I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 279: Infinity War (8)

Thanos stood up and fought Thor again with a big knife, and Arthur joined in with the golden trident.

The rest of the Avengers glanced at each other, and they all swarmed to attack Thanos together.

Thor Stark, Lord, Quill, Danvers, Max, Rocket, and Bucky use weapons or energy to attack Thanos together.

The tyrant who was in the battle was suddenly blasted out by countless firepower and smashed on the ground in the distance, very embarrassed.

Taking advantage of this being Thor, he immediately summoned the thunder and lightning to strike at Thanos, and countless silver lightnings in the dark clouds rolled towards Thanos!

Thanos raised a purple energy shield to resist the lightning attack, and Max suddenly flew into the dark cloud of lightning.

boom! ! !

A huge humanoid lightning strikes towards Thanos, he is Max! Max merged with the lightning, and the shining humanoid lightning instantly shattered Thanos' purple energy shield! He slashed fiercely on Thanos' chest armor.

Only seeing the flash of lightning, Thanos' breastplate cracked instantly, red blood flowed out of the breastplate, and Max fell to the ground. This blow exhausted his entire body's electricity, and he was out of strength and could no longer fight. .

Arthur saw the opportunity to take advantage of your illness to kill you! The three-color energy beam in his hand blasted towards the wound on Thanos' chest.

Thanos can only barely raise his knife to resist, but this is a combination of three energies of Reality Gem + Mind Gem + Water Latitude!

Thanos was blasted out the second time, and the two-edged sword in his hand flew out far away and stuck in a rock in the distance.

Danvers also understood the essence of Arthur, and then rushed to Thanos lying on the ground, the flame energy in his hand gathered on his fist, and smashed towards Thanos!

Thanos was knocked away by Danvers! In mid-air, Thor Stark quickly caught up with Thanos, and the energy ray shot towards Thanos fiercely.

Thanos was caught off guard by the series of attacks and raised his hands to resist Tony's attack. Tony Stark's ray slammed into Thanos' hand, and the Infinity Gauntlet successfully resisted the attack.

Roar! ! !

Before Thanos could breathe a sigh of relief, he suddenly heard a loud roar, and a green figure appeared in front of him! It was the Hulk Hulk, and Thanos turned around to block Hulk's heavy punch.

But Hulk's attack is not over with one punch, Hulk is like a crazy monster. One punch after another punched at Thanos, who could only raise his arms to resist, seeing the opportunity to fight back against Hulk.

Thanos is bigger than Hulk, and the two are as strong. Thanos and Hulk smashed each other with their fists. Hulk did not expect that someone could fight with him in close quarters without losing the wind.

But the Avengers are not playing alone with you. Danvers and Arthur Thor charged up again and attacked Thanos.

The tyrant faced the double team of four people, and there were other avengers' artillery attacks in the distance, and the tyrant was very embarrassed.

He also took several punches from Hulk in the face, and the armor on his back was also scarred by Thor's Storm Hammer.

Arthur's trident slammed into Thanos' thigh, and Thanos frowned, and the purple energy wrapped in infinite gloves called towards Arthur again.

Arthur is not to be outdone, and the red energy wraps his fist to face the past! One red and one purple two fists slammed together! Arthur was knocked out by a huge force, and the trident was pulled out of Thanos' legs.

Thanos was not feeling well either. He was staggered by Arthur's punch, and Thor's Storm Hammer behind him was once again wrapped in thunder and lightning and slashed at Thanos, this time with the end of an axe!

"Ah!!!" Thanos screamed, the storm hammer slashed into the armor on Thanos' back, and the lightning on it instantly scorched Thanos' skin, so Thanos' back didn't bleed.

At this moment, Hulk rushed towards Thanos fiercely, knocking him out and smashing him on the giant rock next to him.

Thanos slammed on the rock and fell down, lying on the ground, gasping for breath.

Now the wound on his right leg stabbed by Arthur was bleeding profusely, and blood was oozing from the shattered armor on his chest.

The most serious thing is that on the back, a huge wound has been scorched black, and it is glued to the damaged armor.

Thanos has not been so embarrassed for a long time, these Avengers on Earth can actually drive it to this point!

Thanos felt that he was probably going to fight to the death today. He looked at Loki in the crowd. If he caught him and took the cosmic cube on him, he might escape.

Loki in the distance felt Thanos' hostility, smiled evilly, and the smart Loki instantly knew Thanos' plan.

Want to catch me? you think too much! Loki can't do anything else, escape is one of the best of all.

Thanos suddenly got up and rushed towards Loki, and the purple energy slammed into Loki fiercely.

Thor was taken aback and wanted to rescue his brother, but it was too late.

Just as the purple energy hit Loki, a green light flashed, and the energy beam penetrated through Loki.

Thanos who rushed towards Loki was taken aback for a moment, fake? But Arthur wouldn't give Thanos a chance, and the trident stabbed the wound on Thanos' back again!

Thanos felt the attack behind him, turned around and grabbed Arthur's trident, pulling Arthur over.

"There is no cosmic cube, you hand over the other two gems!" Thanos punched Arthur with a fist wrapped in purple power gem energy.

Red energy flashed on Arthur, and Thanos' fist passed through Arthur. Didn't hit Arthur.

Thanos was stunned for a moment, this is the trick again! Reality gems are really annoying, Arthur punched Thanos in the face with a backhand, and was blocked by Thanos' left hand, Arthur also took the opportunity to get back the trident.

"Want to grab my gem? Get your gem first!" Arthur's trident was cut off towards Thanos' right hand with the Infinity Glove.

Thanos dodged, Tony Stark stood aside, Thor's thunderbolt blasted Tony's back device to charge him, and Tony's chest reactor blasted a beam of orange energy towards Thanos.

Thanos raised his hand and blocked it with the Infinity Glove. Arthur also raised the trident tricolor energy and blasted at Thanos again.

Thanos clenched his fist, and two orange and purple gem energy shields wrapped him to resist Arthur's attack.

Wanda and Stephen Strange, who had already dealt with the soul body, also joined the battlefield, and Wanda also blasted dark red energy to attack Thanos.

Stephen Strange blasted a magical fireball at Thanos, and Rocket, Bucky, Quill, Drax, Sam, and Lord all took up arms and fired at Thanos' defensive hood.

In the face of the combined attack of the crowd, Thanos could only do his best to maintain the protection of the energy defense cover, but in the face of so many attacks, there were cracks in the double-layer defense cover of Thanos.

Thor suddenly rushed towards Thanos, and the Storm Hammer slammed into Thanos' energy shield!

Hearing a crisp sound, the purple protective cover broke first, and then the orange protective cover cracked instantly, and everyone's attack instantly slammed into Thanos' chest.

boom! ! !

Countless attacks suddenly converged on Thanos' chest and exploded, only to see a white shining energy ball suddenly explode, and the shock wave blew everyone to a stagger!

The tyrant at the center of the explosion was lying on the ground not far away, but this time he was not able to stand up again!


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