
The bald old man saw that the palm print he had made was defeated again. His eyes glared, a flash of surprise and anger flashed across his face, and he shouted angrily. Damn it.

Where did this kid come from?

The"Great Vajra Prajna Palm" that I created with many years of painstaking attainments was easily defeated by him!

Even when Zhang Sanfeng received my Great Vajra Prajna Palm, he was cautious and did not dare to be careless!

This kid could actually defeat my two palms with ease!

The key is that this kid is only a grandmaster in martial arts cultivation!

It's incredible!!

What he just used must be a shocking and unique skill!

No matter what, this kid must die today

, otherwise, there will be endless troubles!


"I want to see how many palm strikes you can catch!!"

While speaking, the bald old man suddenly stopped in the air, his hands crossed in front of him, drawing a circle.

Suddenly, a mysterious aura flowed, and the bald old man seemed to merge with the world.

At the same time, a huge airflow between heaven and earth, like a flood finding an outlet, madly gathered around the bald old man.

In an instant, a strong wind blew.

The bald old man's eyes flashed with a sneer.

Immediately, he once again used the Vajra Prajna Palm and hit Ye Changan.


"What tricks are you playing?"

"With such a big commotion, why don't you try some other moves?"

Ye Changan narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of doubt flashed across his face.

But the next moment, he sensed a dangerous aura that instantly enveloped his whole body.

"There is indeed something fishy!"

""Thunder Shocks the Blue Dragon!"

Ye Changan used Thunder Shocks the Blue Dragon and disappeared on the spot.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!......

As soon as Ye Changan disappeared

, a series of explosions rang out from where he had just stood!

Suddenly, dust and smoke filled the air, and the loud noises rushed straight into the sky, deafening!

"Sir, be careful!"

"Be careful!"

Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu's pretty faces turned pale again, and they cried out anxiously.

At the same time, everyone in Huoyu Villa felt the ground shaking.

Suddenly, they were terrified and shouted in surprise:


"This old man's palm can actually shake the mountains and the earth!!"

"very scary!"

"I thought that young man was a god, but I didn't expect that this old man was even more powerful than him!!"


"Master, we'd better stay away!"

"If gods fight, please don’t let it bring disaster to our Fire Rain Villa!"


When the dust cleared, a huge pit several dozen feet wide and several feet deep came into everyone's sight.

Everyone in Huoyu Villa couldn't help but gasp at the sight.


"my God!"

"Is that human being?"

"If this hits a person, wouldn't that person be smashed to pieces?"


Mrs. Hu and Lady Hu, who were not far away, heard the sound, their faces changed, and they scanned the huge pit anxiously, trying to find Ye Changan's figure.

At this time,

Ye Changan showed up dozens of feet away.

Looking back, he couldn't help but show a look of surprise.

The palm method of this bald old man is really weird!

It looks like he just made a palm.

But in fact, after the palm, there are seven or eight palms of palm power.

The continuous explosions just now were caused by the palm power.

This is a bit scary!

If someone fights the bald old man without noticing, I'm afraid he will suffer a big loss in an instant!

But how can there be seven or eight palms of palm power in one palm?

If it is said that the palm is too fast and seven or eight palms are made in an instant, it is nothing.

But it is obviously only one palm.

This is a bit strange.

Could it be that the bald old man has a strange and special martial arts?

If so, I would like to see it.

Ye Changan's eyes flickered, and he looked up at the bald old man in the air.

"never mind!"

"I already have enough unique skills!"

"Why bother to covet other martial arts? (To read exciting novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

"It’s good to see it now."

"It's time to verify my true strength."

Immediately, Ye Chang'an put one palm in front of his chest and made the ninth move of the Tathagata Palm, the beginning move of the boundless Buddha Dharma.

The next moment, a dazzling golden light bloomed on Ye Chang'an's body.

In an instant, it covered an area of dozens of feet.

At the same time, Ye Chang'an's figure slowly rose into the air under the background of an invisible airflow.

"He actually dodged it!"

"How did he do it?"

The bald old man noticed that Ye Changan's aura disappeared in an instant and reappeared dozens of feet away. He was extremely surprised.

But he didn't have time to think about it.

Ye Changan's body burst into a strong golden light and slowly rose into the sky.

"What kind of martial arts is this?"

"It looks like he's going to attack me."

"Hehe! Do you think I can only deliver seven or eight palm strikes of strength?"[]

"Ignorant boy!"

"Then I will let you experience the power of"Xi Sui Jing"!!"

"But this kid has a big secret, so we can't kill him."

"We have to spare his life first, and then kill him after we have tortured him to find out all his secrets."

The bald old man looked at Ye Changan, who was shrouded in golden light, with a ruthless and vicious look in his eyes.

The next moment, he attacked brazenly!

The huge palm print came down on Ye Changan's head again.


"Then let’s see which is more powerful, your magical Vajra Prajna Palm or my Tathagata Palm!"

"The ninth move of the Buddha Palm is"Boundless Buddha Dharma!"

Ye Chang'an looked up at the giant palm above his head, snorted coldly, and instantly appeared above the bald old man.

Then he performed the ninth move of the Buddha Palm.

Suddenly, a golden Buddha palm that was several times larger than the palm print of the bald old man stretched across the void, carrying an unparalleled force and covering downwards.

The palm hit nothingness, and the bald old man reacted quickly, immediately caught Ye Chang'an's trace, and looked up.

But when he saw the huge Buddha palm pressing down from above his head, the bald old man finally showed a panic, and then, a fierce aura appeared on his face, and he shouted:

"How can I, the foreman of fire, be afraid of a young boy?!"

""Great Vajra Prajna Palm 560!!!"

As he spoke, the bald old man stretched out his palms and suddenly pushed them upwards. His powerful internal force surged out.

Two huge palm shadows suddenly appeared above his head, attacking Ye Changan's golden Buddha palm.

In an instant, the palm shadows of both sides collided with each other.

Boom! Boom! Boom! Boom!......

In an instant, the rumbling sound produced by the huge force collision was endless, like thunder in a clear sky, resounding through the heaven and earth!

"The bald old man is indeed the Fireworks Monk!!"

Hearing the constant rumbling sound, Ye Chang'an stood in the air, watching the rolling air waves below, with a gleam of brilliance in his eyes.

At this moment, he was sure that the Fireworks Monk must have an extremely magical and unique skill.

This unique skill allows him to launch a continuous palm attack while striking out his palm!

As long as he does not retract his palm, countless palm powers will attack the enemy.

This martial art is absolutely extraordinary!


This Vajra Prajna Palm Technique is a little lacking in meaning.......If I can get this martial art, wouldn't I be able to launch the Tathagata Palm continuously?


Thinking of this, Ye Changan couldn't help but take a breath.

If this is true, how terrifying it would be!!

In the future, when the technique is perfected.

Using the Nine Yin Meridian Changing Technique, I can launch the Tathagata Palm with ten times the power.

And by activating this martial art, I can launch the Tathagata Palm endlessly.

If the two can be combined......

Haha!! Just ask! Who in the world can be the enemy?.

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