"Kill the God with one sword!"

Just as Ye Changan was thinking, Yagyu Tajima-no-kami had already drawn his samurai sword and slashed out a sword energy several dozen meters long, slashing towards the carriage where Yao Yue was.

The sharp and domineering sword energy, carrying a huge and unparalleled torrent of true energy, immediately caused the air in the entire valley to surge, and sand and rocks flew everywhere.


""Transferring flowers and connecting jade!"

In the carriage, Yao Yue snorted coldly, and a palm shadow containing strange palm power suddenly slapped out.

The next moment, a strange scene appeared.

The terrifying sword energy of Yagyu Tajima-no-kami actually deviated from the direction strangely and slashed towards the cliff on one side of the valley.

With a loud bang, most of the cliff was chopped down by Yagyu Tajima-no-kami's sword energy!


"It can actually remove my sword energy!!"

"The unique skills of the Yihua Palace are indeed extraordinary!"

Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami was shocked and said in a deep voice

"Please accept my move of"Snow Drifting on Earth" again!"

As soon as the words fell,

Yagyu Tajima-no-kami held a samurai sword and drew a circle of sword shadows in front of him, followed by a dazzling sword light.

At the same time, a strange sword energy that looked like snowflakes falling on earth burst out.

Although the sword energy seemed like a dream and hazy like fog, it was extremely sharp and domineering.

In the blink of an eye, it had arrived in front of Yaoyue's carriage.

"Snow falling on the earth?"

"I'll play with you!"

Seeing Yagyu Tajima no Kami making another move, Ye Changan's eyes moved and he said to himself.

As he spoke, his figure disappeared on the tree branch, and then suddenly appeared in front of the carriage.

""Dragon-Elephant Prajna Technique!"

Ye Changan stood still and pushed forward with both palms.

Thirteen dragon-shaped true qi rushed out.


In an instant, thirteen dragon-shaped true qi collided with the hazy sword energy.

There was a loud rumbling sound. The huge airflow was instantly stirred.

Ye Changan's mouth corners slightly raised, and his posture remained unchanged.

The Marrow Washing Sutra was running.

Another thirteen dragon-shaped true qi rushed forward brazenly. This time, the domineering dragon-elephant power directly shattered the snow-drifting human sword energy of Yagyu Tajima.

However, it was not over yet.

Wave after wave of dragon-shaped true qi rushed out like it didn't need money.

In an instant.

Countless dragon shadows suddenly appeared in the void between Ye Changan and Yagyu Tajima, like thousands of dragons going out to sea, roaring and rushing towards Yagyu Tajima on the cliff.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

Yagyu Tajima-no-kami was immediately shocked and shouted. Who is this person?

Could it be.......Is it the young man from Jingzhou City mentioned in the intelligence of the Divine Marquis?

How could he appear here?

Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami had no time to think about it.

At this moment, countless dragon shadows in the void had already swooped down.

"Snow is falling on the earth!"

Yagyu Tamon-sama shouted again, using his strongest move.

However, the sharp sword energy was instantly shattered by countless dragon-shaped true qi!


The cliff where Yagyu Tamon-sama was located was instantly engulfed by countless dragon-shaped true qi.

Suddenly, the entire cliff shook and collapsed.

However, Ye Chang'an's expression moved, and his eyes were fixed on the place filled with dust and smoke.

After a moment.

A withered figure with disheveled hair appeared.


There is a back-up plan!


It's really a plan!

Behind the withered figure, Yagyu Tamon-sama had blood at the corner of his mouth, half lying on the ground, his face full of fear, looking at the withered figure, a hint of doubt appeared in his eyes.

Seeing Yagyu Tamon-sama's expression.

Ye Chang'an knew that he was just a chess piece with slightly stronger strength in this incident, no different from the twelve constellations.

However, using the strong man in the heavenly realm as a chess piece, the hand of the person behind it is not small!


Ye Changan looked at the withered figure.

He found that his eyes were empty and lifeless, his expression was dull and wooden, without a trace of normal life.

At this moment, he was like a walking corpse, standing quietly in front of Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami.

But Ye Changan had no doubt about the strength of the withered figure.

Because the overwhelming attack of the endless dragon shadow just now was blocked by this person.

Although the attack of the endless dragon shadow cannot be compared with the palm of the Buddha.

But it is enough to severely injure the Yagyu Tajima-no-Kami of the Heaven Realm.

Such an attack, but not The withered figure was not hurt at all.

This shows how terrifying his strength is!

However, Ye Changan was not afraid at all. He raised his mouth slightly and showed a wicked smile. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

He looked at the withered figure with excitement.

This person's martial arts cultivation should be similar to that of Huogong Tou Tuo.

But the dangerous aura emanating from his body is several times stronger than that of Huogong Tou Tuo. He should have extremely powerful martial arts.

And in terms of understanding of martial arts, I am afraid he is not comparable to Huogong Tou Tuo!

"Haha! It’s good to be strong!"

"It's really boring to always solve problems with the Buddha's Palm"

"Today we can have a hearty fight, and it's a good opportunity to hone other martial arts!"

Ye Changan was filled with fighting spirit, and he couldn't help but think in his heart.

At this time, Yao Yue's voice came from the carriage:"I can feel that this person is very terrifying!"

"Can you do it?"

Ye Changan was furious when he heard that.

Even if you are the Palace Master of Yihua Palace, you cannot doubt my dignity as a man.

Immediately, Ye Changan turned around and said in a strange voice:"How about we talk alone tonight, and let you see if I can do it?"

"you......!"Yao Yue was furious, and then she snorted and said,"I'm talking to you about serious matters, what nonsense are you talking about?"

"The terrifying energy of this person makes me feel terrified and palpitating."

"Even if he is not a land immortal, he is probably not far away!"

"but......There seems to be something wrong with this person!"

Ye Changan was just about to seize the opportunity to take advantage of the cold and arrogant Palace Master.

The withered figure suddenly moved.

He suddenly stretched out his arm, clenched his palm into a claw shape, and looked at the rolling rocks on the side. With a pull, a mountain of rocks was immediately lifted into the air. The next moment, he waved his arm.

The mountain of rocks smashed towards Ye Changan's head with the force of Mount Tai.

Ye Changan's eyes condensed, and he blurted out,"

"This is......Energy-sucking technique?"

Something is wrong!

This person is indeed wrong!

Could this withered figure be Gu Santong?

If nothing unexpected happens, only Gu Santong and Zhu Wushi, the Iron-hearted Divine Marquis, can use the energy-sucking technique.

This person is obviously not Zhu Wushi.

But if it is Gu Santong, how could he become like this?

In the original drama, although Gu Santong was suppressed by Zhu Wushi in the bottom of the Heavenly Prison, it was because he didn't want to come out, not because he couldn't come out.

He was just trapped by his own oath.

His strength is beyond doubt!

But now, what is going on?

Why is he like a living dead!

"Hey! We will know if he is Gu Santong after a try!"

Ye Changan sneered, then raised one hand and performed the Great Shift of the Universe, directly moving the stone mountain from above his head and crashing it into the mountain wall in the distance.

Immediately, with a thought, the crescent-shaped scimitar appeared in his hand.

He jumped into the air and performed the Nether Ghost Shadow.

His figure suddenly turned into a phantom and appeared beside the withered figure. He raised his hand and slashed with a knife.

Although the withered figure had a dumbfounded expression, his reaction was extremely fast.

He dodged with a flash of his figure.

Ye Changan was not surprised at all. He moved his body and appeared in various directions around the withered figure and launched an attack.

But he was dodged by him.

"It seems that without some tricks, there is no way to put pressure on this person!"

"Extinction Cross Blade!"

Ye Changan stood still, the crescent-shaped scimitar in his hand flashed, and spiral cross-shaped blade qi slashed out fiercely.

The withered figure was instantly enveloped by the fierce blade qi like raindrops. However, the withered figure did not dodge this time.

Instead, he stood there, like a rotten wood, motionless!.

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