Ye Changan naturally leaned towards Yao Yue and continued writing

【Many of you may have heard of the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art and the Qi Absorption Technique, so I will not elaborate on it.】

【Although these two unique martial arts are not bad, they are useless to me.】

【However, if I can get something for free, I will definitely not refuse.】

【So, I accepted the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art and the Qi Absorption Technique and helped Gu Santong complete his final liberation.】

【Of course, Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami also went to the underworld to report】

【This man is the head of the Yagyu family, a Japanese martial arts family. He is a careful person who has been associated with killing all his life. He can be called a cold-blooded killing machine.】

【He would do everything he could to do what he wanted, regardless of the consequences. He would kill gods and Buddhas, even his own daughter.】

【He is cruel and merciless.】

【But it doesn't matter to me what kind of person he is.】

【But he laid hands on my woman, Ye Changan, so there is no need for him to continue living.】


"Father was killed by Ye Changan!"

Sister! We must avenge our father!!

In a room of the Yagyu family in the island country of Japan, Yagyu Piaoxu was holding a diary and suddenly exclaimed.

A trace of sadness flashed in the eyes of Yagyu Yukihime beside her, and then she slowly said:"Since he went to kill others and was killed by others, there is nothing to say."

"However, as a member of the Liusheng 487 family, I will challenge Ye Changan!"

Hearing this, Liusheng Piaoxu also nodded and said,"Sister! I'll go with you!"

In the room of Ye Changan's house in Jingzhou, Ming Dynasty, Lianxing smiled, shook her head, and sighed,"I'm afraid it's not safe for sister on this trip!"

In the carriage, Yaoyue frowned slightly, looked up at Ye Changan, and said coldly,"Who is your woman?"

"If you keep talking nonsense, I won't be polite to you!!"

Hearing this, Ye Changan looked at Yao Yue, raised his eyebrows, straightened his face, and said in an extremely domineering tone:"Of course it's you!"

"I said, I will change you!"

"Now, I, Ye Changan, have this ability"

"Besides, as long as I, Ye Changan, am here, how could I let you live out your life alone like in the novels!"

"Besides, you are not going to repay kindness with enmity, are you?"

"I taught you your martial arts, are you going to use it against me now?"


Hearing Ye Changan's words, Yao Yue's breath stagnated, staring at Ye Changan for a long time before snorting coldly:"Humph! Everyone says that I, Yao Yue, am overbearing!"

"You, Ye Changan, are much more domineering than me!"

"Besides, I exchanged the"Nine Yin Meridians Transmission Method" for the"Ming Yu Gong", so I didn't get it for free!"

Seeing Yao Yue's attitude, Ye Changan was delighted and laughed,"Yes, yes, yes!"

"You changed it!"

"However, after you become my woman, you don’t need to change your martial arts skills, you can learn them at will! Haha!" Unexpectedly, as soon as Ye Changan finished speaking, Yao Yue suddenly changed her behavior and asked,"Can you learn the Tathagata Palm?"

Ye Changan was stunned, and then he became ecstatic and could no longer suppress his restless heart.

He stretched out his hand and hugged Yao Yue in his arms, and said seriously,"What's the Tathagata Palm!"

"If you want to learn, I can teach you now!"

Being held in Ye Changan's arms, Yao Yue panicked a little, but she did not struggle.

But when she heard Ye Changan's words, a glimmer of joy flashed in Yao Yue's eyes. Feeling Ye Changan's breath close at hand, Yao Yue's face couldn't help but get hot, and then she turned her head slightly to avoid Ye Changan's gaze.

Seeing the dignified Yihua Palace Master actually showing a shy look of a little woman.

Ye Changan is an old bird, how could he not know what was going on.

Suddenly, he couldn't help laughing. After a while, he broke free from the joy and continued to write. Diary.

A half-step land immortal, a powerful person in the heavenly realm.

Just died like this again?

During this period of time, the number of powerful people above the grandmaster level who died or were injured by this guy must be more than one hand!!

The key is that these people are not ordinary people.

They are all top masters who have unique martial arts and few rivals in the same realm.

It takes many years to give birth to a top master, but he has been defeated by this guy one after another.


What a troublemaker!

There will be no peace in the world with him! The women were unable to calm down and could not help but complain in their hearts.

【That's roughly what happened.】

【I don't know why Zhu Wusi plotted against me.】

【But this account has been recorded for him] (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【Shangguan Haitang, if you listen to my advice, you should draw a clear line between yourself and Zhu Wushi, or at least stop worshipping him so mindlessly.】

【In Zhu Wushi's eyes, the three spies Tian, Di and Xuan of Hulong Villa are just chess pieces that can be discarded at any time.】

【In his eyes, your life and death are not worth mentioning at all.】

【You'd better stay out of my way when I'm going to take action against him.】

【Otherwise, although I, Ye Changan, don't like to hit women, it's not that I won't hit them.】

【Besides, you probably don't know Zhu Wushi's ambition yet.】

【In the original play, he secretly collected evidence of the crimes of the ten generals and controlled them.】

【He also secretly eliminated disobedient court officials and royal relatives.】

【But it’s all for his ultimate goal—the throne of the Ming Dynasty.]

In the Ming Dynasty, in the imperial palace, in the main hall, Princess Yunluo’s face changed and she said in shock:


"The emperor's uncle actually covets the throne?"

"What a courage!"

"I am so ashamed of my father's trust!"

"This is how to do?"[]

"Do you want to remind my brother?"

"The power of Hulong Villa is huge. According to what Ye Changan said, the power of the emperor's uncle is probably unfathomable!!"

"What if he were to���It’s difficult, but what can I do?"

"I still have to go up to Ye Changan as soon as possible and ask him clearly!"

In the room of Tianxia No. 1 Manor, Shangguan Haitang held the diary and murmured in disbelief:"Impossible! How is this possible!"

"Everything my adoptive father did was to eliminate the corrupt officials in the court and safeguard the Ming Dynasty, without any selfish motives!"

"How could he have the intention of rebellion?!"

"Ye Changan, you must explain it to me clearly!"

The women who were reading the diary were also shocked and couldn't believe it.

The Ming Dynasty, the Iron-hearted Godly Marquis, actually had the intention of treason!

This news is much more explosive than trying to steal someone else's fiancée!!

【Which side would you choose between the emperor and Zhu Wusi?】

【So, Shangguan Haitang, I hope you can understand clearly】

【That's all I have to say. You can decide for yourself.】

【To be honest, who becomes the emperor has nothing to do with me.】

【But now, I may have to eliminate a disaster for the court.】

【At that time, I'm afraid I'll have to ask the little emperor to reimburse me for the travel expenses, appearance fees, tea fees, and other expenses.】

【I, Ye Changan, can't work for nothing.】


"Bad guy Ye Changan!"

"Greedy ghost!"

In the room in the back mountain of Blackwood Cliff in the Ming Dynasty, Qingqing couldn't help but chuckle and said angrily

"But now that you're back, I should go and redeem the old guy!"

In the Ming Dynasty, in the imperial palace, in the main hall, Princess Yunluo's eyes lit up and she said,"Okay, okay, okay!"


If the emperor 's uncle really wants to rebel, you just need to stop him, and I will ask the emperor for a favor on your behalf!" The women holding the diary rolled their eyes.

How shameless.

You got two unique skills from Gu Santong for nothing, at least Gu Santong asked you to help him get rid of him.

But the emperor didn't ask you to get rid of Zhu Wushi. Do you want these expenses?

However, if Zhu Wushi really rebelled, you got rid of him.

The emperor would still be stingy with some gold and silver treasures.?

【Okay, next, I have important things to do.】

Today's diary ends here.

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