As the girls entered the cultivation state,

Ye Changan, who had nothing to do, also began to cultivate the Fiery Flame.

Time passed slowly.

Before he knew it, it was the next morning.


Ye Changan exclaimed softly and opened his eyes.

"The third step is complete!"

"Although the first few steps of the Fiery Flame Formless Skill are relatively simple to practice, the speed is shocking enough!"

Ye Changan raised his lips slightly and looked at his palm.

Suddenly, thick blue flames rose from his entire palm.

The temperature in the room suddenly became unbearable.

At this moment, Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu on the bed also noticed something unusual, opened their eyes, and woke up.

Lady Hu looked at Ye Changan's hand with blue flames and said in surprise:

"Wow! Sir!"

"Is this the flame cultivated by Lieyan Wuxiang?"

"How terrible!!"

Feeling the scorching temperature of the blue flame, Ye Changan was slightly shocked.

Then, he chuckled and said,"That's right!"

"This is just the initial blue flame!"

Although Ye Changan was mentally prepared for the power of this technique, he was still shocked when he really felt its power. At this moment

, the terrifying temperature of the blue flame in his hand was only a matter of seconds.

It was hard to imagine how terrifying the power would be if he cultivated to the highest level of the raging flame.

Burning mountains and boiling seas might only take a thought!

"Let’s go!"

"" Let's go see Yan Lingji!"

After that, Ye Changan took the two girls and walked towards the room where Yan Lingji was.

As soon as they entered the room.

Yan Lingji woke up, got up and ran to Ye Changan, and said happily:"Master!"

"This skill is indeed not difficult to practice. I have already reached the third step!"

"Have you reached the third step?" Ye Changan was shocked, but after feeling Yan Lingji's aura, he was even more surprised.

""Half-step Grandmaster!!"

Although Fiery Formless is a quick success method, it is not such a quick success method!

At least it should be calculated by years, and at least by months! The reason why he practiced so fast is because of the extremely solid foundation created by various methods.

As well as the unparalleled qualifications that were transformed and the blessing of various magical properties.

But Yan Lingji was able to practice to the third step overnight, but it was all due to her flame talent!

Although she only practiced to the third step, which was a little worse than her third step, it can also be seen that her talent is terrifying! Although

Yan Lingji was quite powerful yesterday, her martial arts cultivation was only at the super first-class level.

Now, overnight, one foot has stepped into the Grandmaster level.

It has to be said that in the world of"Wind and Cloud", the ceiling-level super god-level skills are really not covered!

"Good! Not bad!"

"You guys have made great progress, and I can feel more at ease when I leave!!"


Ye Changan stared at Yan Lingji's breathtakingly beautiful face, and the more he looked at her, the happier he became.

"You guys just practice well in Huoyu Villa, don’t be lazy!"

"I'll come and see you guys when I'm free."

"Wushuang Gui's injury will heal soon! If there is any dirty work, let him do it!"

"This Fire Rain Agate Heart is extremely beneficial to your cultivation, so I'll give it to you."

While speaking, Ye Changan took out the"Fire Rain Agate Heart" from the system space and handed it to Yan Lingji.

Then he looked at Lady Hu and Madam Hu, grinning and said,"I hope you can hold on longer next time I come! Haha!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Hu and Lady Hu blushed and said coquettishly.

"All right! The young master is gone!"

After the words fell,

Ye Changan used the"Shrinking the Earth" technique and disappeared into the room.

Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, in the courtyard

"elder sister!"

"News came from the palace that the twelve constellations have been lurking near Xiuyu Valley and harassing Yihua Palace."

"Many disciples in the palace have been injured!"

"I don't know what's the plan!"

Lian Xing put away the secret letter in her hand, looked at her sister Yao Yue who was teaching the girls to practice martial arts in the courtyard, and frowned.

Hearing this, Yao Yue suddenly turned around, her face turned cold, and snorted:"That disgusting rat actually dared to offend my Yihua Palace without knowing the consequences?"

"It seems that the lesson he learned before was not profound enough!!"

"You stay here, I will go back to Yihua Palace now!"

Seeing her sister Yaoyue was murderous, Lianxing hurriedly stopped her and said,"Sister, don't be anxious!"

"There's something weird about this matter!"

"We might as well investigate it thoroughly before making a decision!"

Yao Yue's eyes condensed and she said in a cold voice:"What is there to investigate!"

"Wei Wuya must have improved his skills and wanted to avenge his broken leg!" (To read the exciting novels, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

"Even if he has some conspiracy, how can I, Yao Yue, be afraid of him!!"

At this moment,

Ye Changan, who had been lying on the recliner in the yard without knowing when, sighed softly and said:

"Oh! It really makes me restless!"

"What kind of messy stuff can come out to cause trouble!"

Ye Changan's sudden voice instantly startled the entire house.


"It’s the young master!"

"The young master is back!"


Shui Sheng, Bai Feifei, Yi Lin, Qu Feiyan and other girls who were practicing martial arts immediately surrounded Ye Changan, chattering and giggling.

Kankan in the room also opened the door and walked over with a charming smile.

Ye Changan greeted the girls one by one with a smile, then looked at Yao Yue who was standing there, and said,"I'm afraid the matter of the twelve constellations is not of interest to Yihua Palace!"

"What happened between you and me is no longer a secret in the Ming Dynasty!"

"The news of my fight with Qiu Xiaolou has just spread throughout the martial arts world."[]

"At this juncture, the Twelve Constellations dared to provoke Yihua Palace. Were they really so bold?"

"Isn’t he afraid that I have a close relationship with you and will slap them to death?"

"There must be someone behind this!"

"I'm afraid his purpose is to use you to test me!"

"If you return to Yihua Palace, you might be ambushed."

At this point, Ye Changan paused for a moment, a hint of amusement on his face.

Immediately, his eyes swept over Yao Yue's delicate and exquisite body, and he laughed:"However, they probably never dreamed that you and Lian Xing have both broken through to the Heavenly Man Realm!"

"A force with two people in the Heaven Realm is rare among all the dynasties!"

Lian Xing, who was standing by, heard this and stepped forward and said with a smile,"Haha! I knew I couldn't hide it from you, young master!"

"However, if it is as the young master said, what should we do now!"

Ye Changan smiled faintly at Lianxing, looked at Yaoyue and said,"It's very simple! Use their tricks against you! Just do as they wish and rush back to Yihua Palace."

"With your strength, even if a master from the Heavenly Realm attacks you, he won’t be able to do anything to you!"

"But, just in case, I will quietly follow you."

"If you are lucky, you may catch a big fish!!"

After hearing what Ye Changan said, Yao Yue pondered for a moment and nodded slightly.

She agreed to Ye Changan's arrangement.

At this time, a disciple of Yihua Palace came in and reported:"Grand Palace Master! Second Palace Master! Young Master!"

"A little beggar came outside, calling herself Huang Rong, and insisted on seeing the young master!"

"She said she was here to settle accounts with the Master!"

Hearing this, the girls all looked at Ye Changan with strange expressions.

They naturally knew who Huang Rong was from the diary.

But she was the first one to come to the Master to settle accounts openly!

This Huang Rong was really bold!

Ye Changan's eyes lit up, and he said with great joy:


"please come in!


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