Ye Changan glanced at Jiumozhi, Ouyang Feng, and the crowd that was rushing over, and a murderous look flashed across his eyes.

Today, he would use blood and death to tell everyone in the Song Dynasty that whoever dared to touch the ancient tomb would die!!!

Want treasure?


Go to the underworld to find it!

"I appreciate your kindness!"

"But now, you guys step back!"

"I will take care of the rest!"

Ye Changan said to Di Feijing and Tie Shou, standing tall with his hands behind his back.

As he spoke, he slowly walked towards the crowd.


Di Feijing and Tie Shou bowed their hands in response, their eyes were full of awe.

Although they didn't know who this young man was.

But how could they not be in awe of someone who could kill a grandmaster with a single punch!!

Even though they were both peerless geniuses in the Song Dynasty, the leaders of the younger generation, and had great reputations in the martial arts world.

But compared to the young man in front of them, they were nothing!

"The young lady has never left Liufenbantang, how does she know this Mr. Ye?"

A hint of doubt flashed across Di Feijing's eyes, but soon it disappeared.

The young lady has her reasons for not saying what she wants to say, so why bother thinking too much!!

Just do your job well!

Tie Shou, who was standing aside, looked at Ye Changan's back and couldn't help but said in his heart:"Sister Wuqing asked me to invite this Mr. Ye, saying that Mr. Ye can cure her leg!"

"Now it seems that it is true!! The methods of this Mr. Ye are really mysterious!!"

"No matter what, we have to invite Master Ye to the Divine Marquis Mansion!!"

At the same time, Ouyang Feng suddenly turned his head to look at Jiumozhi and said in a deep voice:"National Master Jiumozhi! This guy has some tricks. We have already made an enemy of him, and he will not give up!"

"This guy stole my treasure and killed my nephew! I swear to kill him! How about we join forces to kill him?"

Jiumozhi hesitated, his eyes flashing with resentment, and then nodded and said,"Okay! Just because this guy destroyed one of my ears, I will not let him go!"

"In that case, let's kill him here together!!"

""He should be proud enough to die at the hands of this poor monk and the Western Poison Ouyang Feng!"

Ouyang Feng turned his head to look at Ye Changan, sneered and said:"Let's wait for those people to consume him, and then we will find a chance to kill him with one blow!!"

Ye Changan glanced at Ouyang Feng and Jiumozhi, sneered secretly, and said:"Fantastic!" Immediately, the true energy in his body moved as he wished, and he performed the formless magic needle!!

The next second, countless invisible energy, like thousands of arrows, shot out from the acupoints all over Ye Changan's body.

Swish! Swish! Swish! Swish......

In an instant, countless holes were pierced through the bodies of countless martial artists who rushed over, and they fell to the ground and died.

In just a moment, the crowd around them was emptied.

There were at least hundreds of corpses lying on the ground!

Ye Changan remained calm and continued to move forward slowly.

One after another, invisible energy, like a torrential rain, sprinkled in all directions, fast and dense, instantly filling the world.

Everyone within the attack range had nowhere to hide or avoid!


Another large group of martial artists fell down.

Some martial arts masters who were watching from a distance saw Ye Changan walking leisurely with his hands behind his back, and countless martial artists fell down instantly like straw being harvested, and they couldn't help but gasp!!


"Oh my god!!"

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

"It's so scary!!"

"I heard that the Tang Sect of the Beili Dynasty has a special move - Ten Thousand Trees Flying Flowers, which can kill a large number of enemies instantly, but it doesn't seem to be that scary!!"

"This mysterious boy is too scary!!"

"In a one-on-one fight, he could blow up the Golden Wheel Dharma King with one punch. In a group fight, he killed people like cutting grass! Is this still a human being?"

"I'm afraid only a strong person in the Heaven Realm can suppress him!!"

"That’s right! If the Heavenly Man Realm didn’t make a move, this boy would probably be able to sweep away all the Grandmaster Realm masters!!"

"Under the Heavenly Man Realm, whether it was a one-on-one fight or a group fight, he was already invincible!!"

"However, he killed so many people, including some from powerful forces, which would inevitably attract some powerful people to take action against him!"

"This boy has a mysterious origin. He has an earth-shattering cultivation at such a young age. Those people may not dare to attack him casually!!"

"No matter what, after today, this boy will definitely become famous in the Song Dynasty!!"


Until this moment, the countless people who had gone crazy for the treasure finally came to their senses, stopped, and turned around to flee back the way they came.

"It's too late to escape now!"

Ye Changan continued to move forward.

At the same time, looking at the invisible energy that was overwhelming, Jiumozhi shouted:"Ouyang Feng! Let's join forces to resist it! As long as we can hold on, it will be our chance to kill him!"

Ouyang Feng's eyes flashed, and he agreed in a deep voice:"Okay!" But the next moment, his figure disappeared from the spot, and floated away in a flash.

"Ouyang Feng! You......You don't keep your word!!"

Jiu Mozhi's face changed and he shouted.

How could he have thought that Ouyang Feng, one of the Five Great Masters, would be such a person!

However, the next second, he was pierced like a sieve, with holes all over his body, blood gushing out, and he fell to the ground and died.

"Humph! Want to run?"

"The little poisonous creatures are all dead! What's the point of you, the old poisonous creature, living?"

"Go down and accompany him!"

Ye Changan looked at Ouyang Feng who was floating away, raised his mouth slightly, and snorted coldly.

Then, a formless true qi shot towards Ouyang Feng as fast as lightning. When it was about to approach, it instantly turned into a silk thread and wrapped around Ouyang Feng's neck.

With a snort!

Ouyang Feng's head was directly separated from his body, and both fell from the air.

In the Song Dynasty, Ouyang Feng, one of the five great masters in the world, fell!


There was silence all around!

Everyone was so shocked that they couldn't speak at this moment. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

If they said that King Jinlun was killed with one punch, they could still accept it, after all, Ye Changan had moved his hands and swung his fist.

But at this moment, Ye Changan didn't even move his hands, and two great masters died just like that.

How could they accept this!!

"What a little monster!"

"The old poisoner actually died in his hands like this!!"

"It's unbelievable!!"

Seeing Ouyang Feng's death, Hong Qigong's heart was pounding and he couldn't help but exclaimed.)...

Qiao Feng, who was in the Beggars' Sect, looked stern and couldn't help but say,"It's really admirable that such a young man has such an amazing ability!!!"

Murong Fu, who was behind the crowd, saw this scene. His hand, which had just taken out a white porcelain bottle, trembled suddenly and retracted it. He couldn't help but take a breath of cold air and thought to himself:

"Hiss! This boy is so terrifying! Even a great master is like a chicken or a dog in front of him! Lung!"

"This matter is too big, let's take a long-term view!"

Ye Changan glanced at Ouyang Feng's body, then glanced at Murong Fu's position, and then looked at the remaining escapee.

Just as he was about to control the Wuxiang Divine Needle to kill them all in one fell swoop, a loud voice resounded through the void.[]

"Young man! Forgive others when you can!"

"You have killed enough people today! Let them go!"

As the voice fell, a group of Taoist priests in Taoist robes descended from the sky and stopped Ye Changan.: Mặc Dạ

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