Ye Changan ignored Hong Qigong's shock, and walked forward slowly.

How could Ouyang Feng's sneak attack be hidden from him? In his eyes, Ouyang Feng's move was a way to kill himself.

He was just about to kill Ouyang Feng directly.

If he didn't kill such a vicious enemy, would he keep him alive for the New Year?

But he didn't expect that Hong Qigong suddenly took action to block in front of him, which indirectly bought Ouyang Feng more time to live.

However, the old beggar had good intentions after all, so Ye Changan naturally would not blame him.

Ye Changan stood still, stretched out his fingers and pointed at Ouyang Feng, Jiumozhi, and King Jinlun respectively, and then said disdainfully:"You three come together!"

"Otherwise, I wouldn’t feel any pressure at all!!"

"It's really boring!"

At this time, there were still many martial arts masters around who had not yet taken action. When they heard Ye Changan's words, they immediately lost their composure!


"Did I hear it right?!"

"That young man wants to challenge three great grandmasters at the same time?"

"It seems to say so!"

"That kid really thinks he can't die fast enough! Not only did he provoke so many people, but he also arrogantly challenged three people at the same time!"

"Yes! If someone hadn't stopped those greedy people, he might have been hacked to death."

"That's right! If Hong Qigong hadn't blocked Ouyang Feng's fatal blow for him, he would be dead now!"

"Humph! There is a way to die!"

"Not entirely. Didn't you see that the Tubo national master had already suffered at the hands of the young man?"

"He was just a national teacher of a small country. Even if he was a grandmaster, his martial arts were probably ordinary, and his fighting power was definitely not as good as that of the Golden Wheel Dharma King! Not to mention Ouyang Feng, one of the Five Great Masters!"

"No! The finger technique used by the Tibetan national master just now seems to be the Flower Picking Finger, one of the 72 unique skills of Shaolin Temple!!"

"What? Flower-picking finger!"

"Haha! That Tubo national teacher is really a waste. Not only did his unique skills get broken, but he was also injured by the opponent!"

"Don't underestimate this young man. Judging from the martial arts he possesses, he must have an amazing background. He is probably a genius who can kill enemies above his level!!"

"Tsk! Even so, he overestimated himself!"

"Those are three great masters!!"


At the same time,

Ouyang Feng, Jiumozhi, and King Jinlun all looked at Ye Changan with a cold expression, full of murderous intent.


"An arrogant boy who only knows how to hide behind others!"

"I'd like to learn some of your martial arts skills!"

King Jinlun snorted coldly, and the golden wheel in his hand flew out of his hand.

Five golden wheels spread out in the air, circling and dancing, and at the same time attacked Ye Changan at a strange and tricky angle.

At the same time, King Jinlun leaped and stood not far from Ye Changan, and hit Ye Changan with both palms.

""Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique!!"

Suddenly, ten powerful and domineering dragon-shaped true qi burst out.

Although the dragon-shaped true qi emitted by the Dragon Elephant Prajna Technique was not as impressive as the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, its power was not inferior at all.

The terrifying aura it exuded still frightened the surrounding martial arts masters!

"Hiss!! This Golden Wheel Dharma King from the Yuan Dynasty is probably as powerful as either the Northern Beggar Hong Qigong or the Western Poison Ouyang Feng!!"

"Indeed! This strong and powerful internal force is simply not something that ordinary people can possess."

"This martial art of his is probably also an extremely rare and top-notch martial art!!"

"No wonder he looked down on the Tibetan imperial teacher!"

"That kid is in danger!"

"Huh......The boy seemed to be frightened and didn't move at all!"

"Ha! When a true master takes action, his might is naturally different! It is normal for people who have never seen the world to be intimidated by his aura!!"

"What a pity! A genius is about to fall!"

"Humph! Anyone with some talent has the problem of being arrogant. They deserve to die!"

"It's just his own fault for being too arrogant!!"


"Tenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Sutra! It is really powerful!"

At this time, Ye Changan looked at the five golden wheels and dragon-shaped true qi flying over, with a slight smile on his face, revealing a look of disdain.

""But I'm at the thirteenth level!!"

The next moment,

Ye Changan punched out.

Suddenly, thirteen dragon-shaped true qi surged out.

The five golden wheels of King Jinlun were instantly smashed to pieces by the unmatched force. The thirteen dragon-shaped true qi bombarded King Jinlun without stopping.

"How can you.......?"


"Thirteenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung?"

"How is this possible!"

When King Jinlun saw Ye Changan punch out thirteen dragon-shaped true qi, his eyes widened and he shouted in disbelief.


"This can't be true!"

"Watch me destroy you!"

The eyes of King Jinlun were crazy, and he had endless fighting spirit. He sent out ten dragon-shaped true qi from his palms again.

But in front of the thirteen dragon-shaped true qi, he was still defeated. In an instant,

King Jinlun's arms exploded into blood mist under the unmatched power.


King Jinlun's body exploded with a bang!

The sound stopped abruptly.

The people who were watching the battle around suddenly felt their hearts tightened, and they were shocked on the spot. They were all stunned, with an expression of disbelief.


"this......How is this possible!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

"Am I dazzled?"

"What the hell! This is real!!"

"The Golden Wheel Dharma King was beaten into pieces by the young man's punch!"

"Oh my god!! This is too fucking horrible!"

"He was a great master who was as powerful as the Five Supremes! How could he not even block a single punch?"

"Killing a great master in an instant, how many people would be scared to death if this got out!!"

"I've already said that this boy is not simple, he may have the ability to kill enemies above his level!!"

"You call this killing the enemy above your level?"

"This is clearly a crushing defeat, okay?"

"Who the hell said that I was scared? I didn't care at all!"


At this moment, Hong Qigong looked at the figure of the young man in front of him, his eyes twitching wildly, and his hand with a missing finger was shaking.

What the hell did I, an old beggar, meet?! He is so scary at such a young age!! I am so old, I am afraid that I can only be beaten by one punch in front of this kid! []

I just blocked Ouyang Feng for him? He really overestimates his own abilities!!

It's embarrassing!

"Who is this kid?"

"He actually possesses such terrifying combat power!"

"This boy is invincible!!"

Jiu Mozhi's face was filled with horror, as if he had forgotten the pain of losing an ear, and he was ready to retreat.

"This kid is really not simple!"

"Damn Hong Qigong!"

"If it weren't for him, 500 my full-strength attack just now would have killed this guy in one fell swoop!"

"No, we must kill this guy today, otherwise I may never have a chance to avenge Ke'er in the future!"

Ouyang Feng looked at the place where King Jinlun was blasted into a bloody mist, his face was embarrassed, and his eyes were full of viciousness.

Xiaolongnu looked at Ye Chang'an who was looking down on her, and her expressionless face also showed a moving expression, and her heartbeat accelerated.

What's wrong with me?

Why is my heartbeat faster?

Is it because I just fell in love with Ye Chang'an?

This feeling is so strange!!

At the same time

"I told you to go with them, but you insisted on going alone! Why don't you listen to my advice?"

Ye Changan looked at the place where King Jinlun exploded, raised his lips slightly, smiled contemptuously, looked forward, and said lightly:"It's boring! It's time to end it!!"

"Hehe! The bloody slaughter begins!!"

After saying this, Ye Changan used the Dragon God Skill, stretched out his arms forward, clenched his palms into claws, and suddenly two huge suction forces appeared out of thin air.

Di Feijing and Tie Shou, who were madly attacking, seemed to be attracted by a magnet. With a whoosh, they flew out of the crowd uncontrollably and arrived in front of Ye Changan.

Ye Changan's move shocked everyone again.

It's okay to take objects from a distance!

It's also okay to take people from a distance!

But it's so easy to suck away two masters at the peak of the Grandmaster Realm. What the hell is going on?

Are you playing?

Is this still a human?

Di Feijing and Tie Shou were looking at Ye Changan beside them with horror, looking confused.

Am I not fighting?

How did I get here?.

Added by: Thienphongxyz

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