A group of fierce martial artists, holding swords, rushed through the woods in the blink of an eye.

The dragon Di Feijing lowered his head and looked stern. He jumped up again and stood in front of Ye Changan and others, ready to fight.

""Those who block the road will be killed without mercy!!"

In an instant, Di Feijing was surrounded by many masters.

Di Feijing was like a dragon, shuttling between the crowd, and his claws were all over the sky.

Every time he attacked, several people fell to the ground.

But even so, Di Feijing could only stop a very small number of people.

There were still many crazy martial artists outside, shouting and rushing towards the gate of the ancient tomb.

"The shadowless body movement of the swift dragon!"

""The Great Abandoned Child's Grabbing Hand!!"

Ye Changan looked at Di Feijing, his eyes moved slightly, and he nodded secretly.

Di Feijing's unique martial arts skills are indeed something!

After a moment.

Ye Changan withdrew his gaze from Di Feijing, and looked at the many martial artists who rushed over with a cold expression, his eyes filled with murderous intent!

Just as he was about to take action."Three Two Zero" suddenly, another figure fell from the sky

"I am Tieshou, come to help Master Ye!!"

The man supported himself on one knee and punched the ground fiercely.


A huge shock wave spread out from him.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

Many martial artists who were rushing in front were struck by lightning and flew backwards, howling miserably.

"Iron Hand!"

"Are you Iron Hand, one of the four famous detectives of Shenhou Mansion?"

"What? The Divine Marquisate is also interested in the ancient tomb treasures?"

Someone shouted

"I only represent myself and have nothing to do with the Divine Marquisate!!"

Tie Shou said coldly

"That would be you seeking death!!"

"If you dare to stop us from getting rich, I don’t care if you have an iron hand or a copper hand, I will chop it off and turn it into a dead hand!!"

"Humph! Even if Zhuge Shenhou comes, he can't stop us!"

"Why so much nonsense!"


Many martial artists who had stopped rushed forward again and fought with Tie Shou.

The Four Famous Constables, Tie Shou.

He also came to help me?


Ye Changan looked at Tie Shou who was fighting with a group of martial artists, and his mouth corners slightly raised, revealing a smile.

It seems that he is a celestial being Wuqing who has a copy of the diary!

Although Di Feijing and Tie Shou can't play any big role in such a situation.

But no matter what.

The favor of Lei Chun and Wuqing must be firmly accepted.

At the same time.

King Jinlun looked at the crazy crowd around him, his eyes full of contempt and disdain.

The Song Dynasty is just like this, even though... They are a bunch of rabble, arrogant people.

They can only show so-so.

How can they compare to the flourishing martial arts and abundant talents of our Great Yuan Dynasty!! I have already mastered the tenth level of Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu. It seems that this plan to become famous in the martial arts world of the Great Song Dynasty does not require any effort at all!!


That ignorant boy just now actually dared to look down on me!

I must let him know how powerful I am!

It is also a good opportunity to let the martial arts people in the Great Song Dynasty see the power of my Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung Fu!

While strengthening the prestige of our Great Yuan Dynasty, we can also promote the prestige of our Vajra Sect!! Kill two birds with one stone!!

Thinking of this, King Jinlun looked at Ye Changan and shouted loudly:"Boy! I am here to learn your martial arts! Let's see what you are capable of. You dare to look down on us!"

After that, he took out five large golden wheels from his arms.


"This French King!"

"I was the one who spoke up first just now to ask for advice from this young master!"

"Everything has to be done on a first come first served basis!"

"You and I both come from other countries, so we must not lose our manners and let the people of the Song Dynasty laugh at us!"

Jiumozhi looked stern, looked at King Jinlun, and stopped him.

"Hum! What a joke!"

"How can a small Tibetan country like yours be compared with the great Yuan Dynasty?"

"You'd better stand aside and give me this opportunity!"

"Maybe one day when the iron hoof of my Great Yuan Dynasty steps on the land of Tubo, I can still beg for mercy for you in front of His Majesty the Emperor of Mongolia!!"

The King of the Golden Wheel looked disdainful, and his words were full of threats.


""Okay! I'll give it to you!"

Jiumozhi's face was gloomy, his eyes full of anger.

However, while speaking, his right hand fingers circled towards the ground, and a leaf was immediately picked up by his fingertips.

The next moment, the leaf was wrapped in a sharp force, flew out of his hand, and shot towards Ye Changan.


You don't know how to live or die!

Since you want to see the Six Meridians Divine Sword, then I'll show it to you! (To read exciting novels, go to Faloo Novel Network!)

Ye Changan raised his arm lightly, and suddenly a sword energy shot out, piercing through the leaves, and at the same time, it shot to Jiumozhi's face in an instant.


"How is this possible!"

Jiu Mozhi's face changed drastically, his eyes were full of disbelief, and he instinctively turned his head to the side.


Jiumozhi screamed, covered his ears, and looked at Ye Changan in shock.

Strands of blood rolled down his face.

"Humph! With such strength, you still want to compete with me!"

"You really overestimate your own abilities!"

"See how I deal with this kid!"

King Jinlun snorted disdainfully.

"Stop talking nonsense!"

"You all come together!"

"I have something important to do, so I don't have time to waste on you guys!"

Ye Changan pointed at the two of them with contempt.........[]

At the same time,

Ouyang Feng, who was not far away, saw this scene, his eyes narrowed, revealing a sinister look, and then he lay on the ground silently, his mouth and stomach swelled up instantly, like a ball, and at the same time expanded and contracted.

The next moment, like a toad, he jumped up and pounced on Ye Changan.

At this moment, Ouyang Feng was wrapped in an extremely fierce power.

Because the power was too huge, a huge force naturally formed around him.���A conical air tornado.

The strong pressure instantly made everyone around stagger.

Not only that, Ouyang Feng's speed was as fast as lightning. In an instant, he had jumped over everyone and was close to Ye Changan.

Ouyang Feng felt the unparalleled power contained in his palms, and sneered. He looked at Ye Changan with infinite hatred in his eyes!!

Dare to kill my Ke'er!

Even if the gods come, they can't save you!

I, Ouyang Feng, swear not to be a human if I don't kill you!!

After you die, I will throw your body into the snake cave and bear the punishment of being bitten by thousands of snakes!!

I will also find out which force is behind you.

I will use all the power of Baituo Villa to uproot it!

Otherwise, it will be difficult to eliminate the hatred in my heart!!

"Old poison!"

"You are still so vicious!"

"To deal with a junior, he actually shamelessly used the Toad Skill to sneak attack!"

At the critical moment, Hong Qigong suddenly appeared in front of Ye Changan.

Hong Qigong sank his body and suddenly struck out with both palms.

""Eighteen Palms of the Dragon Subduing"

Suddenly, dragons roared and giant dragons of true energy danced wildly.


Two huge and unmatched forces collided, making a deafening noise.

Ouyang Feng flew back in the air. Hong Qigong staggered and kept retreating. 0.6

Seeing this,

Ye Changan gently raised his hand. The Great Shift of the Universe was activated.

A strange force burst out instantly, and the huge force on Hong Qigong's body instantly dissipated without a trace, and his body immediately stopped retreating.

"Old beggar! You want to meddle in other people's business?"

"You quickly get out of the way, otherwise, I, Ouyang Feng, swear that you will never have peace in the Beggars' Sect again!!" Ouyang

Feng landed on the ground, with a face full of resentment, looking at Hong Qigong and shouting.

However, Hong Qigong turned a deaf ear to his words, and turned around with a look of horror to look at Ye Changan not far behind him. Hiss!!! I didn't expect it! Even an old beggar like me can make mistakes! This bastard boy is actually pretending to be a pig to eat the tiger! The strength he showed just now is probably just the tip of the iceberg!! Alas! I wanted to take the opportunity to return the favor! This is probably embarrassing! Where did this stinky boy come from?.

: Mặc Dạ

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