The fierce and domineering extinction cross blade energy instantly fell on the body of the withered figure.

However, the withered figure's skin seemed to be covered with a layer of golden copper foil in the blink of an eye.

The golden light was brilliant!

It gave people a feeling of indestructibility.

Clang! Clang! Clang!

As the fierce blade energy slashed at the withered figure, a dull sound of metal clashing sounded.

The withered figure did not move at all, as if he did not notice it!

"The indestructible magic of Vajra!"

"This person is really Gu Santong!!"

"Could it be that Zhu Wushi got the secret method of controlling people and turned Gu Santong into the walking corpse he is now?"

Ye Changan was shocked and thought in his heart.

In this comprehensive world, there are many dynasties.

Although the secret method of controlling people is rare, it is not rare.

For example......The strongest man in the Mongol Yuan Dynasty, Meng Chixing's spiritual secret technique - the Heaven-Changing and Earth-Strike Spiritual Technique.......Beili Dynasty, the art of making medicine for people left behind by the Western Chu"063" country......The Qin Dynasty, the Yin-Yang family's sleeping curse.

These are all powerful means to control masters.

As the Iron-hearted God of the Ming Dynasty, it is not surprising that Zhu Wusi can get some secret methods like this!

At this moment.

Gu Santong's empty eyes looked straight at Ye Changan.

The next moment.

He let out a low roar and pounced on Ye Changan as fast as lightning.

"Hey, come on!"

"I want to try how durable the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art is!"

Ye Changan's eyes were full of fighting spirit.

With a thought, the round bend disappeared in his hand.

Ye Changan turned into a dragon and pounced on Gu Santong.

Ye Changan, who had turned into a dragon, collided directly with the golden Gu Santong, making a huge muffled sound.

Bang! As soon as the two came into contact,

Gu Santong flew out like a cannonball and crashed into the mountain wall behind him.

Ye Changan's body has been transformed many times, and his strength is already terrifying.

In addition, he has obtained the full-level Dragon Elephant Prajna Art a few days ago, which has reached an appalling level.

At this moment, with the bonus of the Dragon God Art turning into a dragon, even if Gu Santong used the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, he still couldn't resist this extremely huge and terrifying force!

Yagyu Tajima-no-kami, who was not far away, saw that Ye Changan had turned into a dragon, and immediately exclaimed in disbelief:"What kind of martial arts is this!"

However, no one answered him.

The next moment,

Gu Santong shot out from the depression.

He was unharmed.

"It’s so cool! Come again!"

Ye Changan was excited and pounced from the air again.

Gu Santong lifted his arms to resist.


Under the huge force, this time, Gu Santong's whole body was smashed into the mud.

Just like that.

As soon as Gu Santong got out of trouble.

Ye Changan pounced on him.

Gu Santong was like a mole, constantly knocked into the mud by Ye Changan, or stuck in the mountain wall.

After more than ten times of this.

Ye Changan seemed to have had enough.

After changing back to human form in the air, Ye Changan looked at Gu Santong who was struggling out of the mud, and chuckled:"It's so enjoyable!!"

"But, that’s where it ends!"

""The formless divine needle!"

Immediately, Ye Changan's body moved slightly.

Countless domineering and indestructible invisible Qi burst out of his body.

Like a violent storm, it fell on Gu Santong.

At the same time, the Xisui Meridian was running.

The invisible Qi shot out from various acupoints continuously, like mercury pouring on the ground!

Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh! Whoosh!.......

Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang!......

As soon as Gu Santong emerged from the mud, he experienced a baptism of air needles like a storm.

Under Ye Changan's control, many fine needles hit Gu Santong exactly at the same place. (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The Wuxiang Divine Needle is one of the most powerful magic skills in the world of"Kunlun".

Even though the Vajra Indestructible Magic Skill is strong enough in terms of defense.

But under such an attack.

It only took a breath of time to declare collapse.

On the seemingly indestructible golden skin, countless dense and tiny holes were pierced by the Wuxiang Divine Needle, and at the same time, golden blood flowed out.

As soon as the golden blood flowed out, it turned from gold to red and lost its golden luster.

"It turns out that when using the Vajra Indestructible Divine Art, the blood will turn into gold!!"

"No wonder the defense is so amazing!"

"pity......His strength is no match for my Dragon God Skill, and his defense is also broken by the Formless Divine Needle!"

"Haha! I still say that, it’s not that you are not strong enough, but that I am too strong!!"

Ye Changan looked at Gu Santong who was frozen in place, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"What kind of martial arts is this!!"

Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami was shocked, looking at Ye Changan in the air, and exclaimed again.

The two martial arts used by this young man were too terrible!

He could actually defeat a strong man who was half a step into the land immortal realm with the realm of a grandmaster.[]

The Heroic Domination and the Avici Dao Three Swords that I came to the Central Plains to find are nothing compared to this kind of martial arts!

What kind of martial arts is that? Has the Central Plains martial arts world prospered to this extent?

At this time, Ye Changan paid no attention to Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami, but stared at Gu Santong........

He found that Gu Santong's eyes seemed to have regained some spirit and life.

After a moment,

Gu Santong's eyes moved and he looked at Ye Changan in the air.

"few......"Can you come down and talk?"

Gu Santong said stiffly.

Ye Changan's eyes showed a strange look, and he slowly floated in front of Gu Santong.

"It is true that heroes always emerge from youth! Cough! Cough!"

"I don’t have much time, so I won’t waste any more time on idle chatter!"

"I was controlled by Zhu Wushi with the Soul-Losing Powder. Thanks to the help of the true energy that the young man just broke into my body, I was able to regain consciousness for a moment."

"��I would like to ask you for a favor!"

"When the time limit of my King Kong Magical Skill is up, please kill me."

"I am very grateful to you!"

Gu Santong looked at Ye Changan with admiration in his eyes, and then pleaded

"Of course! I won't let you do this for nothing."

"Although I know that you are not interested in them, these are the only two skills I can show you."

After saying that, Gu Santong dragged his bloody body to a boulder, stretched out his golden fingers, and began to carve on the stone. After a while ,

Gu Santong turned around and looked at Ye Changan, and continued:"This is the secret manual of the Vajra Indestructible Divine Skill and the Absorbing Power Skill."

"Please accept it, young man!"

"I wonder if the young man is willing to agree to my request just now?"

Looking at Gu San 5.6 Tong's expectant eyes, Ye Changan nodded slightly and said,"As you wish!"

There are benefits to be gained and it is just a piece of cake, there is nothing to hesitate about.

At this time, Yagyu Tajima, who was not far away, looked at the secret book on the boulder and exclaimed again:"Vajra Indestructible Divine Art! Absorbing Qi Technique!"

Ye Changan frowned and said unhappily:"Shut up!"

"How many times have you called out in such a short while?"

"Are you afraid that I won't notice you?"

"Besides, is this your thing? You just look at it?"

Immediately, he stretched out his finger, and the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa was activated. His power gathered, and a domineering six-pulse sword energy shot out.


Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami immediately raised his samurai sword and slashed out a blade of energy.

But the moment the blade energy and the sword energy intersected, they were crushed!


A stream of blood spurted out. Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami 's forehead had been pierced by the sword energy.

His life force was instantly extinguished!.

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