【Tianze is not worth mentioning, one knife can solve it】

【To my surprise, after killing Tianze, I actually triggered a hidden aura of spiritual power from Tianze.】

【This breath is what Huogong Tou Tuo left behind.】

【As soon as Tianze died, Huogong Tou Tuo immediately noticed it.

In the Great Qin Dynasty, at the Yin-Yang Family’s residence, Dongjun’s eyes flashed with surprise, and he said,"Separate spiritual power?"

"Apart from extremely special spiritual secret techniques, I'm afraid only those who have reached the perfection of the heavenly realm with extremely profound attainments in mental power, or those who are half a step into the land immortal realm can do it!"

"Could this fire monk be a half-step land immortal?"

Beili Dynasty, Xueyue City, Cangshan, in the room, Li Hanyi held the diary and said sternly:"It's rare to find a master who can use spiritual power!"

"If he is a swordsman, maybe I will go to the land of Baiyue in the future to learn how to use swords from him!"

"What a pity!"

In the Ming Dynasty, in Qixingtang, Jiangnan, in the Murong family, Murong Qiudi showed an expression of expectedness and said:"The Fire Monk’s strength has really improved!"

"No wonder he no longer hides his tracks."

"Although it is in the remote land of Baiyue, it also shows that he has great confidence in his own strength!"

"At least I think I can deal with Shaolin Temple!"

"Half-step to becoming a land immortal?"


"However, Ye Changan can easily suppress Qiu Xiaolou, and Huogong Tou Tuo should not be able to do anything to him!!"

In the Ming Dynasty, Jingzhou, Ye Changan’s house, Yao Yue’s expression was stern in the room, and he said:"Spiritual power!!"

"I'm afraid that Huogong Toudao's strength is already on par with that of my former master!"

Lian Xing on the side nodded in agreement, then sighed softly and said,"Master has been away from Yihua Palace for so many years, I wonder if he has found a way to break through to become a land immortal?"

"If only she could come back once"

"With the help of Master's skills, she will definitely be able to break through to become a land immortal!!"

Hearing this, Yao Yue frowned and said,"Master's beauty is no less than any other woman in this house. With that guy's lustful personality, if he offends her, he might be slapped to death!"

"You also asked her to come?"

Hearing her sister Yaoyue's words, Lianxing was slightly stunned, but smiled secretly in her heart.

You said the same thing at the beginning.

Until now, haven't you even moved your hands?

Besides, no matter who wants to slap him to death now, it's not that easy!

Huogong Tou Tuo......No!

Master!......It definitely won't work!!

Lian Xing looked at the diary in her hand with a determined look.

【The result is predictable. After Tianze died, Huogong Tou Tuo came in anger and threatened to kill everyone in Huoyu Villa.】

【By the way, are all villains so brainless?】

【He always threatens to kill the whole family. He is really arrogant.】


"No matter how loud someone speaks, they can never be louder than you!"

"You don't even take the immortals on earth seriously!"

The women laughed secretly.

【In the end, he was slapped into the mud by me and went to eat dirt!


He also slapped Huogong Tou Tuo into the mud?

What kind of heaven-defying martial art is that Tathagata Palm?

How can a strong man who has mastered spiritual power be suppressed by a single palm?

The women were shocked.

【However, what I didn't expect was that Huogong Toudao actually possessed the supreme skill of Shaolin Temple - Xisui Jing.

If he hadn't stolen Xisui Jing and practiced it,

I'm afraid he wouldn't have achieved what he has today.

Of course, he wouldn't have been besieged by Shaolin Temple and the Buddhist forces of various dynasties and disappeared for decades. If he had stolen other Shaolin secret skills, maybe Shaolin Temple could still have room for maneuver. But who dares to touch Shaolin's treasure"Xisui Jing"? Those bald donkeys are more ruthless than each other. Many women who knew the secrets of the early years, holding the diary, couldn't help but think in their hearts...

【The magic of"Xisui Jing" was beyond my expectation.

The girls who were reading the diary immediately showed curiosity and stared at the diary.

Xisui Jing is the treasure of Shaolin.

The whole world knows that this supreme skill is extremely magical, but few people have really seen it.

Therefore, almost no one knows what is so magical about this supreme skill.

【When I was fighting with Huogong Tou Tuo, I found that there was something fishy about the palm power he emitted. (To read the exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

【A palm strike, but there are actually multiple hidden powers hidden behind it, which is extremely powerful.

Multiple hidden powers?

A skill that can emit multiple hidden powers is not too rare!

The women were puzzled.

【After I slammed him into the mud, I wanted to ask him what technique he used.】

【Unexpectedly, this bald guy was so stubborn that he refused to speak.】

【There is no other way. I can only give a small punishment.】

【Finally, when his legs were almost chopped off, he confessed.]


You mean the small punishment you mentioned is to chop off almost all of his legs?

Damn it, you are so bad!

The girls couldn't help but feel angry and amused.

【At this time, I learned that Huogong Tou Tuo used the Xi Sui Jing.】

【Knowing that it was this technique, I certainly couldn't let it go, so I immediately asked him to copy down the Xisui Jing.】

【After I read the Xisui Jing and understood its mysteries, I became a little nervous.】[]

【After mastering the"Xi Sui Jing", the practitioner's Qi can flow into every part of the body with a single move; once practiced, it can flow into all meridians in an instant.】

【The practitioner's internal Qi does not need to be condensed, it can be generated at will even with a wave of the hand, an invisible potential bursts outwards, like a shield】

【Although this is amazing, only a few top-level masters can do it.】

【It's not even magical! 】

Seeing this, the women couldn't help but nod their heads in agreement.

【But what I am going to say next is unusual.】

【Normally, when a warrior sends out a palm strike, there is only the palm force that has been gathered. After the strike, the palm force disappears naturally.】

【At most, you can hide some hidden power and plot against the enemy.】

【But the magic of"Xi Sui Jing" lies in that after practicing Xi Sui Jing, the internal force is released with the palm, and the internal force continues to surge forward in the form of palm force.】

【The palm force in front is released, and the palm force behind can continue to surge up. Infinite palm force, continuous.


It's not multiple hidden forces!

It's multiple palm forces!!

There is a big difference between them.

No matter how strong the hidden force is, it can't be more powerful than the powerful and heavy bright force.

But if you practice the Washing Marrow Sutra, you can make the hidden force as powerful as the palm force on the surface, then it's terrifying.

Fighting against such a person, it's the same palm. You hit it with one palm, and the force is gone. But he still has four or five palms to hit you. Can you bear it?

What's more, this guy seems to say that such palm force can be continuous and endless.


This is too strong!

If you accidentally get hit by a palm, isn't it equivalent to being hit by countless palms?

This is not to be blasted into slag!!

It is worthy of being regarded as the supreme skill by Shaolin Temple!!

The women who were reading the diary, holding the diary, were all shocked on the spot, with a dazed look.

After a while.

The girls gradually suppressed the turmoil in their hearts and continued to look at the diary in their hands.

【What is even more amazing is that this technique is actually a supreme technique that cultivates the essence, qi, and spirit at the same time.】

【After mastering this skill, not only will one be immune to any unorthodox skills, but one will also be able to generate telepathy, and one's spirit will become extremely solid.】

【This surprised me a bit.】

【No wonder the general outline of the"Xisui Jing" says that if you transcend the ordinary world and understand the Xisui Jing, you can expect immortality forever.

Jing, Qi, and Shen are cultivated together?

No wonder!

No wonder Huogong Tou Tuo's cultivation speed is so amazing!

How many such supreme skills are there in the world? Transcend the ordinary world, understand the Xisui Jing, and you can expect immortality forever.......?

This is not an ordinary skill, it is a boast! The women's mood , which had just calmed down, could not help but be agitated again..

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