I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 264: Trapped Saka Star

When Thor woke up again, he was already lying on the spaceship, and Thor was lying on the spaceship, watching the spaceship fly towards the huge main city in the distance.

Thor rolled over and saw the woman above him, who was sitting on the console controlling the ship.

"This is the scavenger warrior No. 142. I need to clear the customs and meet the master. I have something special to bring him." The woman looked at Thor and said into the communicator.

"Hey, where are you going to take me? Answer me! Hey! I'm Thor, the son of Odin, and I have to go back to Asgard!" Thor shouted at the goddess of women.

"I'm sorry, His Royal Highness." The woman looked at Thor with complicated eyes, took out the small remote control and pressed it.

Thor twitched again and was stunned. The spaceship took Thor to the tallest master tower in Saka City. The woman wanted to give Thor to the city's controller, Gao Tianzun!

When Thor wakes up again, he is fastened to a high-tech chair, and the chair walks automatically with him. Thor is now like a commodity on an assembly line.

Thor's hands were fastened to the armrests of the chair. He didn't know what metal it was made of. Thor couldn't break the mechanism of the chair with all his strength.

Thor could only watch himself go towards the front passage, and there were video projections along the way to introduce him to the origin of Saka Star and the dominance of Gao Tianzun...

When the video disappeared, Thor realized that he was already in the hall, and in front of him a white-haired man in a flamboyant robe was observing him.

He is the creator of this planet, the most mysterious member of the **** group in the universe, Gao Tianzun!

"It's really good, but is it male?" Gao Tianzun asked the woman next to Thor who was very familiar with Thor.

Her name is Valkyrie, and in Sarkar she remains anonymous, calling herself Scavenger 142.

"It should be... right?" Valkyrie nodded, looking at Thor with complicated eyes.

"No. 142, you are very happy every time you come to imitate me. No matter what time you bring the best things! My evaluation for you is the most... drunk, haha." Gao Tianzun joked to Valkyrie. arrive.

Valkyrie smiled helplessly, Gao Tianzun is like this, don't look at him with a giggling look, but never take other people's lives seriously.

"What is this person brought to me today?" Gao Tianzun asked Valkyrie.

"He's the future arena champion," Valkyrie replied.

"What?" After listening for a long time, Thor finally heard his own words and asked me to play in the arena? What are you kidding?

Gao Tianzun stared at Thor for a long time, pointed to Valkyrie and said, "Pay her the money."

"Wait, I'm not for sale!" Thor used a huge force to break free from the mechanism fixed by the chair, and Valkyrie took out the remote control and gave Thor an electric collapse.

Gao Tianzun paid Valkyrie 10 million to buy Thor, and then told Thor that if he wanted to be free, he only needed him to defeat the arena champion.

In the middle, he personally executed an alien in front of Thor, and to Thor's surprise, he actually saw Loki in this tower.

Loki said that he was here a few weeks ago, and now he is a good friend of Gao Tianzun. Gao Tianzun told them that time does not work in Saka Star, and the flow of time here is different from the outside world.

So it can be explained that Loki arrived here a few weeks in advance. Thor accepted the challenge of the arena champion to gain freedom, and he was taken down by Gao Tianzun's men.

Thor was thrown into a ring-shaped arena waiting area and locked up, where there were two strange alien creatures, a stone man and a bug.

"Hey look over here, this pile of rocks is talking to you, yes it's me, I'm alive, introduce myself I'm Kornger, I'm the head here. This is my friend, his name is Mick , is a bug with two knives." Koenger said to Thor very hospitable.

"Are you a Kronan warrior?" Thor recognized the origin of the stone man Koeng, who was also a person from one of the Nine Realms.

"That's right." Koreng nodded and replied.

"Then how did you end up here?" Thor asked Korenger.

"I wanted to start an uprising, but there weren't enough leaflets printed and no one came, so I was sent here to become a gladiator..." Kornger replied.

"Then does anyone here participate in Gao Tianzun's championship battle?" Thor continued to ask.

"Doug was in it, unfortunately Doug died, yes everyone who participated in the championship fight is dead!" Kornger replied.

"What about you, your body is a stone," Thor said.

"The stone also has life. I only participate in some padding games to stir up the audience's emotions or something, wait, aren't you going to challenge for the championship?" Koenger asked Thor.

"Yes, that's right! I'm going to fight him, kill him, and leave this hell!" Thor said firmly.

"Doug used to say that too, but he died..." Koeng said looking at Thor with pitiful eyes.

At the moment when the two looked at each other, the wall next to them was suddenly wrapped in red energy, and a person walked out of the red energy.

"Arthur! You're here too! That's great." Thor said excitedly as he looked at Arthur walking out of the red energy gate in surprise.

"I've been waiting for you in this broken place for more than a month, let's go, let's get out of here." Arthur looked at Thor and said.

"I was caught and brought here as soon as I arrived today..." Thor said.

"This is your friend? Let's go together." Yaya looked at Koenger beside Thor, then turned and walked into the red energy channel.

"Come on, this is my brother to save me. Let's get out of here together," Thor said to Kornger.

"Your brother is too powerful. No one has ever come in and out of this place freely. I recognize you as a friend!" Koenger said to Thor.

In this way, Arthur escaped from the arena with Thor Keng and Jimmy, and was not found by anyone. The only person who was found was Thor's younger brother Loki.

Luo Kei was at the corner of the arena, watching the four who left, and after thinking about it, he secretly followed.

"Wait, I can't just leave like this, I got something like this on my neck by a woman, I have to find her and get the remote back." Thor said suddenly to Arthur.

"Oh, this is an electromagnetic controller. Once it is implanted into the body, it will be controlled by the remote control." Kornger said, looking at the circular device on Thor's neck.

"I really don't know why you are afraid of electric shock, aren't you Thor?" Arthur complained while looking at the electromagnetic controller on Thor's neck.

"This is a neural current, not an ordinary current. It can directly attack the soul. No matter how strong the body is, it can't resist it. This is a unique invention of Saka Star." Koeng explained to the two again.

"Thank you for your explanation, Koeng, my name is Arthur, his name is Thor, let's get to know him again." Arthur looked at Thor's new friend, the stone man, who liked to chat so much, and was a very interesting person. Deciding to make him a friend is also considered to add a combat power to the Avengers.

"Nice to meet you, this is my friend Jimmy, a double-knife Zerg." Koenger pointed to Zerg Jimmy next to him and said.


ps: Thank you very much for the monthly pass of clefable brothers, thank you! ! Thank you all for your votes, and thank you for your favorites! Thanks!

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