Ye Changan's mind unconsciously flashed through the outline of the Xisui Jing, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and then he continued to write

【I naturally don’t believe that the"Xisui Jing" copied by Huogong Toudao is completely correct.】

【So I tried it myself.】

【Sure enough, when I was practicing the seventh pattern, something went wrong. The true energy suddenly became violent and one of my acupoints was instantly ruptured.】


"Something went wrong with your training, young master?"

"What should I do?!"

Shui Sheng exclaimed in the room of Ye Chang'an's house in Jingzhou, Ming Dynasty.

Hearing the voice, Bai Feifei raised her head and said softly:"Shui Sheng! Don't worry! Have you forgotten that the young master has the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa?"

"He is not afraid of going crazy"

"Besides, since you can write a diary now, there must be nothing wrong."

Shui Sheng blushed and said embarrassedly:"Oh! I was in a hurry and forgot!!"After that, she continued to read the diary with a red face.

【If it were someone else, he would have gone astray, his meridians would have been severed, and he would have died.】

【But for me, you know, that's not a big deal.】

【To be honest, I didn't even feel anything, the signs of being possessed, and it subsided on its own.】

【It's so hard to feel the way of the devil】

【Oh! Life is so boring】

"So cheap!"

"If you were in front of me, I would definitely give you a sword!" In the thatched cottage on Cangshan Mountain, in Xueyue City, Beili Dynasty, Li Hanyi said coldly. In the

Ming Dynasty, in Qixingtang, Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi saw this and couldn't help but hold his forehead and said helplessly:"It started again!"

"I know you have supreme power, so stop showing off!!"

"You can only feel at ease when people are envious and jealous and can't sleep, right?"

In the Ming Dynasty, in the back mountain of Heimu Cliff, in the room, Qingqing burst out laughing:"Bad guy, you always make people laugh!!"

"No, I can't laugh! Ye Changan tied up my grandfather, how can I laugh?"


"But Qingqing couldn't help it!"

"Old man, don't blame me. I'm ready to redeem you. Just let me laugh for a while!"


" Ku..."

"Humph! The one who will unify the Holy Sect will be me, Zhu Yuyan!"

"We can't delay any longer, we must obtain the Nine Yin Yimai Dafa as soon as possible."

"With this skill, I will also be able to break through to the realm of heaven and man!"

"What does Shi Zhixuan have to fear!"

"For a member of the Yin Gui sect, it is normal for me to rely on a strong person. There is no need to hesitate."

"Since you only like me and Kankan, then it will be as you wish!"

In the Song Dynasty, Shenhou Mansion, Wuqing leaned on the wheelchair, supporting his head with his arms, showing a helpless smile, and said softly:"How many people are afraid to do something, but you want to try it!"

"Alas! The Nine Yin Meridian Changing Technique is really something that people yearn for!"

While speaking, Wuqing's clear and flawless eyes could not help but look at the legs under his robe, and he shook his head gently.

Then he continued to look at the diary in his hand.

【Since I know that bald guy is playing tricks, I can't let him off easily.】

【What I hate most is people cheating me.】

【So I cut off his other leg.】

【After all, the other leg is gone, what's the point of keeping this half leg?】

【I warned him that if he did this again, I would chop off his head next time.】

【Now, Huogong Tou Tuo finally behaved himself.】

【When he finishes revising the Xisui Jing and completes his merits, I will send him to heaven with one finger.】

【Oh, I forgot to mention it. I promised Huogong Tou Tuo that as long as he could tell me the Xisui Jing, I would not chop him with a knife.】

【Everyone, please bear witness that I really didn't use a knife.


A strong man who has reached the perfection of the Heavenly Man Realm, or even half a step into the Land God Realm, died just like that?

The women who were reading the diary couldn't help but take a breath of cold air at Ye Changan's bloody methods.

They were used to Ye Changan's usual shameless rogue look.

At this moment, they suddenly woke up.

This man, in just a few days, has adapted to the killing of people in the rivers and lakes.

Don't look at these, they are said lightly.

But between the lines. (To read the violent and exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Which word does not reveal ruthlessness and decisiveness!

【After solving the problem of Huogong Toudao, Huoyu Villa still has a hidden danger - that is the King of Baiyue.】

【Baiyue Prince Tianze came to Huoyu Villa, that must be hidden】

【Now that Tianze and Huogong Toudao are both dead here, I don't know whether the King of Baiyue will be cautious and give up revenge on Huoyu Villa.】

【I'm too lazy to think about it】

【The best way to solve a problem is to solve the person who created it】

【So, I made a special trip to the Baiyue Palace to see the Baiyue King and his son Tianze off to meet them.】

【At this point, the crisis at Fire Rain Villa was resolved, and the mission to save Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu was completed.】

【However, this rescue mission is a rare one that comes with a reward. Seeing the reward, the women immediately showed their curiosity, but they were not too surprised that Ye Changan killed the ruler of a country.

In this world where martial arts flourish

, the killing of a ruler of a small country is rare, but it is not uncommon.

For women, this kind of thing is not as attractive as the reward mentioned by Ye Changan.

【The reward for this mission is called: Fire Rain Agate Heart】[]

【The Heart of Fire Rain Agate and the Fire Rain Agate produced by Fire Rain Villa are essentially the same】

【However, the heart of the Fire Rain Agate contains the purest essence of fire.】

【Holding it to practice can increase your skills and improve your physical fitness���Reborn, and even possible to comprehend the origin of the power of fire】

【So, if any of you are practicing fire-attributed techniques, you can come to me.】

【It's okay to lend it to you, but you have to follow the rules.】

【You know the rules.]

In the land of Baiyue, Yan Lingji, who was on horseback, suddenly had bright eyes and said in surprise:".~Wow!! This treasure is perfect for me."

"With it, my fire power will definitely become more powerful!"


Yan Lingji put away her diary and rode forward eagerly.

Rules, rules, just know the rules.

Your skills are more powerful than one, and your treasures are more rare than one.

How can we exchange anything with you?


What are you thinking, you pervert?

Do you think we don't know?

I want to see.

There is no ignorant little girl who will be deceived by you.

Seeing this, the girls rolled their eyes and complained in their hearts.

【Although the Heart of Fire Rain Agate is precious, my Five Ghosts Moving Technique has brought back a more precious treasure today. A more precious treasure?

What is it?

The girls' curiosity was aroused again.

【This treasure is the treasure of the Yin-Yang family in the Great Qin - the Phantom Sound Box】


"Did he find the Magic Sound Box?"

"This magic is truly miraculous!"

"The Yin-Yang family had spent so much effort and effort searching for the Phantom Sound Box in vain for so many years, but now it had fallen into his hands!"

"If I can get the Magic Sound Box back, Lord Donghuang will definitely be happy."

"By then, with this achievement, my status in the Yin-Yang family may be equal to Dongjun, or even surpass her."

"This is a rare opportunity!"

In the Qin Dynasty, Xianyang Palace, in a palace, the Moon Goddess's calm face suddenly showed a look of surprise, and she said in surprise.

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