【The half-step land immortal realm expert was a man named Gu Santong.

Ming Dynasty, Huashan, in the room, Ning Zhongze was startled and blurted out:"The undefeated naughty boy, Gu Santong!!"

"This senior has been missing for many years, could it be that he has taken refuge in the Hulong Villa?"

Yue Lingshan at the side asked in surprise:"The Undefeated Boy?"

"Is this person so powerful? How dare he claim to be undefeated?"

Ning Zhongze said with a smile:"How can he really be undefeated!"

"This is just the title given to this senior by the people in the martial arts world when he first became famous and had never lost a battle. He was also a bit crazy, so the people in the martial arts world called him that."

"But the world is as deep as the sea, and there are countless masters who hide their true colors."

"Who dares to claim to be invincible!!"

Yue Lingshan nodded, but the next moment, she said:"That bad guy definitely dares!!"

Ning Zhongze's breath stagnated.

Why did this sound so familiar?

In the Ming Dynasty, Qixingtang in Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi's face froze and he said:"Gu Santong?"

"Kill the eight major sects and the four chief constables of the Ministry of Justice by the Taihu Lake"

���A year later, he disappeared without a trace, but now he suddenly appears again. Is there some hidden story behind this?"

"Rumor has it that he has inherited the indestructible magic and the energy-absorbing technique from the Tianchi Strange Hero. I wonder if it is true or not!!"

In the room at Guangming Summit, Kunlun Mountain in the Western Regions, in the Ming Dynasty, Dai Qi Si revealed a look of reminiscence, her red lips slightly parted, and she said,"I heard from my foster father that when he was young, he had fought with this guy named Gu San Tong, and they were evenly matched with each other because of the Great Shift of the Universe!"

"Now, this person has reappeared in the world, and has become a powerful man who is half a step into the realm of terrestrial immortals?"

"Could it be true that the rumor that Gu Santong had obtained the peerless inheritance left by the Tianchi Strange Hero was true?"

Dai Qisi was puzzled and continued to look at the diary in her hand.

【However, when Gu Santong suddenly appeared just now, he looked haggard and unconscious, like a walking corpse.

A walking corpse?

How could a half-step land immortal be like this?

The women immediately showed doubts.

【However, when he used the power-absorbing technique and the Vajra Indestructible Divine Technique in succession, I concluded that he was Gu Santong.

Sure enough!

The rumors were true!

Gu Santong actually got the peerless skills left by the Tianchi Strange Hero!

Seeing this, many women had a flash of strange color in their eyes.

【I suspected Zhu Wusi when the Japanese warrior Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami appeared, but I was not sure.】

【But after Gu Santong's identity was confirmed, there was no doubt that the person behind this plot was Zhu Wusi.】

【Why am I so sure?】

【Because, in the drama"Number One Under Heaven", Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami colluded with Zhu Wushi and killed many disobedient people in the underworld and court officials for Zhu Wushi.】

【When he appeared here, I naturally thought of Zhu Wusi】

【In the original play, Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi met at the foot of Tianshan Mountain in their early years and they hit it off at first sight.】

【Gu Santong also took Zhu Wushi to find the two peerless martial arts left by Tianchi Monster, the Vajra Indestructible Body Magic and the Absorbing Power Magic.】

【However, Zhu Wusi is a treacherous and cunning man.】

"My godfather is definitely not that kind of person~!"

"Everything he did was for the people of the world and for the Ming Dynasty!!"

"Ye Changan! You can't slander him like this!!"

"If you keep talking nonsense, even if I am not your opponent, I will come to you to ask for an explanation!!"

In the room of the No. 1 Manor in the world, Shangguan Haitang said angrily

【Not only did he fall in love with Gu Santong's fiancée, Su Xin, he also expressed his love to her even though he knew she was his fiancée.】

【Gu Santong was obsessed with martial arts. After obtaining the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, he practiced hard and ignored Su Xin's feelings.】

【Therefore, it gave Zhu Wusi the opportunity to take advantage of the situation.】

"I wish I had heard some rumors!"

"A woman that the emperor's uncle once liked was driven out of the palace by his father and grandfather!"

"Could it be that woman?"

In the main hall of the Ming Dynasty Palace, Princess Yunluo frowned and thought.

"What nonsense!"

"My adoptive father is a god of iron courage. He has the red book and the imperial sword bestowed by the previous emperor. He can kill the tyrants and the slanderous ministers. He is a respected person."

"What kind of woman do you want that you can't get?"

"Even back then, he was a prince!"

"How could you covet someone else's fiancée?"

In the room of the No. 1 Manor in the World, Shangguan Haitang scolded coldly.

Haha, the dignified Iron-hearted Divine Marquis Zhu Wusi actually blatantly coveted someone else's fiancée!!

This person is a close friend!

If this matter were to spread, it would probably become a laughing stock in the world!

The face of the court would also be lost!

Many women who did not like the court could not help but gloat over the misfortune.

However, this fly does not bite seamless eggs.

If this woman named Su Xin could stick to the reservedness that a woman should have, Zhu Wusi should not have succeeded!

The women, with a look of eating melons, continued to look at the diary.

【Haha! If it were me, if someone like Zhu Wusi dared to get close to my woman, I would chop off his thing and feed it to the dog.]

In the carriage, Yao Yue, who was standing aside, frowned slightly, revealing a hint of coquettishness. She rolled her eyes at Ye Changan without leaving any trace, and said inwardly:

"Filthy words!!"


Lustful guy!

He started talking nonsense again.

Really......(To read the most exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

The girls blushed and said

【Gu Santong naturally discovered the unusualness of the two.】

【Maybe it was to help them, or maybe he was afraid that he would have to fight with the eight major sects, and that he would die. Anyway, he gave Su Xin to Zhu Wushi.】

【But what Gu Santong didn't expect was that Zhu Wushi took the lead and defeated the eight major sects and the four chief constables of the Ministry of Justice one by one, then absorbed all their skills and put the blame on him.】

【He was hunted down and captured by both the underworld and the imperial court.】

【However, Zhu Wushi's calculations were in vain, but he could not predict the unpredictable world.】

【While he was chasing Gu Santong, Su Xin was driven out of the palace and met Gu Santong again.】

【Everyone should be able to imagine what happened next.......Old love rekindles, long-lasting love......

So a child was born.......How could this woman be like this?

This happened too quickly!

The women were stunned.

【Soon after the child was born, Zhu Wushi agreed to fight Gu Santong on the top of Tianshan Mountain. The battle lasted for three days and three nights. In order to avoid both of them being injured and dying together, the two made a bet that if they lost half a move, they would lose.】

【If Gu Santong loses, he will be imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison by Zhu Wusi for the rest of his life, and will never be able to escape. In the future, whenever he encounters a place with the words"Iron-hearted Godly Man" engraved on it, he will not be able to enter.】

【If Zhu Wushi loses, he must leave immediately whenever he hears the words"Gu Santong" for the rest of his life.】

【The two are almost equally strong, and Gu Santong is even slightly better.】[]

【However, Gu Santong was provoked by Zhu Wushi's words"Gu Santong, you have never truly loved Suxin. It is me, Zhu Wushi, who truly loves Suxin" and lost my mind. Zhu Wushi attacked first and thus lost half a move to him.】

【After that, Gu Santong was imprisoned in the bottom of the sky prison.

That's how it is!

No wonder this undefeated boy suddenly disappeared from the world.

The girls suddenly showed a look of surprise.

【Therefore, the only possibility for Gu Santong to appear outside the Heavenly Prison was that he had obtained Zhu Wushi's permission.】

【But this is not what surprised me the most.】

【What surprised me most was that Gu Santong turned into a mentally undead.】

【This is very different from the original plot.】

(Money?) However, during the battle, when I used the Wuxiang Divine Needle to break his Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, I unexpectedly helped him regain consciousness for a moment.


Is the power of the Wuxiang Divine Needle so terrifying?

It is rumored that once the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art is performed, it will be invulnerable to swords and guns, water and fire, and difficult to be hurt by thousands of arrows.

You can only wait for the time limit of this skill to expire and then it will be lifted automatically.

This Wuxiang Divine Needle can actually break the defense of the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art!

The women were suddenly shocked!

Before this, although the women knew in their hearts that the Wuxiang Divine Needle was very powerful.

But how powerful it was has always been vague.

But now, they have a clear concept!

After a while, the women suppressed the waves in their hearts and continued to look at the diary.

【He told me that Zhu Wusi used a poison called Losing Soul and Doing Soul Powder to control his mind.】

【And used the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art and the Qi Absorption Technique to make me kill him】

Soul-Losing Powder?

Controlling people's minds?

This is clearly a method of the devil!

The Iron-Hearted Divine Marquis of the imperial court actually used such vicious and despicable means!

It's really disgusting!!


The women were startled in their hearts, and then disdain appeared on their faces..

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