Just as Ye Changan was thinking, he heard the unwilling roar of the Fireworks Monk from below:...! Impossible!! This......How can it be!"

"How could I lose!"

"All the Buddhist forces united to hunt me down, but they were unable to do anything to me."

"How could I possibly lose to a young boy who hasn't even grown all his teeth!"

"I won't give up!!"

The Fireworks Monk held up his palms to the sky, and the unparalleled palm power was continuously released to meet Ye Changan's golden Buddha's palm.

Boom boom~~

The terrifying rumbling sound kept exploding in the air.

But it still couldn't stop the downward pressure of the golden Buddha's palm. The endless palm power released by the Fireworks Monk was like tofu dregs in front of the golden Buddha's palm, and was crushed.

In just a moment.

The huge golden Buddha's palm had already pressed close to the Fireworks Monk.

Seeing the huge Buddha's palm approaching, the Fireworks Monk's eyes showed a deep fear, and then a hideous and terrifying expression appeared on his face, and he shouted:

"I don't believe you can kill me!!"


""Indestructible Vajra Magical Skill!"

In an instant, a shield of Qi appeared out of thin air around Huogong Tou Tuo.

The Qi flowed on the shield, giving people a feeling of being indestructible.

"The indestructible magic of Vajra?"

"In this world, Huotoutuo also secretly learned this technique?"


Ye Changan raised his eyebrows and said in deep thought.

Before Ye Changan could think about it, the next moment, the huge golden Buddha's palm was imprinted on the Qi shield of Huogong Tou Tuo with unrivaled force.


When the golden palm shadow and the Qi shield intersected, a violent and unparalleled air wave instantly erupted, sweeping towards the void in all directions with Huogong Tou Tuo as the center.


The void of heaven and earth, in an instant, turbulent currents surged, and strong winds blew up.

On the ground, endless dust and smoke rose.

The people of Huoyu Villa who had already fled far away were not spared.

Under the impact of the aftermath of the air wave, they fell down one after another.


The golden palm shadow did not stop at all, and with an overbearing and unparalleled posture, it wrapped Huogong Tou Tuo and imprinted on the woods and the ground far away from Huoyu Villa.

A moment later.

The people of Fire Rain Villa, who were already in shock, stared at a huge palm-shaped pit in the bare woods in the distance, and were once again stunned, with horror beyond words.

Too horrible!

A palm print this big could crush a mountain into pieces!!

If it were an ordinary person, I'm afraid...

Looking at the huge palm-shaped pit, everyone in Huoyu Villa couldn't help but shudder.

Dare not think about it anymore!

At the moment when Ye Changan slapped his palm, Lady Hu, who had already pulled her sister, Madam Hu, to hide behind the wall, also poked her head out and exclaimed:"Wow~!"

"This must be the trump card mentioned in the young master’s diary—the Tathagata Palm!"

"It's amazing!"

Upon hearing this, Madam Hu also revealed her slender figure, looked into the distance, her eyes full of admiration, and said:"Young Master is really a god-like person!!"

"If such a palm is hit at Fire Rain Villa......The huge Fire Rain Villa would probably become a ruin in an instant!!"

"Our worries about him are totally unnecessary."

Lady Hu on the side nodded with a smile and said,"Sister!"

"Why don’t we practice martial arts too!"

"The young master is so capable, we can't just be a vase forever!"

Hearing what her sister Lady Hu said, Mrs. Hu's eyes suddenly lit up, nodded slightly, and agreed:"My sister is right!"

"If we have the strength, we can protect Huoyu Villa and daddy by ourselves!"

""Hehe!" Lady Hu said with a sweet smile,"Okay! When the young master comes back later, we will ask him to teach us martial arts!!"

At this time, Ye Chang'an in the air looked down at the huge palm print pit, with a slight smile on his lips, revealing a satisfied look.

With the improvement of martial arts cultivation, the power of Tathagata Palm is also constantly improving!

Now, it is also the ninth style of Tathagata Palm, the boundless Dharma, but it still defeated Huogong Tou Tuo, who is much stronger than Qiu Xiaolou, and crushed him easily!!


It's not that you are not strong enough!

It's that I, Ye Chang'an, am too strong!

Ye Chang'an stood out in the air, his robes dancing in the wind, like a god descending to the earth, looking down on the world!!

After a while.

Above the earth, the dust in the giant palm fell completely.

Huogong Tou Tuo was just like Qiu Xiaolou at the beginning, like a dead dog, lying in the palm of the giant palm print pit, motionless.

"He should not be dead yet!"

"After all, there is still a little strength left!"

Ye Changan stared at the fire monk in the huge pit, his eyes moved, and he floated down.

Standing beside the fire monk.

Ye Changan looked at the bloody and broken fire monk, and carefully sensed it.

He found that he still had the sound of his heart beating.

Then, he stretched out his hand and tapped the air, sealing more than a dozen acupoints of the fire monk.

Then, he passed another stream of true energy.

Ye Changan's true energy now contains the characteristics of the Shenzhaojing, Jiuyang Magic Art, Longshen Art, Jiuyin Yimai Dafa, and various healing magic arts.

The effect of healing and prolonging life is beyond imagination!!

In just a few breaths. (To read the violent novel, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

The fire monk opened his eyes.

Seeing that the fire monk woke up, Ye Changan didn't waste words and said directly:

"Tell me, what technique did you use just now?"

A flash of fear appeared in Huogong Tou Tuo's eyes, but then he smiled fiercely and said,"Hehehehe...!!"

""Wishful thinking boy!! Do you think I will tell you?"

Ye Changan's eyes flashed with cold light, and the crescent-shaped scimitar appeared in his hand. Without any hesitation, he swung the knife directly at the ankle of Huogong Tou Tuo.



Huogong Tou Tuo's foot was directly cut off.


"Boy, what a cruel method!!"

"However, you are still far from being able to make me, Huogong Tou Tuo, surrender!!"

"You'd better kill me immediately, otherwise I will make you wish you were dead or alive!!"

The fire monk screamed and said viciously.

Ye Changan said nothing and swung his knife again.[]

The blade flashed.

The other leg of Huogong Tou Tuo was cut off at the ankle again.

"If you have any guts, just keep silent!"

"I will chop you into pieces from the feet to the top of your head, one knife at a time!!"

Ye Changan said indifferently with a blank expression on his face.


"Hey...Hey! You can...Come!!"

The Fire-Attack Monk screamed again and sneered.

Ye Changan raised the corner of his mouth slightly with a sneer.

This technique is good to have.

But I, Ye Changan, don't care if I don't have it.

Do you think you can save your life by keeping your mouth shut?


The knife light flashed again.

Then, screams arose. It went back and forth like this.

After more than a dozen breaths.

One of the legs of the Fire-Attack Monk had been completely chopped off.

Just as Ye Changan continued to swing the knife, the Fire-Attack Monk finally said weakly:"Don't......Stop chopping!!"

"I said......I said!"

Ye Changan stopped and waited quietly.

"What I just used was the supreme skill of Shaolin Temple - Washing Marrow Sutra!!"The Fireworks Monk continued.


Washing Marrow Sutra?

The supreme skill of Shaolin Temple - Washing Marrow Sutra?

In this world's Shaolin Temple, the Washing Marrow Sutra has not been lost, and was even learned by the Fireworks Monk?

Ye Changan was shocked, and then he showed a look of joy.

No wonder.........No wonder!

No wonder Huogong Tou Tuo's palm power is endless and endless!

It turns out that it is all the magical effect of"Xi Sui Jing"!!

No wonder.....Huogong Toudao will appear in the land of Baiyue! Having stolen so many top-notch skills from the Dulin Temple, there is no place for him in the Ming Dynasty! No!

How could those snobbish bald donkeys let him go?.

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