for the extermination of the Quanzhen Sect?"

Originally, due to the influence of the original novel, he still had a little respect for Wang Chongyang.

After all, there are not many people with such great righteousness.

But now, he doesn't even have a good impression of him.

Just now, a group of martial artists wanted to rush into the ancient tomb to rob the treasure, but your Quanzhen Sect didn't want to get involved in the dispute and didn't stop them.

You just thought that if they couldn't find the treasure after entering the ancient tomb, they would retreat on their own.

It's understandable to have such an idea!

But when they wanted to kill people, why didn't you come out to stop them?

Now I want to kill them, and you jump out to stop me again. What's the reason?

They died in Zhongnan Mountain, and you can't explain to the forces behind them.


I'm easy to bully?

I, Ye Changan, don't need to explain, right?

The Ancient Tomb Sect doesn't need to explain, right!

Can your Quanzhen Sect Chongyang Palace allow people to go in and plunder at will, and then let them leave safely?

What a joke!


Hearing Ye Changan's words, Wang Chongyang's breath stagnated, and his face suddenly became embarrassed.

He didn't expect that the young man in front of him would be so disrespectful to him.

He also guessed in his heart that the young man's background might not be simple.

But he didn't expect that even he, Wang Chongyang, and the title of Huang Shang, the national teacher of the Great Song Dynasty, could not make him give in!

At this moment, among the Taoists behind Wang Chongyang, someone suddenly sneered:"At such a young age, you are so arrogant!"

"The master gave you kind words of advice for your own good! You are so ignorant that you are really arguing with others!!"

As soon as this person finished speaking, another person echoed him,"That’s right!! No matter how good your martial arts skills are, can you be better than the master, or better than Huang Shang, the national master?"

"Young man, don't be too arrogant!!"

"You've gone on a killing spree here today, and even if you have a powerful background, you can't escape the Six Gates' arrest!"

"The master is showing you a clear path, and you are so rude!"

"Kneel down and apologize immediately!!"

After the two finished speaking, a group of Quanzhen Taoists also showed an expression of agreement, looking at Ye Changan with sarcasm.

Ye Changan ignored the two of them and just looked at Wang Chongyang with cold eyes.

Wang Chongyang turned his head slightly and said lightly:"Zhi Jing! Zhi Bing! Don't be rude!"

Then, he looked at Ye Changan and continued:"What they said makes sense, young man, you might as well consider it carefully!"

"No matter what, I can no longer allow you to kill people in Zhongnan Mountain!!"

"If the young man insists on doing it, although the old Taoist is unwilling to take action, he will have no choice but to compete with him!"

Zhao Zhijing!

Zhen Zhibing!


I haven't taken out the anger from my previous life on you yet, but you are rushing to seek death!

Then you two should die first!

Hearing Wang Chongyang's answer, Ye Changan's murderous intent surged in his heart, and he looked at two of the Taoists behind him expressionlessly.

The next moment.

His figure disappeared in front of Wang Chongyang and appeared next to Zhao Zhijing and Zhen Zhibing.

Immediately, he pressed down on the two people with both hands through the air. The heads of Zhao Zhijing and Zhen Zhibing suddenly twisted as if they were squeezed by a huge force, and blood gushed out of their seven orifices. With a bang, they exploded into a bloody mist

""You bastard! How dare you!"

Wang Chongyang saw Ye Changan disappear, and before he could react, he heard an explosion behind him.

Turning around, he saw that his two disciples had turned into headless corpses! (To read the exciting novel, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

At this time, after hearing Wang Chongyang's shout, a group of Quanzhen Taoists reacted and looked at Ye Changan who had appeared among them.

"Zhi Jing!!"

"Zhi Bing!!"

A group of sad and angry shouts rang out.

"Grandmaster! This boy is too cruel!"

"If he is allowed to live, he will be a disaster for the martial arts world. We must not let him leave Zhongnan Mountain alive today!!"

"Yes! Zhijing and Zhibing only gave him a few words of advice, but he actually resorted to such cruel actions. This is simply the behavior of a demon. He deserves to die!!"

"Master! The death of Chuji and Chuyi's two disciples was so unjust!! You must not let this kid go!"

"Our Quanzhen Sect has never suffered such a great humiliation!!"

"This boy is so vicious, Master doesn't need to worry about his identity. If he is killed, no one can say anything wrong about my Quanzhen Sect!"

"That's right!!"


The Quanzhen Taoists were filled with grief and anger, glaring at Ye Changan.

The martial arts masters watching from a distance were even more horrified, their jaws dropped in shock.


"what's the situation?"

"This kid actually killed a Quanzhen Sect disciple! And in front of Quanzhen Founder Wang Chongyang!"

"Wow! How daring!!"

"What audacity! He is ignorant of life and death! Wang Chongyang is a powerful person in the realm of heaven and man. This kid is dead!"

"Why are you all looking at me? Did I say something wrong?"

"That's true! But I've said this several times that this guy is dead, but he's still alive and well!!"

"this......Anyway, if Wang Chongyang takes action this time, he will definitely die!!"

"Below the realm of heaven and man, we are all ants, this is not just talk!! This is the real gap between heaven and earth!!"


Wang Chongyang was no longer as calm and composed as ever. He pointed his whisk at Ye Changan with an angry look on his face and said in a cold voice,"Boy! I'm trying to persuade you with kind words, but why do you want to kill my Quanzhen disciples?"

"Today, I, Wang Chongyang, will enforce justice on behalf of Heaven!!"

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth, sneered, and then said:"Stop talking nonsense!!"

"You all come together!"

"Even if you don't take action now, I will destroy your Quanzhen Sect!"

"A bunch of hypocritical bullies!!"

""The Wuxiang Divine Needle!"

After saying that, Ye Changan directly activated the Wuxiang Divine Needle.

Since they were about to start, there was no point in hesitating. They should kill them as soon as possible and put an end to it all!

This group of Quanzhen Taoists were no different from those martial arts masters. In front of the Wuxiang Divine Needle, they were like a group of ordinary people without any protection facing machine gun fire, with no power to resist.

In an instant, dozens of Quanzhen disciples were shot into sieves.

"How can this be possible!!"

"Come and hide behind me!!"

Wang Chongyang was furious, and while shouting, he flashed in front of many Quanzhen disciples. A barrier of Qi appeared out of thin air, blocking countless invisible Qi.

"Huh......Xiantian Gong?"

"Interesting! It can actually block a wave of my Wuxiang Divine Needle!!"

Ye Changan's eyes flashed with surprise.

You know, his Wuxiang Divine Needle is specifically used to break the protective qi.

Unless it is a special protective martial art like the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, ordinary qi barriers will be broken almost instantly.

The qi shield of Qiu Xiaolou, the leader of the Sun and Moon Divine Sect, could not even withstand a round of attacks.

It seems that Wang Chongyang's Xiantian Gong is quite magical!!


That's all!: Mặc Dạ

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