I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 46: back to Earth

Looking at the beautiful planet in front of him, Arthur sighed that I was finally back.

Quill has complicated feelings. He was taken away from here by Yongdu since he was a child and has never come back. He has been living in the universe, but he feels extremely unfamiliar when he looks at his home planet in front of him.

"Okay, let's go to my house and I will treat you well," Arthur said.

Fortunately, it was midnight and their spaceship was not easy to find. Arthur asked the rocket to park the spaceship on the lawn outside his villa.

The location of Arthur's sea view villa is relatively remote, and generally no one will come here.

Arthur led a few people to the door of the villa, "This is my home, welcome to the earth as a guest!"

"Your house? It looks good," Quill said.

"I like the environment here," Gamora said.

"I'm Groot!" Groot said, while Rocket and Destroyer did not comment.

Arthur opened the door to the villa, turned on the lights, and invited them in to sit.

Arthur found that his villa was clean and spotless, opened the refrigerator and found nothing to eat, and said to the five people, "You guys take a rest first, I'll go buy something delicious tomorrow, it's too late now ."

Arthur arranged for the five of them to rest and was speechless all night.

The next morning, Arthur slept beautifully. After getting up to wash, he found that they were still sleeping. It was really a series of recent events that had worn them out.

Arthur untied the bandage on his chest and found that the wound had healed. Although the injury was serious, the medical level of Xandar Star was really high. It took only a few days for the injury to heal, but it was still a little painful, but it was not a serious problem. .

Arthur found his cell phone, several of which were sent by S.H.I.E.L.D. After charging the phone, he dialed Zhao Long's number.

"Hello?" Zhao Long's voice came from the phone.

"Hello? Zhao Long, are you in the restaurant?" Arthur asked.

"You... you are the boss?!" Zhao Long said loudly.

Arthur looked at his phone, Zhao Long should know this number, how could he be as startled as if he saw a ghost.

"It's me, I'm back, you buy me some food, I want to entertain friends!"

"Dudu..." Zhao Long hung up the phone before Arthur could finish speaking. Arthur shook his head. Young people today are just impatient.

"What's up?"

"Are you awake?" It turned out that the five of them got up from Quill.

"It was a great sleep! I haven't slept in bed in years," Quill exclaimed.

The other people were also satisfied with the rest, but they were a little hungry. Arthur asked them to wait for a while until Zhao Long bought the ingredients.

After a while, the door rang, and it was Zhao Long!

Arthur was a little speechless when he saw Zhao Long, Jack, Mike, Lina, Isa, and Omilie who came in. Don't you have to go to work today?

"Boss!" "Boss!" Isa jumped into Arthur's arms, and the others hugged Arthur excitedly, crying while hugging Arthur.

The three people next to them, Kazuki and Raccoon, looked at them strangely. Is this the way the earth greets? Also too affectionate.

Arthur is also blinded, what are they doing? I have only been away for more than ten days, and the last time I went there for a year, I was not so excited.

"Stop, stop!" Arthur shouted, his wound hurt a little from being strangled by several people.

"What's wrong with you? Why didn't I see you so enthusiastic when I came back last time, I remember some people slap me in the face." Arthur asked strangely.

"Boss, it's reported on TV that you're dead and dying with the aliens," Jack explained.

"..." Arthur's head was full of black lines.

After a while, the group finally returned to normal, and Arthur introduced them to his new friends, four aliens and half-earth.

The six of Isa and the others were very curious about Arthur's friends. Except for Quill, who was relatively normal, there was a green-skinned woman, a gray-skinned muscular man, a talking raccoon, and a tree man.

OMG! What did they see?

However, for Arthur's friends, they are quite receptive, after all, Arthur is an avenger.

Several people are going to help Arthur cook a feast to celebrate Arthur's "resurrection", and also welcome Arthur's alien friends to come to Earth as guests!

A few people went to the nearby supermarket to buy ingredients and drinks. Arthur stood on the edge of the cliff and waved at the sea. The big lobster, big crab, tuna, and tuna automatically flew into the bucket in front of him. Quill was stunned and stood up. Thumb praised that his ability was really useful.

two hours later

In the living room of Arthur's house, twelve people were sitting on a large round table, which seemed a bit crowded. The table was full of drinks and food.

Arthur picked up the glass and said to everyone, "Celebrate everyone together! Cheers!"

"Cheers × 11!"

Everyone eats and drinks freely, even Groot is more happy to eat, and Quill and the others are even more impressed that the food on Earth is delicious, think about what they eat every day on the spacecraft?

"...That's what happened." Zhao Long and Arthur explained what happened after he left the earth.

"You mean the whole world knows me now? They think I'm dead?" Arthur asked.

The six nodded.

Arthur was a little speechless, but when he thought it was a good thing, he could secretly carry out the next action.

"Don't tell me that I'm still alive, I will tell Peter Parker and Tony that you keep it a secret for me, and I plan to take a good rest for a while," Arthur said.

The six promised that they knew, and the meal was eaten until the evening before the six got up and left.

And Quill and the others also said they were leaving. After they sent Arthur back, they would continue to take risks in the universe.

"Really a few more days?" Arthur asked Quill.

"No, we're still not used to being in one place, and now that I'm wanted by predators, it's more dangerous to stay on Earth," Quill replied.

"Okay, see you when I have a chance!" Arthur handed Quill a box.

"This is?" Quill took the box.

"This is a music player. I have downloaded tens of thousands of classic music in it, and I will give it to you as a souvenir!" Arthur gave Quill a Sony player and a pair of top-of-the-line headphones.

This is all just now he arranged for Zhao Long to go to the city to help him buy it.

"Thank you!" Quill said.

"You must be careful of Thanos, you can run away when you meet him. He is very dangerous now that he has a power gem." Arthur instructed.

All five said they knew, and they took Quill's rover spaceship and left the earth.

Arthur felt a little sad when he saw the distant spaceship, but Arthur believed that they would meet again soon!


Arthur sat on the sofa and thought. His current goal is the Mind Stone. He failed to get Loki's mind scepter in the last New York battle.

He can't remember the plot of the right to the mind after being obtained by SHIELD, but he only remembers that it seems to be used by Hydra for experiments.

He is now trying to find out the whereabouts of the scepter, and then get the scepter back. After the Hydra of S.H.I.E.L.D. got the psychic scepter, most people should be controlled by the Hydra.

How did he get the information, he decided to sneak into the SHIELD and grab someone to ask.


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