I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 45: Forty-fifth picture of mantis catching cicadas

Quill and their Predator spaceships dashed left and right, and the Nova Corps spaceships behind them were chasing after them and kept shooting at them.

"This group of people is really annoying! Do you want to kill them?" Rocket asked.

"Forget it, we're counting on them to defeat Ronan. They'll find the Kree battleships later, so hold on," Quill said.

Just then, the Nova Corps behind stopped shooting and turned around and flew into the air.

"Come up and see..." Arthur said.

The rocket turned the spaceship and chased after the Nova Corps spaceship.

It turned out that the reconnaissance plane of the Nova Corps finally discovered the huge Kree battleship, but the Kree battleship has entered the atmosphere of Xandar star.

The Nova Corps sent all the ships to intercept it, and the Kree battleship opened the hatch, and countless small Kree ships flew out of the battleship, mingling with the Nova Corps ships.

The six people came here with their spaceships and were also shocked by this scene. The spaceships were all fighting, and the huge Kree battleships were coming towards the ground. Anti-aircraft missiles and armored mechanical combat vehicles on the ground also fired into the air.

For a time, it seemed like a world war, and Xandar was harassed by the war.

"Did we do something wrong?" Quill, a civilian who saw countless casualties, regretted that Ronan led him to Xandar.

"You're right! Even if Ronan doesn't come now, he will attack Xandar as soon as he gets the cosmic spirit ball!" Gamora said.

"I have a way!" Arthur said.

"What can you do?" All five looked at Arthur.

"I'll knock it down with the power of the Power Stone, and we'll deal with Ronan on the ground!" Arthur said.

"You're going to use the Power Stone? Are you dying?" Gamora asked.

"I think I can withstand the power of the Power Stone!" Arthur said confidently.

"I'll go down first. After I knock down the Kree battleship, you will fire at the people who come out of the battleship," Arthur said.

"Okay, be careful!" Quill said.

The spaceship door opened, and Arthur's body flew out of thin air and flew towards the Kree battleship, while several others were fighting with the Kree spaceship.

Arthur flew under the Kerry battleship, and countless spaceships huddled around him, and no one paid attention to the human floating in the air.

Arthur took out the universe spirit ball, and twisted the spirit ball with both hands, and a purple gem shone dazzlingly in the spirit ball.

"Cosmic Spirit Ball!" Ronan and Nebula, who were standing in the control room of the Kerry battleship, noticed Arthur.

"Who is that? What is he doing?" Ronan murmured, looking at Arthur below.

Rocket and the others also noticed Arthur's situation. Almost everyone on the battlefield saw that the man floating in the air was holding a dazzling purple gem in his hand!

Arthur squeezed the power gem, and instantly he felt a huge energy rushing into his body! A black mist suddenly formed around Arthur! The small purple energy light group in the black mist constantly surrounded Arthur, Arthur's body was split open by the expansion of purple energy, and Arthur's eyes glowed purple.

"Ah!!!" Arthur was enduring a huge amount of energy, feeling that his body was about to explode, but he still insisted.

After a while, the black mist disappeared, the cracks on Arthur's body that glowed purple healed, and the energy of the power gem finally stabilized in Arthur's body, but Arthur knew that he would not last long in this state, and he had to deal with Ronan quickly.

A golden trident appeared in Arthur's right hand, pointed at the Cree warship, and a huge purple energy shot out to the center of the Cree warship.

After being hit by this huge energy, the Kree battleship exploded instantly, fell to the landing ground, and hit the ground heavily.

Seeing this scene, the countless Xandars on the ground cheered, and the soldiers of the Nova Corps also breathed a sigh of relief. They only needed to deal with those small Kree spaceships.

The rocket drove the spaceship towards the Kree battleship, and kept firing at the Cree people who escaped from the crashed Kree battleship.

Arthur fell from the air, his eyes still glowing with purple light, and he walked towards the Kree battleship step by step. He raised his trident and shot a burst of purple energy towards the central command room of the battleship, and the command room exploded.

Ronan fell to his knees on the ground. Nebula and Klaas were lying on the ground next to him. Only Ronan was still awake. Although he was affected by Arthur's energy, he still did not fall down.

"Impossible! How can you be a mortal using the power of the Infinity Stones!" Ronan yelled at Arthur.

"Who told you that I'm a mortal, I'm the sea king from the earth! Die!" Arthur shot purple energy again, the energy penetrated Ronan's chest, and Ronan's whole body burst open and blew into ashes.

Arthur put the gem back into the cosmic spirit ball, and the energy disappeared in an instant. Arthur felt a emptiness in his body, and his legs had no strength, and he almost fell to the ground.

Rocket and Tree Groot and Quelgamora and Destroyer came to Arthur.

"It's over!" Arthur said weakly.

"It's yours!" Quill patted Arthur on the shoulder.

The Destroyer saw Klaas on the ground, stepped forward and chopped off his head, as revenge for his relatives!

As he continued towards Nebula, it was Gamora who stopped him and said, "Leave her alone, she's my sister!"

Just as Destroyer was about to argue with Gamora, a missile shot towards them, knocking Arthur out of his chest.

The cosmic spirit ball in Arthur's hand also fell to the ground, and the cosmic spirit ball floated up and floated to a person's hand.

Gamora could see that the face of the person who came had changed greatly. It was Ebony-throated, Thanos' strategist, and a very powerful mage.

A golden gun stabbed into Arthur's chest, pinning him to the ground, and Arthur screamed!

It is the general of the dead blade, the subordinate of the tyrant.

"The great Thanos had long expected that Ronan would be more than successful, and now he easily got the cosmic spirit ball! Haha!" Ebony-throated laughed.

General Deathblade pulled out the spear on Arthur's chest and kicked the dying Arthur out with one kick.

At this time, only a few of the Guardians of the Galaxy reacted. The Destroyer rushed towards General Deathblade, while Quill went to save Arthur on the ground. The rocket fired at Ebony Throat but was blocked by an energy shield.

"Forget it, what Thanos wants is the cosmic spirit ball, it's more important for us to go back and restore our lives," said Ebony Maw.

"Gamora! You know the fate of betraying Thanos!" Ebony Throat warned Gamora.

A crescent-shaped spaceship appeared in the air, shooting out a blue light. The ebony throat, General Deathblade, and the nebula lying on the ground were sucked away by the blue light, and the spaceship disappeared.


Arthur woke up lying on the hospital bed. Arthur felt that his body was about to fall apart, and his chest was in great pain.

Seriously injured again! Arthur smiled bitterly and said that his luck was really bad, and he was injured every time he fought.

"You're awake!" Quill and Gamora looked at Arthur.

"Please give me some water..." Arthur needed water to replenish his energy, and Quill helped him pour eight glasses of water before he could drink enough.

"Where is this place?" Arthur finally had the strength to speak.

"We are still in Xandar. Although we defeated Ronan, the universe spirit ball was still taken away by Thanos." Quill said what happened.

"It's really been put together." Arthur smiled bitterly, but he thought that after Quill and the others left in the movie, Thanos destroyed Xandar and stole the power gem.

At least the Xandar people don't have to be killed by Thanos, and the tree man Brut has not been blown up into a sapling. At least the ending is much better than the plot. Arthur could only comfort himself with this reason.

"Okay, you're awake, and we're ready to go," Quill said.

"Xandar Star has released our wanted, we have to leave quickly, otherwise it will be miserable if Yondu knows that I am here!" Quill said.

"Okay, let's go, I just need you to send me back to Earth!" Arthur said.

A few people got on the spaceship and set off again. The five formed the Guardians of the Galaxy and decided to travel together in the universe. Their next goal was to send Arthur back to Earth to recuperate...

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