I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 44: Power Gem

Arthur was hanging out on the Xandar star. He couldn't drive a spaceship, so he couldn't go. He asked around and there was no spaceship that could go to Earth. If it would cost a lot to rent a spaceship to send him there, he didn't have a penny.

He can only go back to the spaceship and wait for Quill and the others to come back.

Arthur played with the cosmic spirit ball in his hand and wanted to open it to see what the power gem looked like, but he remembered that the movement was too loud and conspicuous after the power gem appeared, and he still dared not try to open it on Xandar.

I don't know if I can withstand the energy of the Power Stone, Arthur ate the food on the Quill spaceship while listening to the song...

Klein Prison

The tree man took the Konis battery in the prison control box, and the prison alarm bell rang.

Countless drones flew towards the prison and surrounded Tree Groot.

"Prisoner, put down the equipment and go back to the cell, or we'll open fire," said the guard at the console.

"I'm Groot!" The tree man yelled at the drones.

"Fire!" Immediately, the machine guns of all drones shot at the tree people.

Tree Groot raised his hand to resist the bullets, his arms extended into thick vines, and a drone was shot down with a single blow.

The tree man continued to punch the drone that was constantly attacking him, and the rocket climbed onto the tree man.

At this time, several guards on the side were about to shoot the tree man with guns. They were seen by the Destroyer on the side. The Destroyer rushed up and knocked down one at a time. After a few rounds, the guards were eliminated, and a gun was thrown to the Rocket.

The rocket that got the weapon exploded, and more than a dozen drones were dealt with in an instant.

Gamora also fights with the arriving guards, and Quill goes to get the broken leg the Rockets need.

There was a fight in the Kling prison, and the five people came to the control room, and the rocket operated the instruments on the console.

At this time, a large number of guards with rocket launchers and more than ten drones came to surround the control room of the observatory!

"Listen to my order, first shot, fire!" The guards with the rocket launchers fired rockets one after another, hitting the control room, and the bulletproof glass in the control room cracked instantly.

"Rat, what's your plan?" Gamora asked Rocket anxiously.

"What's the hurry!" The rocket was quickly operating the console.

"Second shot, launch!" Another round of rockets hit the control, and the control room was suddenly shaken.

"Third shot, get ready..." At this moment, the rocket cut off the prison's gravity device, and the guards and prisoners in the prison both floated and lost their balance. , it turned out that the rocket shut down the gravity system in the prison.

The control room also floated up, and nine drones flew under the control room to form a power engine, and the control room suddenly turned into a spaceship.

"I said I have a plan!" The rocket opened the control room and flew out towards the exit. The rocket opened the gate of the prison passage. After the spacecraft flew out of the control room, he closed the gate of the prison.

A few people came to the prison export goods warehouse to retrieve their belongings, but Quill found that he could not hear his random voice. Quill asked a few people to go to the spaceship first, and he would come in a while.

Arthur on the spaceship was sleeping, and suddenly the spaceship started automatically and woke him up. He saw that the spaceship started the automatic flight program and flew into space.

He came to a stop next to a huge steel building, and then the hatch opened and four people got on the spaceship, and Arthur looked at them.

"Who are you?" Rocket asked.

"He's Quil's mate, I've seen him," Gamora said.

"What about Quill?" Arthur asked.

"He said there was something to let us get on the spaceship first!" Destroyer said.

"The cosmic ball is in your hands!" Rocket looked at Arthur.

"How about in my hands?" Arthur asked.

"We went and sold him, and then the money was divided equally among the five of us, so we don't have to wait for that idiot Quill!" Rocket said.

"First, we have to wait for Quill, and second, the cosmic ball is mine, and I don't agree to sell it!" Arthur said.

"Let's withdraw first, if we don't leave now, we will be smashed into slag!" Rocket said.

"No! You have to wait for Quill to come back!" Arthur insisted, and there was no way a few people could take him.

"Look!" said the Destroyer.

Several people looked out the window, and it was Quill who came back, and he flew towards the spaceship with his metal mask.

After Quill came in, the Destroyer asked him what he was going to get, and Quill handed the Walkman to the Destroyer, and several people were speechless.

Spaceship is moving in space

"What cosmic orb is the power gem?" Gamora asked.

"Yes!" Arthur nodded.

"What is a Power Stone?" Rocket asked.

"The Power Stone is one of the six Infinity Stones. There were six Infinity Stones born in the Big Bang, and each one has the power to destroy the world," Gamora explained.

"The tyrant is collecting gems, so he is determined to get this cosmic spirit ball. If you sell him, you will give it to the tyrant," Arthur said.

"Then we'll give it to the Nova Corps for safekeeping," Gamora suggested.

"Hehe, do you think Nova Corps can stop your father?" Arthur asked.

"Then what the **** is going on now?" Quill asked.

"This is obviously a hot potato, I think it's better to sell him to Ronan." Rocket said.

"And let him destroy the galaxy?" Quill asked.

"Okay, stop arguing, this gem is useful to me, and Ronan's words have come!" Arthur pointed to the Kerry battleship in the distance outside the window.

"Fark! Go!" Quill yelled.

"No! I want to avenge Ronan!" Destroyer said.

"Don't fight in space even if we want to fight, we're done if we get hit, let's go to Xandar and let them deal with Ronan!" Quill said.

Several people thought it right, and here is near the Xandar star, the rocket started the spacecraft and fled towards the Xandar star...

Kree battleship Dark Star

"Found them, they fled towards Xandar!" Klaas reported to Ronan.

"Go to Xandar, catch up with me! Activate the stealth device and don't let Nova Corps discover us in advance!" Ronan ordered.

The rocket drove the spaceship to Xandar, but was immediately discovered by the Nova Corps. The Nova Corps had learned the news of their escape and sent a large number of warships to intercept their spaceship.

"What to do? We've been discovered!" Quill asked, looking at the dozens of Nova Corps spaceships behind him.

"Tell them Ronan is here!" Arthur said.

Rocket sent the news of Ronan's invasion of Xandar, but the other party was still in hot pursuit and opened fire.

"Sheet! What's going on? Didn't Ronan come?" Quill asked.

"He's probably invisible, Nova Corps hasn't found him yet," Gamora said.

Nova Corps Command Room

"Report, Star-Lord and the others sent a message that the Kree warships have invaded Xandar." A soldier came in and reported.

"What? What's going on?" The Nova Corps commander looked at the radar and found no trace of the Kree battleship.

"Whether it's true or not, go to evacuate the crowd first and send a reconnaissance plane to have a look!" the commander said.


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