Ye Changan looked at the three women with expectant expressions, smiled and said,"The good news is that I just got an extremely powerful technique!"

"An extremely powerful technique?"

"Sir, can my sister and I practice it?"

Lady Hu asked hopefully.

To be able to be described as a powerful martial art by the young master is already very powerful.

And this martial art is called extremely powerful by the young master.

It must be extraordinary!

Ye Changan smiled lightly and said,"You are really greedy!"

"You should first practice the"Nine Yin Yi Mai Da Fa" and"Ming Yu Gong" to some success!"

"Besides, this technique is not suitable for you!"

Lady Hu said coquettishly,"It's because you said this technique is powerful that I want to practice it."

"However, the young master said it is not suitable for us, so we will not practice it!"

Ye Changan stretched out his hand and pinched Lady Hu's pretty face, and said with a smile:"That's right!"

"The more powerful a martial art is, the better it is not necessarily. You have to know that the best one is the one that suits you."

Hu Meiren nodded and said,"Who is this martial art suitable for? Could it be suitable for Sister Yan Lingji?!"

Ye Changan gave Hu Meiren a look of praise and said,"How smart! This martial art is very suitable for Yan Lingji!"

Upon hearing this, Yan Lingji's expression moved, and she looked at Ye Changan with burning eyes.

The young master said that he would teach me advanced fire control techniques.

Could it be that the martial art he just got is a very powerful fire-related martial art?

But I just met him, will he teach it to me?

Seeing Yan Lingji's flashing eyes, Ye Changan instantly guessed the girl's mind.

Immediately, he said with a smile:"This martial art is called Fiery Flame Without Form"

"It is a supreme magic skill with fire attribute, divided into nine steps and three paths."

"The first path is blue flame, the middle path is red flame, and the extreme path is green flame. Each path is stronger and more dangerous than the last."

"In addition to its powerful attack power, this technique also has many functions. The first is its powerful self-healing ability. The higher the level of cultivation, the stronger the self-healing ability."

"Secondly, it can stimulate the potential in the human body, and it can stimulate the user's talent to the extreme"

"When the user reaches the eighth step of cultivation, they can give birth to a primordial spirit, which will live forever in the world."

"Once you have reached the ninth step and comprehended the blazing flames, you will be able to reach the final form of this technique."

"At that time, you will be able to control fire with your mind, leaving no room for attack. Not only can you turn your body into flames, escape into the realm of nothingness, avoid all attacks, but you can also burn everything."

"They can also refine other people's life-long cultivation and bodies into essence and absorb it for their own use."

"The power is so strong that it can destroy the heavens and the earth!!"

The primordial spirit is born.

It will live forever in the world.

The mind controls the fire.


Hearing this, Yan Lingji was already dumbfounded.

Her somewhat cold face was now full of disbelief, which looked quite funny and cute.

Seeing Ye Changan looking at her, Yan Lingji's eyes flashed with embarrassment, and she asked,"Sir! This technique is so powerful, is it difficult to practice?"

Ye Changan shook his head and said,"No!"

"This technique is actually a quick way to success!"

"As long as you have enough talent, you can reach a high level in a very short time!"

"However, as I said earlier, each level of cultivation is more dangerous than the next, and the process is very painful. Few people can persist."

"but......My master's Nine Yin Meridian Changing Technique can greatly reduce this deficiency."

"Don’t worry about it!"

Looking at Yan Lingji who was very excited, Ye Changan asked with a smile:"How is it?"

"Do you want to learn?"

"If you want to learn, I will teach you the Nine Yin Meridians Transformation Method as well."

Lady Hu, who was standing by, looked at Ye Changan's persuading manner and couldn't help but cover her mouth and laugh.

The young master's method of deceiving little girls is really skillful!

Little sister Yan Lingji may not be able to escape. After all, what the young master said made even my heart beat.

How could she, a little girl with the talent of fire, not be moved?

Unfortunately, my sister and I are not suitable for this method!

Yan Lingji's eyes flashed, and suddenly she lowered her head and said in a mosquito-like voice:"Yan Lingji wants to learn, but......Yan Lingji has nothing to exchange!"

Seeing the shy Yan Lingji, Ye Changan couldn't help but laugh and said,"Don't worry!"

"I asked you to come to me, so you don't need to exchange anything."

"Sir, I will teach you for free!"

"A flame queen is about to be born, and I am looking forward to it too!"

Hearing this, Yan Lingji raised her head and asked,"Really?"

After getting Ye Changan's affirmative nod, Yan Lingji stared at Ye Changan with bright eyes without blinking.

Her eyes were full of emotion and joy. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

For so many years, people around me said that I was the incarnation of bad luck.

They thought I killed my family.

They all stayed away from me.

No one wanted to get close to me.

And the young master and Yan Lingji had just met, and he treated Yan Lingji so kindly. He was willing to give Yan Lingji such a powerful technique for free!

The young master treated Yan Lingji so well!!

Ye Changan looked at Yan Lingji with tears in her eyes, knowing that the girl had been lonely and helpless for so many years, and she must have had a very unhappy life.......

So he smiled gently at the girl and said,"Your talent for fire is extremely rare. Practicing the Fiery Flame Formless Skill will definitely achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"I will leave the Fire Rain Agate Heart at Fire Rain Villa. You and your two sisters can take turns using it. I believe you will make rapid progress."

"I said, if anyone dares to bully you in the future, you should set him on fire!"

"If anything goes wrong, I will take responsibility!!"

Hearing Ye Changan's words, Yan Lingji was moved beyond words and kept nodding her head.

"Yes! Master!"

"Yan Lingji remembered it!"[]

Ye Changan was slightly startled and said,"Call me Master!"

Unexpectedly, Yan Lingji said stubbornly,"No! I'll just call you Master!"

"You are Yan Lingji's master!!"

Looking at Yan Lingji's determined eyes, Ye Changan said helplessly:"Okay! As long as you are happy"

"But you must remember, no matter what we are called, we will be a family from now on!"

"Do you know?"

Yan Lingji had a cold face, smiled lightly, and replied:"I know, master!"

Ye Changan nodded, and looked at Madam Hu and Lady Hu, and said:"In this case, I will start to teach you three exercises!"

As soon as the voice fell.

Ye Changan directly extracted the secret book of the Fiery Flame without Form in the system space.

The next moment.

All the information and cultivation tips of the Fiery Flame without Form emerged in Ye Changan's mind.

So, Ye Changan took paper and pen and began to copy on paper.

After copying.

Ye Changan began to explain in detail to Yan Lingji.

When Yan Lingji fully understood the practice method of the Fiery Flame without Form and began to practice.

Ye Changan took Madam Hu and Lady Hu to another room.

The three of them sat on the bed.

Ye Changan put his palms on the backs of the two women respectively, and he was going to use his powerful inner He used his internal strength to open up the meridians and acupoints for the two women, and guided them to become familiar with the running routes of the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa.

After a long time, with the help of Ye Changan's powerful internal force, the two women had already mastered the first level of the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa. Their martial arts skills instantly reached the level of second-rate masters.

After a while,

Ye Changan began to explain to the two women the practice method of"Ming Yu Gong".

Although Ye Changan had not practiced Ming Yu Gong after getting it from Yao Yue, he had already comprehended it very thoroughly. He explained it to the two women in great detail.

Before long, the two women had already grasped the main points and began to practice..

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