Ye Changan picked up the teacup, took a sip, and continued writing.

【Whether this guess is true or not, maybe I will verify it when I am bored.】

【But now, I am too lazy to care】

【correct......I have accepted a new servant today, named Wushuanggui, who is a big guy over ten feet tall, born with supernatural powers, and has cultivated a body of external skills.

He is more than ten feet tall!

Although it is rare, it is not uncommon.

But if you add the supernatural powers, such a person is hard to find.

The women were all surprised.

【He was originally a subordinate of Baiyue Prince Tianze. Just now, he was attacked by my Wuxiang Divine Needle, but he didn't die. His tenacious vitality surprised me.】

【In the world of Qin Shi Huang, the character of the Wushuang ghost is that once he recognizes his master, he will be very loyal and will not betray him.】

【So, I felt compassion for him. Since he was lucky enough to survive, I gave him a chance to live.】

【Fortunately, this big guy was very sensible and surrendered to me immediately.】

【Oh! This damn charm has nowhere to go~】


【Okay, so much has happened so far.】

【I'll stop writing my diary here.】

"this......It’s almost over, but you still remember to take the opportunity to praise yourself?"

""Tsk! What a narcissistic guy!"

The girls were slightly startled and sneered.

"Sir! You must be tired from writing! Have a cup of tea!"

As soon as Ye Chang'an closed his diary, Madam Hu handed the teacup to his mouth.

Ye Chang'an took a sip and swallowed it, smiling,"What a great day! Haha!"

Lady Hu on the side said in a delicate voice,"If Sir likes, then you can stay in Huoyu Villa for a few more days!"

Ye Chang'an looked at Lady Hu, raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a sly smile,"If I stay here for a while longer, can you bear it?"

Lady Hu blushed immediately and said coquettishly,"Oh, Sir..."......what are you talking about!"

"Didn't you promise to teach us martial arts?"

Ye Changan laughed and said,"Of course I will teach you! Tonight, I will personally open up your meridians and acupoints."

"Let me teach you the"Nine Yin Yi Mai Da Fa" and the"Ming Yu Gong" first!"

"If you can master these two skills, you can also become a rare master in the world."

"Moreover, the Mingyu Gong can keep you young forever, you will definitely like it."

Hearing this, the two girls' eyes lit up and they exclaimed,"Youth forever!!"

"Wow! Sir, I want to learn now, please teach us quickly!"Hu Meiren hugged Ye Changan's arm tightly and pleaded in a tender voice.

Ye Changan felt the soft touch on his arm, and his heart suddenly became very hot. He smiled and said,"Okay! Anyway, I have nothing to do now, I will teach you now."

At this time, the voice of the maid of the villa came from outside the door.

"Miss, Miss! A girl named Yan Lingji came outside and said she was looking for this young master."

""Yan Lingji! Is she the girl mentioned in the young master's diary?" Mrs. Hu asked doubtfully.

Hearing this, Ye Changan was slightly stunned, then suddenly overjoyed. He immediately opened the door and said,"Let her in quickly!"

"Yes!" The maid bowed and left.

Ye Changan sat back at the table and took out his diary to write again.

【Guess who came to see me? You'd never guess.】

【Hehe! That’s the beautiful girl I mentioned many times—Yan Lingji.

Yan Lingji!

Is that the girl who played with fire that this guy mentioned before?......This guy really deceived an ignorant girl!!

It is estimated that it will be difficult to escape the clutches of this big pervert again! The girls who picked up the diary again couldn't help but shake their heads and sighed for Yan Lingji.

【Now, Yan Lingji came to Huoyu Mountain Villa and asked for me by name, which means she has a copy of the diary.】

【To be honest, I'm a little upset at the moment......Excited, hehe~】


【Today's diary ends here】



Ye Changan closed the diary and said in his heart:"Today's diary is finished, let's give out the rewards!"

The next moment.

A mechanical and cold voice sounded in his mind.

【The host has completed today's diary. Rating for this diary content: four and a half stars】

【Rewards are being distributed......】

【Congratulations to the host for obtaining: Flame Without Form】

【The items have been stored in the system space, please check and extract them by yourself] (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"Four and a half stars?"

Ye Changan was slightly stunned.

He thought he could get a five-star rating this time, and was looking forward to getting some magic.

Unexpectedly, it was only four and a half stars.

Why is this?

Is it because my strength has improved, resulting in a drop in the rating?

Forget it, don't think about it.

Whatever happens, whatever happens!

Four and a half stars is not bad!

Then he looked down.

"Flame without form?"


Ye Changan was immediately ecstatic.

The slight disappointment of not getting a five-star rating also disappeared in an instant.

Fiery Flames Without Form!

This is the top-level martial arts in the world of"Wind and Cloud". How could he not know it?

This martial arts is a super-god-level martial arts created by integrating the god-level martial arts"Red Fire Divine Art" and the god-level swordsmanship"Wu Qiu Yi Jue".

This is equivalent to two supreme magic skills.

No wonder the rating of four and a half stars is not a reward for the full-level martial arts. When this martial arts is practiced to perfection, it can not only turn the body into flames and avoid attacks.

It can also refine essence into essence and absorb the opponent's lifelong cultivation.

A terrifyingly powerful horse!!

Just when Ye Changan was ecstatic.

A beautiful girl, led by the maid of the villa, came to the door of the room.

Ye Changan looked up.

Blue eyes.

Beautiful face.

Cold as frost, seductive and weak appearance.

Fiery red dress.

That's right, it was Yan Lingji who was worshipped as a goddess by countless people in the previous life.

Ye Changan's heart became excited again.

He just got a heaven-defying skill.

Now another beauty comes to the door!

It's really a double happiness!!

Ye Changan got up and walked to the door, waved his hand to send the maid away, looked at Yan Lingji, and smiled:"Did you come to see me after reading the diary?"

Yan Lingji looked at Ye Changan deeply, then smiled and said:"Yes! If you didn't let me join Chimei Jun, I wouldn't join"

"You said you would teach me an advanced fire control technique, so I came to you."

"You won't abandon me, will you?"

Hearing this, Ye Changan grinned and said,"I'm so happy that you can come, how could I not want you!"

""Come, come in!"

After saying that, he naturally grabbed Yan Lingji's hand and walked into the room.

Yan Lingji was also well-behaved like a kitten, allowing Ye Changan to hold her hand.

A hint of excitement flashed in Ye Changan's eyes. He brought Yan Lingji into the room, pointed at Madam Hu and Lady Hu and said,"You have a diary, you should know who they are!"

""It's Madam Hu and Lady Hu, right?" Yan Lingji nodded and replied.

Upon hearing this, Lady Hu said with a smile:"Haha!! Sister Yan Lingji is not only stunningly beautiful, but also so smart!"

"No wonder the young master is thinking about you!"

Yan Lingji blinked her big eyes and replied:"The two sisters are also very beautiful"

"Okay, stop complimenting each other."

Ye Changan looked at the two girls, smiled faintly, and said,"Since you know each other, sit down and talk!"

"Well, I have good news for you!!"


Good news?"The three women who had just sat down immediately showed curiosity. Được

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