A shout of killing rang out.

Suddenly, someone in the woods could not wait to send out several hidden weapons, which shot at Ye Changan's body.

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!

Ye Changan raised his mouth slightly, raised his hand casually, and flicked his fingers, and several six-pulse divine sword qi shot out.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

The hidden weapons were shattered in the air.

The next moment


Several screams were heard in the woods.

Then, several figures fell from the trees.

At this moment, the crowd around them suddenly separated.

A middle-aged monk in a yellow robe walked to the front of the crowd, surrounded by a group of followers.

The middle-aged monk stood still, looked at Ye Changan, and said:

"Haha! I didn’t expect to see the Dali Tianlong Temple’s unique martial arts here, the Six Meridians Divine Sword!!"

"It seems to be God’s will!!"

"I am the Tubo State Master, the abbot of Dalun Temple, Jiumozhi. I would like to meet this young master!"


How did this Tubo State Master come to Zhongnan Mountain?

He had stolen the Six Meridians Divine Sword Manual.

Duan Yu should not have the chance to learn it.

The plot of him being captured by Jiumozhi should not have happened.

However, since Jiumozhi could recognize the Six Meridians Divine Sword, could it be that he had been to Dali Tianlong Temple and seen Master Kuruo's Six Meridians Divine Sword?

Ye Changan looked at Jiumozhi with a hint of doubt in his eyes.

But in a flash, the doubt disappeared.

No matter what happened to Jiumozhi, now, in Ye Changan's eyes, he had no interest in understanding it.

At this time, many people around heard the name of Jiumozhi, but their faces changed, and they all looked at him with hostility.

"Could it be that the Tubo State Master came here to plot against the treasures in the ancient tomb?"

"Humph! He is just a national teacher of a small foreign country. How can he be allowed to get his hands on the treasures in the territory of the Song Dynasty!"

"Yes, that's right! No matter how much we fight, it is our own business. People from other countries cannot interfere!"

"You have to be careful of him. To be able to become a national teacher, his strength should not be underestimated!!"

"Be careful!"


Jiumozhi seemed to be oblivious to the words of the people around him. Seeing Ye Changan ignoring him, he was not angry, but continued to say:"In the early years, I met Mr. Murong Bo of the Murong family in Gusu by chance and became a close friend."

"I have received martial arts instruction from Mr. Murong, and he generously gave me a martial arts manual. I will never forget his kindness."

"Mr. Murong highly praised the Six Meridians Divine Sword of the Tianlong Temple in Dali, and regretted not having seen it, which he regarded as the greatest regret of his life."

"I once boasted that I had brought him the Six Meridians Divine Sword."

"Mr. Murong has passed away for a long time, so I thought of getting the Six Meridians Divine Sword manual for him and burning it in front of his grave!"

"But not long ago, when I went to Tianlong Temple, I learned that the"Six Meridians Divine Sword" sword manual had been lost."

"I didn't expect that the young master actually possessed this unique skill!!"

"No matter where you got the Six Meridians Divine Sword, I......."

Ye Changan felt a little annoyed, and immediately said impatiently:"Don't you just want the Six Meridians Divine Sword? Why are you talking so much nonsense?"

"If you want it, I'll give it to you!"

Jiumozhi was startled, then he showed joy and said,"Young Master, are you willing to give me this skill?"

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said lightly:"It's just a broken skill, nothing great, as long as you stand still and can take my Six Meridians Divine Sword, I will give it to you!"

Hearing this, Jiumozhi's face turned black in an instant, and he said in a cold voice:"Are you making fun of me?"

Ye Changan said indifferently:"You are just a waste, you are only worthy of being made fun of by me!" Jiumozhi flashed a vicious look, and he was furious. He sneered:"Since you don't take me seriously, then I'll have to learn from you!"

Ye Changan laughed and said disdainfully:"Haha! Don't be angry! I'm not targeting you, I'm saying......Everyone present here is actually trash!!!"

As soon as Ye Changan finished speaking, the martial artists around him were once again in an uproar, glaring at Ye Changan and cursing him.

"Young people are ignorant of the immensity of heaven and earth, and dare to speak wildly!!"

""I, the Golden Wheel Dharma King, am here to learn from your martial arts!"

The crowd was separated again, and a tantric monk in a yellow robe came with a group of followers.

Ye Changan's eyes flashed with surprise.

Golden Wheel Dharma King.

Why is he here too!

《In the original plot of The Return of the Condor Heroes, only his two apprentices Huodu and Dalba went to Mount Zhongnan and burned Chongyang Palace, but there was no scene with King Jinlun.

It's so fucking messy!

This plot is broken!

It's still a little similar.

It's not broken!

Anyway, at this moment, it's completely messed up.

Before Ye Changan could think about it, another wild laugh sounded in the void.

"Hahahaha!! It’s really lively here! I, Ouyang Feng, will also join in the fun!"

As the words fell, a figure flashed before everyone's eyes.


A scream rang out.

A man standing on the boulder screamed for some reason and flew away. In his place was a tall middle-aged man in white.

The middle-aged man was looking at the people around him with sharp eyes. When

Jiumozhi and King Jinlun saw the newcomer, their eyes fixed and they showed a solemn look.

"Hey! Old beggar, you are here too!"

Hong Qigong snorted and said,"Old poisoner, why can't I be here?"

Ouyang Feng continued,"Since you are here, I have something to ask of you."

Hong Qigong's expression moved, revealing a puzzled look, and asked,"Oh? You, an old poisoner, still have the time to ask for help from an old beggar like me?"

Ouyang Feng ignored Hong Qigong's ridicule and continued,"My nephew Ouyang Ke lost his trace on the way from Jiangnan to Zhongnan Mountain the day before yesterday."

"I searched hard but to no avail!" (To read exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"You are well-informed in the Beggars' Sect, can you help me find out his whereabouts?"

"Just think of it as me, Ouyang Feng, owing you a favor!"

Upon hearing this, Hong Qigong sneered,"I can't accept a favor from you, an old poisoner!"

Ouyang Feng wanted to say something else, but suddenly turned his head to look at Ye Changan, his nose twitched a few times, revealing a look of surprise, and said:

"Boy!! The Tongxi Dilong Pill is on you?"

At this moment, Ye Changan was speechless.

He didn't expect that a small plot in the original book has now become a gathering of heroes!!

And the big villains appear one after another!!

Does God want me, Ye Changan, to be a messenger of justice and wipe out these villains in one fell swoop?

It must be said that the old poisonous thing has a very sharp nose.

He can actually smell the residual smell of Tongxi Dilong Pills!!

Since he can smell it, there is no need to hide it.

Ye Changan chuckled, looked at Ouyang Feng and said:"Yes! On me."

Ouyang Feng was delighted again, and then, in an unquestionable tone, he said:"Although I don't know how you stole it, hand it over now, I can let you die quickly!!"[]

"Otherwise, I will let you taste the pain of being bitten by thousands of snakes, a life worse than death!!"

Ye Changan narrowed his eyes, a hint of disdain appeared on the corner of his mouth, and sneered:"Not only is the Tongxi Dilong Pill in my possession, but I also killed your own son Ouyang Ke!"

"What? You killed Ke'er!"

"I want you to die without a burial place!!"

Hearing Ye Changan's words, Ouyang Feng's face instantly twisted and became extremely ferocious.

The next second, Ouyang Feng turned into a shadow, and in an extremely fast speed, he passed through the woods and came to Ye Changan and his companions.

However, at this moment, a handsome man in white, with his head down, suddenly appeared in front of Ye Changan and his companions, blocking Ouyang Feng's way.

"I am Di Feijing, and I am here to help Master Ye on the orders of the young lady!!"

The man in white suddenly stretched out his arm, clenched his palm into a claw, and actually sent out a sharp claw force through the air!!

Di Feijing?

The bowed dragon of the Six and a Half Points Hall - Di Feijing!

Young lady.

Could it be that Lei Chun of the Six and a Half Points Hall also has a diary?

Ye Changan looked at the man in white with his head down, and surprise flashed in his eyes.

At this time, facing the sudden attack, Ouyang Feng was caught off guard, and hurriedly used his internal force to resist with his palm.


Ouyang Feng's figure floated back, and then landed steadily.

Di Feijing, however, stepped back more than ten steps before stopping.

"A mere Grandmaster dares to attack me, Ouyang Feng. He really doesn't know how to live or die!!"

"Then you all will die together!!"

Ouyang Feng said to Di Feijing with a crazy look in his eyes.

At the same time.

In the crowd, Murong Fu's eyes flashed with a gloating smile, and suddenly shouted loudly:"Everyone! Now is the best opportunity to rush into the ancient tomb and grab the treasure! Don't miss it!"

"Otherwise, there will be more and more experts, and we won’t be able to get anything!" As soon as

Murong Fu finished speaking, the people around him were immediately excited.

"You are right!"

"That kid is asking for his own death. He has offended so many top masters. He is dead!"

"Let’s rush in, our chance to make a fortune has arrived! Haha!!"

"Why don’t you leave quickly? It’s too late and you won’t get anything!"

"It seems like someone came to help him!"

"What are you afraid of? There are so many of us. Anyone who dares to stop us will be hacked to death!"



Suddenly, a huge crowd of martial artists, with crazy looks in their eyes, rushed to the gate of the ancient tomb.

Murong Fu looked at the crowd in front of him with a hint of disdain on his lips.

A bunch of stupid people.

How can you possess the treasure?

However, the sudden appearance of Jiumozhi, King Jinlun, and Ouyang Feng is a bit tricky.

There are also unstable factors such as Qiao Feng and Hong Qigong.

If it doesn't work, I can only use some means.

Fortunately, I got Beisu Qingfeng from Xixia Yipintang, otherwise, I might not be able to get the treasure of this ancient tomb!


The treasure in the ancient tomb is only owned by me, Murong Fu!

No matter who dares to block my way, Murong Fu, I will all die!.

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