In the Great Qin Dynasty, at the Yin-Yang Family's residence, in the main hall, Dongjun's eyes shone, and he said with emotion:"I didn't expect that the Magic Sound Box would appear in this way."

"Does it mean that the secret of the Blue Dragon and the Seven Stars, which has been hidden for thousands of years, is about to be revealed?"

"Looks like I have to go meet him."

In another room of the Yin-Yang Family's residence, a little girl with purple hair was looking at the diary in her hand with an indifferent expression. Suddenly, she made a soft and pleasant sound and said in surprise:

"Even the Fantasy Sound Box was stolen!"

In the room of the Taoist Tianzong in Taiyi Mountain, Daqin, the silver-haired and green-dressed girl Xiaomeng blinked and said,"The treasure of the Yin-Yang family?"

"Then you better be careful"

"Master said that although Yin-Yang School originated from Taoism, it took a different path."

"Especially under the leadership of Dong Huang, there are many experts in Yin Yang Family. If they knew that this treasure was in your hands, they would definitely take it back."

Yin Yang Family?

It is said that the leader Dong Huang is unfathomable and mysterious. He is very likely a land immortal!

Well, this guy has offended another super power with a supreme strongman.

The women who were reading the diary could not help but look serious and said to themselves

【Legend has it that the Magic Sound Box can play countless pieces of music, which are both real and imaginary, and ever-changing.】

【There is also a terrifying and dangerous force. If a person with a predestined relationship hears it, it can improve their skills, but if a person without a predestined relationship hears it, they may fall into confusion or even go crazy.】

【I have confirmed this from the information provided by the system. It is true.] 630 Ming Dynasty, under a cliff, in a cave.

Huang Xuemei sat next to a guqin, holding a diary, wondering:

"Could this Magic Sound Box be a treasure that can kill people with sound, just like the Heavenly Demon Harp?"

With curiosity, Huang Xuemei continued to look at the diary.

【But I don't quite understand how to do it.】

【Maybe, in the future, we can find some skilled craftsmen and mechanical masters who can crack the principle behind it.】

【But none of this matters.】

【I don't care much about these, but I am very happy that it can play countless different kinds of music.......hey-hey】

【Imagine lying on a lounge chair, basking in the sun, with a group of beauties rubbing your shoulders and legs, and listening to beautiful music. How comfortable it would be!】

【It would be even more perfect if someone could dance to liven up the atmosphere.】

【Well......The name"Xianxian" is very suitable! A dance of the devil, enchanting】

"The most precious treasure of my Yin-Yang family, you only use it to listen to music?"

"You are really different from ordinary people."

In the main hall of the Yin-Yang Family's residence in Daqin, Dongjun showed a look of surprise and said lightly

"Hehehe! Young master really knows how to enjoy himself!"

"However, if you want to watch Qianqian dance, you can do so anytime!"

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan's house, in the room, Qianqian covered her mouth and laughed sweetly.

【Haha! Even the boss of the real estate company surnamed Xu would be envious of such a life.】

【Oh~ Real estate company is a term used in the past life. You can understand it as a force that specializes in building and selling houses.

Isn't that a force organized by masons and builders?

Real estate company.

It's an interesting name.

But why should we compare it with the boss of a group of people who do rough work?

The women all looked puzzled.

【Haha, don't look down on this boss who builds and sells houses.】

【In his previous life, this person made that real estate company the largest in market value.......Forehead......Simply put, this person's status in his previous life was equivalent to the richest man in each dynasty. That's right.

No wonder this guy would compare himself with this Xu.

The richest man in a dynasty, the level of luxury he lives is indeed incomparable to ordinary people.

However, I have never heard of someone becoming the richest man by building and selling houses.

The women showed a look of sudden realization.

【Forget it, let's not talk about him. That guy is not a good person. Besides, he is not qualified to be compared with me now.】

【Let's get back to the Phantom Box.】

【In fact, the various schools of thought in the Qin Dynasty, as well as the Fantasy Sound Box, all come from the world of Qin.】

【In the world of"Qin Dynasty", there is an eternal mystery - the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon】

【Legend has it that whoever masters the secret of the Blue Dragon's Seven Stars will have the power to rule the world.

What kind of secret can give a person such power?

The women were shocked.

【The Magic Sound Box is one of the keys to unlocking the secrets of the Blue Dragon Seven Stars】 (To read the exciting novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【But the secret of the Blue Dragon's Seven Stars has been passed down through the ages, and no one has truly cracked it.】

【In the world of Qin, there was once a hegemon among the princes, Duke Zhuang of Zheng. During his reign, the state of Zheng became powerful and its power eclipsed that of the Zhou emperor.】

【The Zhou emperor united the four kingdoms to weaken the vassal state of Zheng, but was defeated by Duke Zhuang of Zheng】

【The source of power for Duke Zhuang of Zheng's rise to power as a hegemon is closely related to the secret of the Blue Dragon's Seven Stars.】

【Later, the reason why Qin destroyed the six kingdoms was largely because of the secret of the Blue Dragon and the Seven Stars.】

【But when the King of Qin unified the seven kingdoms, he still hadn't cracked the secret.】

"The King of Qin destroyed the six kingdoms and unified the seven kingdoms?"

"It seems that Lord Donghuang's decision to support the King of Qin was correct."

In the main hall of the Xianyang Palace in the Great Qin Dynasty, the Moon God was startled and showed admiration, and then asked in confusion:

"But what secrets does the Blue Dragon Seven Stars contain?"

The Moon Goddess looked down with a clear gaze.

【So what is the secret of the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon?】

【In"Qin Shi", this secret has never been explicitly mentioned.】

【But from some scattered information, I have some guesses.

Seeing this, the girls holding the diaries were suddenly excited and interested.[]

【This has to mention the Shushan clan in the Qin Dynasty.】

【The Shushan clan has two treasures, one is a yellow copper box, and the other is the Fusang sacred tree.】

【These two things are related to the Yuyuan seal that Shushan has guarded for many years. It is said that once this seal is lifted, the door to disaster will be opened.】

【Among them, the yellow copper box is one of the keys to unlock the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon.】

【The sacred Fusang tree is said to be guarded by a dragon.】

【There is a legend that when the secret of the Blue Dragon's Seven Stars is revealed, the day will be the day when the dragon soars in the sky.】

【Combining this information, I have reason to suspect that the dragon flying in the sky is the guardian dragon under the Fusang sacred tree.】

【The Blue Dragon Seven Stars are the seal of Yu Yuan that Shushan has guarded for many years.】

【This seal involves seven kingdoms: Qin, Han, Zhao, Wei, Chu, Yan, and Qi.】

【Once the seal is lifted, the protection of the dragon can be lifted, the Fusang sacred tree can be activated, and the three-legged golden crow on the Fusang sacred tree can be used to open the so-called door of disaster.】

【I think this disaster door is a portal to the unknown world.】

【This unknown world may be the legendary fairyland or hell.】

【As for what can be gained by opening this portal, it is unknown.】

【This is my guess about the Seven Stars of the Blue Dragon.】

【Haha! I emphasize that the above content is purely speculation and is for your reference only. I do not bear any legal responsibility~]

Daqin, Xianyang Palace, in the main hall, the Moon Goddess held the diary and stared at it for a long time before slowly speaking: This is incredible!

"But combined with the records in the Yin-Yang School, this guess is very likely!!"

"In this case, the two treasures of the Shushan clan must be in the hands of my Yin-Yang family!!"

In the main hall of the Yin-Yang family’s residence in Daqin, Dong Jun frowned and stared at the diary. After a long while, he spoke:"If this is true, then what is His Excellency Dong Huang pursuing?......?"

In the land of Daqin, the capital of South Korea, Xinzheng, in Zilanxuan, Zi Nu's eyes were bright and she said in surprise:"The portal to the unknown world? Interesting!!"

Divine dragon?

Fusang sacred tree.

Three-legged golden crow.

The portal to the unknown world.

Are you sure you are not talking about myths and legends?

Many women who were reading the diary were shocked and looked unbelievable..

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