Seeing Ye Changan suddenly start to attack and kill dozens of Quanzhen Sect members, Hong Qigong was also shocked and quickly advised:"Boy! Don't be impulsive, stop it!"

"Wang Chongyang is the strongest person in the Heaven Realm, invincible!!"

However, Ye Changan just turned his head and chuckled,"Heaven Realm? Haha! I, Ye Changan, don't even take the immortals on earth seriously, so what is a Heaven Realm person like him!!"

"Old beggar! Tell your Beggars' Sect to stay away!"

"From today on, only three of the five greatest masters of the Song Dynasty will remain!!"

"The Quanzhen Sect will no longer exist!!"

Ye Changan's voice spread all over the place.

"What? This guy is too crazy!! Does he mean to kill Wang Chongyang?"

"Not only does he disdain the strongest people in the realm of heaven and man, he even looks down on the immortals on land. Is he really that powerful, or is he really that arrogant?"

"Humph! Ignorant youngster! Just like an ant trying to shake a tree! He has no idea how terrifying a powerful person in the Heaven Realm is! Not to mention the immortals on earth?"

"Young people are gifted, so it is normal for them to be a little arrogant. After all, the martial arts is all about bravery and invincibility!"

"But the madness is so boundless that it makes no sense!"

"That’s right!! He killed dozens of Quanzhen Sect members. Wang Chongyang will not let him go. Just wait and see!"

"It is very rare to see a Heaven Realm expert take action. I didn’t expect to have the chance to witness it today. It is truly a blessing!!"


The people watching from afar were shocked by Ye Changan's words again, and they began to discuss.

At this time, Ye Changan was not interested in the reactions of others.

Under the blessing of the Marrow Washing Sutra, the Wuxiang Divine Needle shot out continuously.

The Quanzhen disciples who were not protected by Wang Chongyang fell to the ground and died in an instant!

Wang Chongyang's eyes were bloodshot and he was furious. He shouted:"Boy! You deserve to die! You actually bullied me, Wang Chongyang!"


This is not what you say when you bully others!

Ye Changan took back the Wuxiang Divine Needle, disappeared out of thin air, and instantly appeared in mid-air.

The next moment.

The sky was shining with golden light.

Ye Changan's figure was looming in the golden light, like the Buddha descending to the world!

Then, in the eyes of everyone who couldn't believe it, a huge Buddha figure sat cross-legged in the void, and at the same time, a Heaven-shaking Buddha Palm carrying an unparalleled power of destruction fell from the sky!!


A loud bang suddenly resounded throughout the sky above Mount Zhongnan!

The entire Mount Zhongnan was also shaken in an instant!

It was as if the sky was falling and the earth was sinking!

The dust and smoke dissipated.

A huge palm-shaped pit appeared in everyone's eyes.

Seeing this scene, the people watching from afar were so scared that their livers and gallbladders broke, and their legs were shaking.

My God!

This boy is not a human at all!!

He is the Buddha incarnated!!

Who can survive such a terrifying slap?

The Heavenly Man Realm is strong, but he is also a human being!!

Wang Chongyang is probably dead!!

Where did this monster come from!

It's out of the ordinary!!

Hong Qigong looked at Ye Changan in the air with a dull expression, and his heart was so excited that he couldn't help but murmured:"This..........This kid is really beyond the understanding of an old beggar like me!"

"The aura he just revealed was clearly that of a Grandmaster, how could he possibly unleash such a terrifying attack!!"

"Could this palm technique be the legendary supreme forbidden martial art?"

"But even so, the more powerful the martial arts, the more difficult it is to activate.......How does one achieve the martial arts cultivation of the Grand Master level?"

"Could it be that this kid's foundation is so strong that it defies the heavens?"

At the gate of the ancient tomb, Xiao Longnu looked at the huge pit in front of her with surprise in her eyes, and couldn't help but wonder,"Is this the Tathagata Palm he mentioned in his diary?"

"He can really turn an ancient tomb into ruins with just one slap!!"

"But what should he do if he really does that?"

At the same time,

Ye Changan was suspended in the air, glancing at Wang Chongyang and other bloody Quanzhen Taoist priests lying in the huge pit, and then looked in the distance at the direction of Chongyang Palace.

The next moment, under the stunned gaze of everyone, the golden light shone again.

Another terrifying palm shadow spanned the void, as if crossing the space, and instantly slapped the Chongyang Palace far in front of the mountain.


Even though the distance was far, everyone was still frightened by the loud rumbling sound!

They knew that

Quanzhen Sect was finished! (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Ye Changan had a blank expression on his face, looking down at the people who had just escaped.

The next moment, his figure disappeared in the air.

Then a burst of howling sounded

"This kid needs to be killed immediately!"

"Oh no! This guy won't kill us too!"

"No way! We were just watching the show, we didn't do anything!"

"He is so bloodthirsty, how can he care about so many things? He can kill you with a slap in the face, and you have no place to complain!"

"That's the truth!"

"Why don’t you run away quickly? Are you waiting to die here?"

"Damn it, I just came here to participate in a martial arts competition to find a bride, why am I so scared in the end!"

"Don't come to the Tomb Clan anymore! It's really unlucky!"

The martial artists who were watching the show suddenly changed their expressions and ran away.

"Let's go! We can't stay here for long! Let's leave!"

Seeing many figures quickly moving away, Murong Fu's fear disappeared, and he panicked and ordered the family general behind him.

However, as soon as he turned around, he saw a tall figure looking at him with a disdainful look.

"Want to run?"

"From the moment you instigated those people to rob the treasure, your dream of restoring your country has come to an end!!"

"I originally wanted them to use you as a whetstone, but now it seems unnecessary!!"

"So, go to hell!!"

After saying this, Ye Changan's body shook slightly, and the Wuxiang Divine Needle was used again.

"The Stars......!!"

Sensing the invisible energy rushing towards him, Murong Fu's face changed drastically and he shouted directly.

But before he could finish his words, he and the family generals behind him burst into blood and fell to the ground, dead!!

"What are you fighting about?"

"You can’t even turn the Six Meridians Divine Sword, and you still want to turn my Formless Divine Needle?"


Ye Changan sneered, looking at Murong Fu's body, and said disdainfully.

After that, Ye Changan glanced around and found that this mountain was empty.

"Hmm!! Those who should be killed should have been killed to death!"

""The fight is over, let's call it a day!"

Ye Changan walked towards the gate of the ancient tomb.

Just as Ye Changan reached the gate of the ancient tomb, a beautiful girl in a water-green gauze skirt and extremely graceful figure, surrounded by a group of followers, slowly walked over.

Ye Changan looked sideways.

He found that the girl was followed by Di Feijing, who had disappeared without knowing when.

He immediately understood that the girl should be the eldest daughter of Liufenbantang, Lei Chun.

She was really beautiful!!

The girl smiled gently, walked closer, and said softly:"My little girl Lei Chun, meet Mr. Ye!!"

Seeing such a beautiful girl, Ye Changan was in a good mood, and said with a smile:"No need to be polite!"

"I appreciate your kindness!"

"This is not the place to talk, let's go inside and talk!"

After that, he called everyone to walk into the ancient tomb.

Xiao Longnu wanted to stop him.

After all, the rules of the ancient tomb did not allow outsiders to enter.

But thinking that Ye Changan might be unhappy, the ancient tomb would become a ruin, so she immediately stopped talking.

Silently followed him and entered the tomb.

At this time, outside the ancient tomb, Hong Qigong looked at Ye Changan's disappearing figure, and couldn't help but curled his lips and snorted:"Impolite boy! Don't even ask the old beggar to come in and sit down!!"

After that, he looked at Wang Chongyang who was silent in the huge pit, sighed helplessly, shook his head and walked towards the people of the Beggar Gang in the distance to talk to him..

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