After glancing at the body of Yagyu Tajima no Kami, Ye Changan withdrew his gaze.

"With your martial arts skills, why were you controlled by Zhu Wusi?"

Ye Changan looked at Gu Santong and asked calmly

"Young man, do you seem to know my identity?"

Upon hearing this, Gu Santong's eyes flashed with surprise, but he did not ask any more questions. He continued,"Many years ago, I fought with Zhu Wusi, but he tricked me and I lost half a move. Since then, I have been trapped at the bottom of the sky prison."

"I didn't expect Zhu Wushi to secretly add the Soul-Losing Powder into my food.

"Later, although I realized that something was wrong, I was already deeply poisoned and could no longer control myself."

"well......I, Gu Santong, was defeated twice in Zhu Wusi's hands!!"


Ye Changan looked at Gu Santong who was somewhat distraught, and couldn't help but pondering secretly.

At present, it seems that the previous scenes of"The World's Number One" are similar to the original plot.

The difference is that after Gu Santong was imprisoned in the Heavenly Prison.

The Soul-Losing Powder should be a poison that turns people into zombies.

Back then, Gu Santong lied to Zhu Wushi and said that the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art could only be practiced by a boy.

Therefore, Zhu Wushi had to settle for the second best and practiced the Absorbing Power Method17.

Now, Zhu Wushi has controlled Gu Santong. Could he have learned this secret from Gu Santong and then practiced the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art?

Just when Ye Changan was about to ask Gu Santong.

Gu Santong's eyes flashed with struggle, and his expression suddenly became ferocious.

Ye Changan showed helplessness and could only give up.

However, he was just curious. Did he know? It doesn't matter.

Now, Zhu Wusi actually dared to plot against him, he was already asking for death.

Even if he learned one more Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill, it wouldn't change anything!

Gu Santong's eyes struggled for a moment, and then returned to being empty and lifeless.

The next moment.

He picked up the huge stone engraved with the Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill and the Absorbing Power Secret Manual and smashed it at Ye Changan.

When Gu Santong was engraving the secret manual just now, Ye Changan had already memorized it all.

So, facing the huge stone that was smashed over, he punched it.

Thirteen dragon elephant true qi rushed out.

The huge stone that was smashed over was blasted into slag in the air.

At this time.

The gold on Gu Santong's body faded and returned to its original state.

He immediately let out a low roar and used the Absorbing Power Manual on Ye Changan.

Unfortunately, the Nine Yin Yimai Manual in Ye Changan's body was running on its own, and the suction force of the Absorbing Power Manual disappeared in an instant.

"Then I will help you get rid of it!"

Ye Changan chuckled, and his figure instantly appeared behind Gu Santong.

Gu Santong was indeed a top half-step land immortal-level strongman. He found Ye Changan in an instant and turned around.

However, just as he turned around, a finger just touched the center of his eyebrows.


Gu Santong's body slowly fell down, and in his opened eyes, there was a faint joy of being liberated.

Ye Changan suddenly slapped the mountain wall, and suddenly a large piece of rubble fell down, burying Gu Santong's body.

Immediately, he turned around and leaped towards the valley.

He came to the carriage.

Ye Changan got on the carriage directly, entered it, sat down next to Yaoyue, and whispered in Yaoyue's ear:

""Palace Master Yaoyue, can I do it?"

Yaoyue frowned.

She knew that this guy was mocking what she had just said.

Then, he snorted coldly, moved to the side, and remained silent.

Ye Changan took a breath of the strange fragrance on Yaoyue's body, smiled, and moved his buttocks, sticking close to Yaoyue, and asked:"Go to Yihua Palace, or return to Jingzhou?" Yaoyue looked at the handsome face so close to her, her eyes dodged for a moment, and said:"We have arrived at the Yihua Palace, and I haven't been back for a long time, so let's go back!"

"Okay! Let's go!" Ye Changan smiled slightly,"It's just right to take advantage of this moment, I'll write in my diary."

After saying that, Ye Changan leaned back, took out his diary, and started writing.

【Ladies and Gentlemen, someone is so bold as to plot against me, Ye Changan. What do you think we should do?】

The girls who had just opened the diary were shocked.

Who dared to plot against this guy!

The news of defeating Qiu Xiaolou has just spread in the Ming Dynasty.

Now, this guy is the most popular in the Ming Dynasty.

Based on this, who would be so desperate to provoke him at this critical moment?

The girls were immediately curious and continued to look down.

【In fact, I had already left Huoyu Villa yesterday and returned to my home in Jingzhou, the Ming Dynasty.】

【But as soon as I got back, I heard Yaoyue and Lianxing saying that the twelve constellations were harassing Yihua Palace.】

【I immediately began to wonder if the information about Yao Yue and Lian Xing from me was a secret.】 (To read the novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【If the twelve zodiac signs wanted to cause trouble, why didn't they come to Jingzhou, but instead went to harass Yihua Palace?】

【Among the twelve constellations, only Wei Wuya has decent strength, the others are not worth mentioning.】

【The news that I defeated Qiu Xiaolou has spread all over the world.】

【Without knowing the relationship between me and Yihua Palace, the Twelve Astrological Signs dared to openly challenge Yihua Palace, which means there must be someone behind the scenes directing them.】

【And their intention is to force Yaoyue and Lianxing to return to Yihua Palace】

【I immediately guessed that this was probably a plot against me.】

【As long as Yaoyue and Lianxing set out on the journey, they would inevitably be attacked along the way.

Seeing this, the women nodded in thought.

【So, I thought of a strategy to use the opponent's trick against me.】

【I let Yaoyue leave Jingzhou and return to Yihua Palace】

【Sure enough, just now, we encountered an ambush】

【The ambushers include not only the twelve zodiac signs, but also a Japanese warrior of heavenly realm - Yagyu Tajima no Kami】

【The most important thing is that there is also a top half-step land immortal realm strongman】

【This lineup is definitely enough to deal with Yao Yue before.】

【But they never imagined that Yao Yue had not only broken through to the Heaven Realm】[]

【Behind him, I am secretly following him.

This pervert is so cunning that few people can match him!

The women couldn't help but think in their hearts

【During the battle with that powerful person who stepped into the immortal realm, I guessed his identity.】

【It also confirmed who the 310 people behind the plot were.】

【You don't have to guess.】

【I'll tell you who this person is.】

【This person is Zhu Wusi, the Iron-hearted Divine Marquis of the Hulong Villa of the Ming Dynasty.

In the Ming Dynasty, the No. 1 Villa in the World, Shangguan Haitang was suddenly startled in the room and said,"Is my foster father plotting against Ye Changan?"

"Why didn't I get any news?"

"Could it be related to the two women who came to see my godfather the day before yesterday?"

"But why did my adoptive father hide it from me?"

In the Ming Dynasty, in the imperial palace, in a palace, Princess Yunluo was lying on the bed, reading a diary, and suddenly exclaimed:"Why did the emperor's uncle plot against Ye Changan?"

"This is how to do......Ye Changan is not to be trifled with! Maybe the entire royal family of the Ming Dynasty will suffer as a result."

"No, I have to find a way to leave the palace and explain to Ye Changan."

"By the way, I can exchange some powerful skills from him! Anyway, there are many treasures in the palace, so it doesn’t matter if I exchange some."

"It's so boring to always fight with those little eunuchs. They don't even dare to beat me."

"When can I become a true master!!"

In the Murong family in Qixingtang, Jiangnan, Murong Qiudi's expression changed and he said,"He is not a threat to the court at the moment, why would Tiedan Shenhou plot against him?"

"Why didn't Shangguan Haitang stop it?"

"She doesn't think that the Iron-hearted God can suppress him!"

From the tone of this guy's diary, it can be seen that this Iron-hearted God may have angered him. The women secretly said.

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