Arriving at the gate of Huoyu Villa, Ye Changan said to Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu who were already around him,"Have someone prepare a room to accommodate Wushuang Ghost."

"Is this big guy called Wushuang Ghost?"

Lady Hu asked in surprise, looking at the Wushuang Ghost floating in the air behind Ye Changan.

Ye Changan nodded and smiled faintly,"That's right! He is my servant now. When his injury heals, I will leave him in Huoyu Villa to protect you."

""Sir! My sister and I don't want to be protected all the time, we also want to learn martial arts!" Lady Hu hugged Ye Changan's arm and said coquettishly,"Would you teach us martial arts?"

Hearing this, Ye Changan showed a hint of surprise, and then teased,"Okay, it's good to learn martial arts. After learning martial arts, your physique will also become stronger, and you won't beg for mercy so quickly. Haha!"

"Oh! Sir, you are so bad. People are talking to you about serious matters, why are you talking nonsense!"Lady Hu said in a delicate voice.

Mrs. Hu, who was standing aside, blushed suddenly on her pretty face and was extremely shy.

At this time, Lord Huoyu, who was not far away, looked at the intimacy between his two daughters and Ye Changan with a confused look on his face.

He wanted to step forward, but hesitated for a moment and stood still. He could only wink at the two girls with an inquiring look.

But the two girls' hearts were on Ye Changan at the moment, so how could they pay attention to him.

Ye Changan naturally discovered Lord Huoyu's little move, but he ignored it. Let the sisters explain it!

Looking at the cute appearance of the two sisters, Ye Changan laughed and prepared to walk into Huoyu Villa.

Suddenly, Ye Changan seemed to think of something, looked at the two girls, and asked,"Are you going to follow me or stay here?"

The two girls were startled and hesitated.

After a moment, the two girls looked at each other and nodded to each other. Mrs. Hu said,"Sir! My sister and I should stay in Huoyu Villa to accompany daddy!"

"Anyway, you can travel thousands of miles in an instant. If you miss us, come and see us more often!"

Ye Changan was not surprised to hear the two girls' words. He nodded and said,"Okay! Since you choose to stay here, I have to help you get rid of the hidden danger of the King of Baiyue!"

"Otherwise, there will be no peace in Huoyu Villa!"

"Wait for me!"

As soon as Ye Changan finished speaking, he used the Abyss Shrinking Technique and disappeared in front of everyone.

"Hey! Why is the person gone?"

"Yes! How come it disappeared suddenly?"

"Could it be that the boy was really a god?"

"I'm afraid he really is a god!"

"The eldest and second daughters actually know the gods!"

"Maybe it was Lord Huoyu's kindness and generosity that moved the gods, so they came to save Huoyu Villa from danger."


Seeing Ye Changan suddenly disappear, everyone in Huoyu Villa was shocked and started to discuss.

At this time,

Ye Changan's figure had appeared above the Baiyue Palace.

"Where is the King of Baiyue?

Ye Changan's voice was not loud, but it was clearly heard in every corner of the Baiyue Palace.

"Someone broke into the palace!"

"Protect the King!"

"That person is in the sky!"

Suddenly, teams of guards rushed out and looked up at the sky.

Some held knives, some drew their bows and arrows, and stood ready.

After a while, a middle-aged man wearing a royal crown and luxurious robes, escorted by a group of guards, walked out of a hall, looked at a man who looked like the leader of the guards, and asked:

"What happened?"

""Your Majesty! This person is very powerful and is standing in the sky. His purpose is unclear!" A guard leader saluted the middle-aged man.

"Where is the national teacher?"

"Send someone to ask the Imperial Master to protect the emperor immediately!"

The middle-aged man in fancy clothes changed his expression and ordered.


"That should be the King of Baiyue."

Ye Changan's eyes moved and he looked at the middle-aged man in gorgeous clothes wearing the royal crown.

"The Imperial Master is here to protect the emperor? I'm afraid he can't."

Ye Chang'an smiled faintly, and golden light surged around him, illuminating the sky.

The next moment, everyone in the Baiyue Palace saw a huge golden Buddha's palm covering the entire palace, falling from the sky.

What is this?

No! No!

What did I do to anger the heavens?

I know I'm wrong, please forgive me....


The Baiyue Palace was instantly reduced to ruins.

Ye Changan struck out with a palm, and without even looking, he disappeared directly into the air.

At the same time.

At the gate of Huoyu Villa. (To read the exciting novel, go to Flylu Novel Network!)

When Lord Huoyu saw Ye Changan disappear, his face changed, and he walked to Madam Hu and Lady Hu, and asked carefully:"Daughter!"

"That boy left?"

The two girls saw Huoyu Gong coming and finally remembered that their father was still beside them, and they immediately looked embarrassed.

However, when they saw Huoyu Gong's cautious look, Lady Hu covered her mouth and laughed,"Yes! That's right! He left!"

Huoyu Gong heard this and immediately became anxious, saying,"Oh! Why did you let him leave?"

"Baiyue Prince Tianze died in Huoyu Villa. Even if we didn't kill him, we are not free from responsibility!"

"What should we do if the King of Baiyue blames us?"

However, at this moment, a voice sounded behind Lord Huoyu.

"Don't worry! The King of Baiyue has no chance to ask anyone for their crimes!" Lord

Huoyu trembled, his face suddenly became unnatural, and he turned around slowly with a stiff body, looking at Ye Changan who had reappeared, and pulled the corners of his mouth, forcing a smile, and asked:

""What do you mean, young master?"

Ye Changan smiled and walked towards Huoyu Mountain Villa, saying as he walked,"Because the King of Baiyue is dead!" What


The King of Baiyue is dead?

The young man suddenly disappeared just now. Did he go to kill the King of Baiyue?......this......With just a few moments of practice, he ran back and forth from here to the Baiyue King's Palace?

Not only that, he also killed the Baiyue King!

Could it be that the young man is really an immortal?

This is incredible!!

Lord Huoyu was instantly shocked on the spot, his head buzzing

"Young Master, what a fool! He can't even speak politely! Look how scared Daddy is."

Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu looked at the dazed Lord Huoyu, then looked at Ye Changan's back, and thought to themselves.

Inside Huoyu Villa, after Ye Changan had arranged for Wushuang Ghost to be taken care of, he returned to the room with Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu.

At this moment,

Ye Changan was sitting on a stool, enjoying Lady Hu's gentle massage.

Mrs. Hu poured a cup of tea and handed it to her mouth.


Ye Changan took a sip of the tea gently, revealing a hint of satisfaction, and said:

"You guys should take a break too!"

"Just to see what I can bring back with my Five Ghosts Moving Technique today!"

After saying that, Ye Changan directly performed the Five Ghosts Moving Technique.

The next moment!

In the room, a ray of light flashed.

Madam Hu and Lady Hu were startled and immediately looked forward to it.

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