"Write down the"Xi Sui Jing" on the ground!!"

Ye Changan's mind raced, and he guessed roughly, then looked at Huo Gong Tou Tuo, stretched out his finger and passed him another wisp of true energy, and said in a tone that could not be disobeyed

"No......All right!"

"But you can't cut me with a knife anymore!!"

The fire monk's eyes flashed with fear, and he surrendered.

Ye Changan smiled and said,"Okay!!"

The next moment, the crescent-shaped scimitar in his hand disappeared!

When the fire monk saw this scene, his expression was shocked and he was very surprised.

But he didn't dare to ask more questions, so he struggled to sit up and started writing and drawing on the ground.

Not long after, the fire monk drew dozens of human body patterns on the ground around him, and there were also text outlines and annotations next to them.

"The weather has been hazy for a long time, and it has turned into water, earth and wood. Wood grows from Kunlun Mountain, and flows into pits and wells everywhere. Sitting quietly generates warmth, and there are fire tools in the water."

"Water becomes earth after a long time of settling, fire is the radiance of Qi, the west absorbs Geng and Xin, and the forged gold is incomparable, the human body is a small world, nothing can compare to it......Transcend the ordinary, comprehend the marrow cleansing sutra, and longevity is within reach"

"Can immortality be expected forever?"

Ye Changan stared at the outline of the Washing Marrow Sutra, and a strange color flashed in his eyes.

Then, Ye Changan continued to scan the remaining patterns and texts.

After a while, he had already understood the essence of the"357 Washing Marrow Sutra".

This technique is worthy of being the supreme technique of Shaolin Temple that is much more profound than the Yijin Jing!

It actually starts with the cultivation of innate true qi.

This reminded Ye Changan of"The Secret of Immortality", one of the four great books of the Sui Dynasty.

Both techniques start with the cultivation of innate true qi.

Once you have mastered this technique, there is no bottleneck before your martial arts cultivation reaches the innate master.

Moreover, the quality of the internal force is extremely high, and you will have an overwhelming advantage among those in the same realm.

What's more, such a magical skill also has many other magical features.

It is not comparable to ordinary peerless martial arts!

《He didn't know the specific effect of the"Changsheng Jue"!

But this"Xisui Jing" was indeed miraculous!

"Then verify it!!"

Ye Changan glanced at Huogong Tou Tuo, and then according to the key points of Qi circulation in the first picture, he directly began to practice the Xisui Jing.

Xisui Jing and Jiuyin Yimai Dafa have many similarities.

In addition, Ye Changan's current qualifications are already the best among the best, and no one can compare to the foundation. It is effortless to practice.

Soon he has finished the sixth picture.

Just when Ye Changan practiced according to the seventh picture, when the true qi was circulated to a large acupoint.


The true qi began to riot inexplicably.

This acupoint was also shattered by the powerful true qi in an instant.

If it were an ordinary person.

At this moment, he must have gone astray, his meridians were broken, and he would die without a burial place!

But Ye Changan is naturally not an ordinary person.

The Jiuyin Yimai Dafa started to operate on its own, and the true qi riot was instantly quelled. The exploded acupoints had not even had time to bleed before they were restored to their original state.

"What a fool!"

"You dare to play tricks on me!"

Ye Changan had a sneer on his face.

The crescent-shaped scimitar in his hand appeared again.

He raised his hand and the knife fell!

With a"whoosh" sound

, the other leg of Huogong Tou Tuo was cut off!


"you......You are actually fine!!!"

Fireworks Monk screamed and looked at Ye Changan in disbelief.

Ye Changan held a scimitar in his hand, pointed at the acupuncture point with a problem in the seventh diagram, looked at Fireworks Monk, and said coldly:"This knife will cut off one of your legs!"

"If you correct the remaining mistakes now, I won’t do anything else!"

"If you still have any evil intentions!"

"The next blow will chop off your head!!"

"Do you understand?"

At this time, Huogong Tou Tuo looked at Ye Changan with deep fear and a hint of doubt.

He had obviously been practicing the Washing Marrow Sutra just now.

As long as he practiced it to the wrong place, he would inevitably go astray. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

How could he be fine?

That was the position I carefully selected!

Who is this guy?

After Huogong Tou Tuo Mountain God flashed for a moment, he honestly modified the following drawings.

When Huogong Tou Tuo finished modifying.

Ye Changan found that in addition to the seventh drawing, he actually left more than ten mistakes.

And each one is the key to making people doomed.

""Looking for death!"

Ye Changan's eyes suddenly flashed with cold light.

Immediately, the six meridians of sword energy condensed on his index finger and shot out instantly.


The extremely sharp sword energy instantly pierced through the brow of Huogong Tou Tuo.

"I didn't use a knife!!"

Looking at Huogong Tou Tuo, whose eyes were dull because of the sudden death, Ye Changan raised his mouth slightly and said lightly.

After saying that, Ye Changan's eyes swept over the pictures and words of"Xi Sui Jing" again.[]

After carefully remembering it, he smoothed the ground with a wave of his hand.

Then he turned and jumped out of the deep pit.

When Ye Changan returned to the gate of Huoyu Villa and was about to talk to Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu, he suddenly stopped.

"Huh......Not dead yet?"

""You are really tenacious!"

Ye Changan looked at the Wushuang ghost lying on the ground.

At this time, Wushuang ghost's skin, which was as hard as armor, was densely packed with holes.

The skin that could block ordinary swords and knives was no different from paper in front of the Wuxiang Divine Needle.

"Since you are not destined to die, I will give you a chance!!"

Ye Changan walked in front of Wushuang Gui, pointed his fingers continuously, and injected several streams of true energy into Wushuang Gui's body.

In the plot of"Qin Shi", Wushuang Gui experienced life and death many times, and he survived tenaciously.

In the end, most of his body was made up of machinery, just like a mechanical man, and his vitality was simply unbelievably tenacious!

The reason why he felt sympathy was because Wushuang���He is an extremely loyal person. Once he recognizes his master, he will not betray him.

In this case, let's give it a try.

If he doesn't want to recognize his master, it's not too late to kill him!

In a moment, the holes on Wushuang Ghost's body stopped bleeding, and his eyes slowly opened.

"Tianze is dead!"

"If you are willing to acknowledge me as Lord, I will heal you!"

"If you don't want to!"

"Then you must die!!"

Ye Changan looked at Wushuang Gui and said lightly

"You have ten breaths to think about it."

After hearing Ye Changan's words, Wushuang Gui's eyes were dull for a moment, then he tilted his head and looked at Ye Changan.

After a few breaths,

Wushuang Gui said with difficulty:"Master......host......People!"

Ye Changan nodded slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and said:"Okay!"

"Just lie down!"

"You will get better soon!"

Then he turned and walked towards the gate of Huoyu Villa. At the same time, the energy of Wuxiang Shenzhen surged out from the acupoints, turning into thin lines, encircling Wushuang Ghost, following behind Ye Changan, and slowly floating.

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