I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 281: Rebuild Asgard

"Where are you going to put the people of Asgard?" Arthur asked, looking at Thor and Heimdall.

"Actually, it's pretty good here..." Thor said, looking at the endless forest.

"No, this planet is too far away. We still have to protect the peace of the Nine Realms. I hope to find a planet not far from the earth." Heimdall shook his head and said.

"Then this task is left to you, Heimdall, this is your strength!" Arthur said to Heimdall.

"I'll be in charge of finding it..." Heimdall nodded and replied.

"By the way, these weapons are returned to you!" Arthur poured out all the weapons he took from the Asgard arsenal from the dimensional space.

Countless swords and shields appeared in the clearing, and these were exactly what the people of Asgard needed right now.

Asgard has no army, Thor is in urgent need of retraining the troops that have always been able to protect the people of Asgard, and these weapons of Arthur come out at the right time.

Arthur asked Loki and Valkyrie to stay and arrange the people of Asgard, while Arthur used the portal to send the dwarves back to Didawi, where they truly belonged!

Under the leadership of the dwarf king, more than three hundred dwarves walked into the portal and returned to the Didavi star ring.

"Thank you very much for your help!" The dwarf king Aitri looked at Arthur and Thor and said.

"That's what we should do!" Thor replied.

"Settle down the clansmen well. It is estimated that no one will attack you again in the future. Heimdall will always pay attention to this place." Arthur replied to Aitri.

"Thank you! Asgard's rebuilding of our dwarves will also do our part!" said the dwarf king Aitri.

"Great, we just need the help of the dwarves to get us through this difficult time together!" Thor replied happily.

After Arthur and Thor bid farewell to the dwarves, Arthur and Thor returned to the Wakanda Avengers base on Earth together.

Wait a night and go to help the people of Asgard find a new planet tomorrow.

Wanda watched Arthur drag his tired body back home, and Wanda got up to meet him.

"Are the Asgardians arranged?" Wanda asked, looking at Arthur.

"It's arranged, it's no problem to find a planet for them to rebuild their homes tomorrow." Arthur nodded and replied.

"That's good, go take a bath and have a good rest, I'll get you something to eat." Wanda looked at Arthur with concern and said.

"Great, I can't be hungry. By the way, where's Pietro?" Arthur asked Wanda, stroking her orange hair.

"Pitro was too tired to rest. He performed well today, although he was injured a little." Wanda replied.

Arthur kissed Wanda's forehead lightly, turned and walked to the bathroom. Wanda also went to make Arthur a bowl of his favorite braised beef noodles with ham and three eggs!

After Arthur finished eating instant noodles, he and Wanda hugged each other on the bed, comfortably without moving, and fell asleep beautifully...

the next day

Arthur and Wanda came to the Avengers base to find Thor, and the three returned to Bocht once again to meet Heimdall.

Heimdall had found a suitable planet for the people of Karsgard, a blue planet slightly smaller than Earth.

There are plants and the sea on it, but there are no intelligent life forms, only some ordinary animals, just suitable for the reconstruction of Asgard.

The most important thing is that the location of this planet is not very far from the solar system, and the location is very good.

Thor immediately decided that it was it. Thor asked Valkyrie to gather all the people of Asgard together. Arthur used teleportation magic to open a portal and go directly to the planet.

Under the leadership of the Valkyrie, the people of Asgard lined up for their new home...

This is a beautiful planet, and the people of Asgard fell in love with this place as soon as they left the teleportation array, with huge trees, blue sky, and a sun overhead.

As if returning to Earth, Arthur said something to Wanda, and Wanda nodded.

Arthur and Wanda walked to an empty place together, Thor and Loki and Valkyrie looked at Arthur and didn't know what he wanted to do.

Arthur took out the power gem and soul gem that he had snatched from Thanos from the dimensional space, and put them into the infinity glove in his left hand.

The moment the power gem was inlaid into the glove, huge energy flooded into Arthur's body. Arthur suffered the impact of the energy in pain, but the energy softened after five seconds.

The power gem was also successfully subdued by Arthur again, and the moment the soul gem was put into the glove did not feel anything.

Arthur looked at the four infinity gems on the glove and smiled. Now his reality gem can finally use more powerful power with the blessing of the other three gems, which is to permanently change reality!

Arthur and Wanda looked at each other. The four Infinity Stones in Arthur's hand were measured at the same time, and the red energy transformed into a transparent building outline in the huge open space.

Wanda also flew up, the chaotic magic in the body was dyed, and the dark red energy joined Arthur's reality gem energy.

The Asgardians raised their heads and looked at the familiar building that Arthur used gems to transform into. A huge golden palace appeared in the open space, slowly turning from a transparent state into a solid one.

It is the Asgardian Palace that was once destroyed by Surtur! Of course this is a scaled down version, but it also cheers the people of Asgard!

Thor, Loki, Heimdall, and Valkyrie also smiled and watched as Arthur and Wanda cooperated and a golden fairy palace appeared in front of everyone.

The gem in Arthur's hand dimmed, Asgard was perfectly built by Arthur out of thin air, and Wanda flew back to Arthur's side.

"How? Do you like my present?" Arthur looked at Thor and asked.

"I like it so much, thank you Arthur, and Wanda." Thor looked at Arthur happily and said.

Arthur also smiled and turned to look at Loki. Loki froze for a moment, and took the initiative to take out a blue universe Rubik's cube from behind and hand it to Arthur.

"The universe cube is still for you." Loki said sensibly.

"The Cube of the Universe has recognized you, and I hope you can use it well. Haven't you always wanted to be a king and lead the people of Asgard? The opportunity is right in front of you." Arthur shook his head and said to Loki.

"The king is always Thor's, I don't care..." Loki shook his head and said. After this series of battles, he figured out a lot, and he also understood the true meaning of the king.

"If you want to be, now you are qualified to be king! Of course Heimdall and Valkyrie will help you." Thor patted Loki on the shoulder and said.

Loki was stunned for a moment, what do you mean, does Thor not want to be a king?

"I'm not fit to be a king! I still have a lot of things I want to do. After Asgard settles down, I want to go to the universe with Quill and the others!" Thor shook his head and said.

"This..." Valkyrie was also speechless. Asgard had such an heir, he wondered if Odin would be revived in anger.

Let's talk about the king, this planet was named Asgard by Thor! After the Ragnarok of the Gods, the Asgardians were able to re-inherit...


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