I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 280: final battle

Arthur came to the dying tyrant, and the tyrant's chest was blown through a big hole, and even his internal organs could be seen.

Thanos lay on the ground panting heavily, unable to move in pain, he could only watch Arthur crouch down and take the Infinity Glove from his right hand...

"You stole the power gem from me, and the soul gem was also deliberately given to you by the news we released..." Arthur said while deducting the power gem and soul gem from the Infinity Gloves.

"Now they are back to their original owners, and this glove belongs to Asgard." Arthur put away the Infinity Gloves and the two gems.

The rest of the people came to Thanos and looked at the dying Thanos on the ground, and all breathed a sigh of relief.

It was finally over, only Gamora looked at her so-called "father" with complicated eyes.

Destroyer Drax strode towards Thanos with a sullen face and a dagger, and stabbed the dagger into the heart of Thanos!

Thanos looked at Drax, he didn't know the man with the weird imagination.

" Thanos! You sent someone to kill my whole family! Killed half of our planet's lives, and today I kill you as revenge for everyone on our planet!" Drax looked at Thanos and said fiercely .

Thanos finally smiled and said with difficulty: "I don't regret my choice, it's just that destiny is not on my side this time."

Thanos looked at Gamora in the crowd, and Gamora also came out and came to Thanos.

"Father." Gamora looked at Thanos with complicated eyes and said, and the rest of the unknowing Avengers were startled. Is this green-skinned woman the daughter of Thanos?

"I know you are cruel to me, but I have never blamed you! My favorite daughter will always be you... Gamora..." Thanos lost his breath after saying this intermittently.

Thanos looked at Gamora's eyes, and the most powerful Titan in the universe, Thanos Thanos fell to the earth!

Gamora was still in tears watching the father who raised her from childhood. Quill walked over to Gamora and patted him on the shoulder, expressing comfort.

The other Avengers sat on the ground one after another. Today's battle was really thrilling. The countless Chitauri army made the Avengers exhausted their strength.

In the final battle with Thanos, if Arthur, Thor and Danvers were not in the lead, they would not be the opponents of Thanos.

Fortunately, the victor is still the Avenger, and Arthur also stood there blankly. He has worked hard for so many years to cultivate and grow himself to defeat the tyrant.

Now he finally did it! Arthur's mind was suddenly empty, and the tension and pressure he had been feeling disappeared, and the whole person seemed to be much more relaxed.

Wanda walked up to Arthur and hugged Arthur tightly, and the others smiled and looked at them...


All people on Earth watched nervously on the live broadcast of the fierce battle.

They saw a swarm of aliens, a giant Leviathan, a giant dog-like monster, and the Chitauri who invaded Earth in New York.

Although the live broadcast equipment can only see a few simple pictures, they still saw the **** battle of the Avengers!

The superheroes united again to defend the earth, and the aliens seemed to have a fierce battle, and finally eliminated all the aliens and won!

Of course, they didn't see the final fight with Thanos, just the Avengers and the Chitauri army.

People went crazy and kept asking where the battle was, but no one said where they were preparing to fight, as if they were not on Earth.

Only the heads of state and dignitaries of various countries know the existence of Wakanda in Africa, as for the specific place, no one knows.

But this can't stop everyone's enthusiasm, everyone cheers for the Avengers on the public screen together! They are rewarded for their contribution.

I also remembered some of the new faces among the Avengers, such as the Green Goblin wearing green armor on the aircraft, Mike Dylan, the electric man with electric lights flashing through the air, the great wizard Stephen Strange...

There are also the Guardians of the Galaxy, the strange tree Groot, the raccoon rocket with a huge gun, the green skin Gamora who likes to use two swords, the Destroyer Drax who looks weird and rushes in the front, and hides in The mantis girl in the back...

Arthur also intimately announced the titles of the new members of the Avengers, so everyone knows who these new superheroes are.

The Avengers all returned to the Avengers base, and Gamora also buried Thanos in Wakanda. There was no monument, no famous brand, only a hill bag and beautiful white flowers.

Gamora and the handcuffed Nebula stood silently in front of Thanos' grave. Nebula looked at Gamora with complex eyes and said to her, "You know what? What do I want most?"

"Winning is what you desire most, and you have always liked to be competitive," Gamora said, looking at Nebula.

"No, you are the one who is competitive, Gamora! What I longed for most since I was a child was to have a sister who can treat me well, but you are always better than me in everything! I have been transformed into this way. Turn a blind eye!" Nebula said with a painful expression.

... Gamora looked at her sister beside her and couldn't speak for a long time, maybe she was really not good enough for her sister, and she never had the consciousness of being a sister.

"I'm sorry..." Gamora apologized to Nebula.



Arthur didn't go home immediately, let the army of Atlantis return to the kingdom of Atlantis, and left after explaining to Wanda Pietro, he had to settle the Asgardians.

Arthur brought cat venom to Thor, Loki, and Valkyrie.

"Let's go, let's rebuild our home for Asgard!" Arthur opened a portal and walked in.

The others followed, and Koreng the Thing and Jimmy the Bug also chose to leave with Thor.

The crowd came to the star of Bocht and saw Heimdall and the dwarf king Aitri who were waiting for them.

"I saw your battle. You did a good job and successfully defeated the enemy." Heimdall said to several people.

"What about the people of Asgard and the dwarves?" Thor asked.

"It has been arranged for them to camp temporarily, and rebuild Asgard when we find a planet suitable for them to live in." Heimdall replied.

"Aitri, I'm here to help you heal your hands." Arthur said while looking at the dwarf king Aitri.

"Thank you very much! Arthur, you saved our people, you are our benefactor!" The dwarf king Aitri replied.

Arthur gestured to Venom, and Venom reluctantly jumped to Ai Tri's feet, and the black liquid wrapped around Ai Tri...

Although Aitri was taken aback, he did not resist, he believed that Arthur would not harm him.

With the help of the person in charge, Aitri turned into a black monster, and the metal that merged with his hands fell from the black monster's hand, hitting the ground with a bang.

Venom also left Ai Tri's body, and Ai Tri returned to her senses and cried with joy when she saw her hands returning to their original shape...


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