Xiao Longnu stood at the gate of the ancient tomb, staring at the crowd outside expressionlessly.

Finally, her eyes fell on Ye Changan who was walking towards her.

To be precise, it fell on the diary in Ye Changan's hand.

Seeing Xiao Longnu's eyes, Ye Changan grinned with joy, stood in front of Xiao Longnu, and said with a smile:"Are you out looking for me?"

Xiao Longnu nodded lightly with an indifferent expression, and said:"You said in your diary that you would come here, I heard the noise outside, so I came out to take a look!"

"Since you are here, can you return the gold-thread gloves to me?"

"Master told me to keep it well before he died, and not to lose it!"

Ye Changan looked at the beautiful girl in front of him, and couldn't help feeling distressed. Her snow-white skin was less bloody, and looked abnormally pale.

She was only fifteen or sixteen years old, but she looked cold, and even lost the joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness that a normal person should have.

What kind of broken technique is this from the Tomb Sect!

It also requires restraining the seven emotions and six desires.

Since I, Ye Changan, am here, it's better not to practice this broken technique!

"Haha! Of course I can give it back to you!"

"However, I wrote in my diary that you have to like me!"

Ye Changan chuckled.

Xiao Longnu's eyes moved slightly, and she looked at Ye Changan in silence. After a moment, she said,"How can I like you?"

Hearing this, Ye Changan couldn't help but show a trace of surprise.

I said it casually.

Xiao Longnu seemed to take it seriously!


Unintentional planting of willows has brought about a shade!

Ye Changan was immediately ecstatic and said with a smile,"It's very simple to like me, I'll teach you! 950"

"This is the first step!"

"We have to meet and hug each other first!"

Ye Changan opened his arms and looked at Xiao Longnu quietly.

However, to Ye Changan's surprise, Xiao Longnu did not fall for it, but said calmly:

"I know that men and women should not touch each other."

Ye Changan raised his eyebrows slightly, as if he had expected it, his face was normal, and he continued:"That's under normal circumstances!"

"Now, aren't you going to like me?"

"If you like me, we will be lovers."

"Think about it, does the rule of no physical contact between men and women apply to couples?"

"It’s definitely not applicable, right!"

Xiao Longnu stood quietly, staring at Ye Changan’s face. After a long silence, she said,"What you said seems to make sense!"

"Then I'll listen to you."

As soon as the voice fell, Xiao Longnu slowly walked to Ye Changan.

Looking at the Xiao Longnu so close,

Ye Changan couldn't help but shouting in his heart: I, Ye Changan, am really a genius! Haha!

Immediately, without hesitation, he closed his arms and hugged Xiao Longnu's delicate body tightly in his arms.

The first hug of Xiao Longnu must be full of passion!


It's cold.

It's so comfortable!

Ye Changan felt the soft and elastic body in his arms, and his face was intoxicated.

However, all the people who were watching around were shocked in an instant!

"Damn it! What happened? Why did Xiao Long Nu go with that young man?"


"This can't be true! I must be seeing things!"

"You slapped me and I must have been hallucinating!"

"How come my goddess falls into someone else's arms as soon as she appears?"

"My heart hurts so much!"

"Don't let anyone stop me, I'm going to fight that pretty boy!"

"Ouch, fuck you! Who pushed me?"

"Aren't you going to go up and fight?"

"I'm just saying......"


"Stop arguing!"

"The leader of the Ancient Tomb Sect, Xiaolongnu, is hugging someone else, so does the martial arts competition for a husband still count?"

"We have come all the way here, are we just going back like this?"

Everyone suddenly quieted down after hearing this.

In the crowd of Beggars' Sect,

Hong Qigong looked at Ye Changan who was holding Little Dragon Girl, and couldn't help but marvel in his heart.

This kid is really weird!

It seems that he didn't say a few words, how come he let that little girl throw herself into his arms?

I am an old beggar who has traveled all over the country, what kind of things have I not seen?

This kind of thing is really unheard of! Hmm!......Forget it!

This matter between men and women is really not my strong point. I am afraid that I can't figure it out even if I rack my brains.

If Huang Laoxie was here, he might be able to figure it out!! I won't bother with this idea!!

At this time, Xiao Longnu felt as if she was imprisoned by two iron hoops and couldn't move at all.

Feeling the warm and masculine breath, a different feeling arose in her heart!

Is this the feeling of liking that Ye Changan said?

So, do I like him?

Xiao Longnu struggled a little, but to no avail, she said:"I seem to have fallen in love with you. You can return the gold silk gloves to me!"

Hearing Xiao Longnu's words, Ye Changan knew in his heart that this pure girl, like a blank sheet of paper, took the normal reaction of her body as love.

But even so, it is already a very good start, and things in the future will surely come naturally!


The gold silk gloves actually played such a huge role! Hehehe!

Ye Changan was delighted and immediately let go of Xiao Longnu without further explanation. He took out the golden glove and stuffed it into Xiao Longnu's hand.

"Good! Since you like me, I will keep my promise and return the gold gloves to you!"

Ye Changan said with a smile

"Are you giving it back to me now?"

Xiao Long Nu clutched her golden gloves, expressionless, but a faint strange color flashed in her eyes.

At this moment, the surrounding martial artists suddenly burst into an uproar.

"The leader of the Little Dragon Girl! Will the Ancient Tomb Sect's martial arts competition for a bride be held?"

"If it is held, please mark it down quickly!"

"If it doesn't happen, hehe, you have to give us an explanation for luring us all the way here!!"

"That's right! We have come all the way here, we have to be compensated!" (To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"I heard that there are treasures in the ancient tomb that are rich enough to rival a country. We are not greedy, so let us in and take whatever we want!!"

""Master Xiao Long Nu, please give me a definite answer!"

Xiao Long Nu looked over indifferently and said,"I have never held a martial arts competition to win a husband, and there is no treasure in the ancient tomb that is rich enough to rival a country!"

"You can go now!"

As soon as Xiao Longnu finished speaking, many people around her suddenly became ferocious, like wolves with bared fangs.


"You, the Tomb Clan, are so bold! You dare to make fun of all the heroes in the world. Do you know the consequences of doing so?"

"Humph! You like this young man and don't want to hold a martial arts competition to find a husband. I won't force you. But......There are so many of us, it's not that easy to dismiss us with just a few words!!"

"Haha! Little girl, it’s better to lose money than to suffer disaster!"

"Master Xiao Long Nu! For someone like you who lives deep in a tomb, having so much treasure is a disaster, not a blessing! Why don't you take this opportunity to spend your money?"

"Otherwise, not only will your ancient tomb be trampled into ruins by fellow martial artists, but a beauty like you will also be......Hehe, look at the many hungry eyes around you, you should understand what the outcome will be!"

"Why are you talking so much? Just charge in! How much treasure you can get depends on your ability!"

"Right! We all know the purpose of coming here, so why waste so much time talking?"

"That's right! Go in!"


Many people looked fierce and eager to try, and their eyes looking at Ye Changan were full of warnings.

Xiao Longnu's face was normal, and she continued to speak:"What I said is true, believe it or not!!"

Ye Changan looked at Xiao Longnu in front of him and smiled gently.

You are really ignorant of worldly affairs!

The trend of this matter has been established and it is unstoppable!

The fake has become true.

Now, even if you are telling the truth, no one will believe it!

Ye Changan shook his head gently, and then slowly turned around.

At this moment, there was no smile on his face, and his eyes looking around contained endless murderous intent!!

Dare to threaten my woman, Ye Changan, then you can only die!!

""Whoever dares to take a step forward will die!!!"

Ye Changan's voice was extremely cold, echoing in the surrounding void.

However, many people showed disdain for Ye Changan's threat, sneering repeatedly.

"That kid wants to keep the treasure for himself!"

"Hehe! Good plan!"

"Humph! You are relying on your strength to challenge the heroes of the world. You are courting death!"

"Today, I will kill anyone who dares to stop me from getting rich!!"

"That’s right! I can give you women, but if you dare to cut off my financial resources, I will kill you no matter how powerful you are!"

"This kid is looking for death, let's kill him! Let's go together!"


I love you:

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