I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 265: Valkyrie

Valkyrie got 10 million from Gao Tianzun, and when he was ready to return to the spacecraft with satisfaction, he was blocked by a blond man outside the arena.

"Who are you? What do you want to do?" Valkyrie asked, looking at Arthur, who was much taller than himself.

"My name is Arthur Jon, a friend wants to see you, can you come here and talk?" Arthur said to Valkyrie.

Valkyrie looked at Arthur and nodded. She was not afraid that Arthur wanted to harm her. She was still very confident in her skills.

Arthur took Valkyrie to a small house on the side of the street, and Valkyrie saw Thor as soon as he entered the door.

Valkyrie was stunned, wasn't he handed over to Gao Tianzun by himself? How to escape in a blink of an eye.

"Hey, we met again, it's really fate." Thor said, looking at Valkyrie through gritted teeth.

"You were able to escape so quickly, it seems that I underestimated you, and you let him out?" Valkyrie looked at Arthur and asked.

Arthur nodded and said, "If it weren't for your electromagnetic controller, I'm afraid no one on this planet could stop Thor, they're all Asgardians, how about doing me a favor?"

"What? She's an Asgardian too?" Thor looked at Valkyrie in disbelief. Do Asgardians know him? Thor circled around Valkyrie, watching carefully.

"You're actually a Valkyrie?! I thought Valkyrie was just a legend. When I was a child, I had a dream to become a Valkyrie, but later I learned that only women can join Valkyrie." Thor saw the brand on Valkyrie's hand and was excited. looked at Valkyrie and said.

"What if you know my identity? No one can escape in Saka Star. Even if you run away, you will only be captured by Gao Tianzun in the end." Varki said expressionlessly.

"No, I need your help, Odin died, and now Hela has returned to Asgard, you have to help me return to Asgard and deal with her." Thor looked at Valkyrie and said.

When he heard the name Hela, the expressionless Valkyrie finally had a wave in his heart, and it was no longer his cynical attitude.

She hid here to drink every day, all thanks to Hela, her army and his sisters all died under Hela's sword, and she was the only one who survived!

"If Hela goes to Asgard, then Asgard will be destroyed." Valkyrie said with complicated eyes.

"So you have to help me! I have to go back to stop Hela and save the people of Asgard, please!" Thor looked into Valkyrie's eyes sincerely and begged.

Valkyrie was taken aback by Thor's humble attitude. The prince of Asgard, Thor, the son of the **** king Odinson, would actually beg him in front of him. It's been a long time since I saw him.

"No one can escape from Saka Star, you don't have to waste your efforts." Valkyrie shook his head and replied.

"I know how to get out of here, Heimdall has told me that as long as we can pass through the largest space passage, we can go directly back to Asgard," Thor said.

"You know what? Your sister was trying to usurp the throne, and Odin sent a Valkyrie to deal with her, so now I'm the only one who survives. I've lost everything against him last time, and I won't be involved again. Your family is at war!" Valkyrie said excitedly looking at Thor.

"This is not a family war, this is for the life and death of the people of Asgard, and the life and death of your people!" Thor said to him before walking into Valkyrie.

"Forget them! I have long since forgotten." Valkyrie pushed Thor away.

"Okay, thank you!" Thor said helplessly.

"Thank me for what?" Valkyrie asked strangely.

"This... didn't you see it?" Thor took the remote control of the electromagnetic controller from Valkyrie's body, and turned the switch in his hand to remove the electromagnetic controller on his neck.

"It's more comfortable, you can continue to stay here, continue to enslave the people for that lunatic, continue to drink alcohol, and continue to run away! I choose to face it directly, not run away!" After Thor finished speaking, he left towards the door.

Arthur and Korng Jimmy also followed Thor away, only Valkyrie still stood there with complicated eyes, and did not move for a long time.

"Don't worry, she'll figure it out in a while, we just need to find a spaceship to get out of here," Arthur said to Thor.

"I also believe that she will change her mind, but where do we go to find the spaceship? Ordinary spaceships go through that kind of space tunnel and are torn to pieces." Thor said to Arthur.

Arthur turned to look at Cohenge and Jimmy, and Cohenge shook his head and said, "We can't get a ship."

"There's a guy who can get the ship, and he's here," Arthur said to Thor.

"Who are you referring to?" Thor asked.

"Your brother, Loki! Come out, Loki, don't sneak around there." Arthur turned to look at a dark alley behind and said.

"Hey..." Loki walked out of the shadow of the dark alley with a wicked smile and came to the front of the four.

"I didn't expect you to be here, so I'll follow..." Loki looked at Arthur and said embarrassedly, Thor picked up a small stone and threw it at Loki, the stone hit Loki, this It's Loki's real body!

"Listen, we need a spaceship to get out of here and go back to Asgard, I believe you have tried it too, teleportation magic is completely useless on this broken planet, so the heavy responsibility of the spaceship is left to you, I believe you I've figured out where Gao Tianzun's spaceship is." Arthur looked at Loki and said.

"Wait, how do you know that I will help you, I live very comfortably on this planet, and I don't want to go on adventures with you." Loki replied with a wicked smile.

"First, although you are not a good person, you care about Asgard very much! Second, this time Odin's death has touched you quite a bit. You only have the only brother left, if you don't help him , you can only die alone in this ghost place." Arthur said, looking at Loki with his arms crossed.

"Loki, I need your help, and the people of Asgard need you too! Even for what you did before, you are obliged to make up for the mistakes!" Thor looked at Loki seriously and said.

"Uh... well, I'll help you once, but I can't help you with your sister." Loki nodded and agreed after thinking about it.

"That's great! I'll deal with Hela, let's get the spaceship out of here first!" Thor looked at Loki happily and said.

"Where are you going to get the spaceship?" Valkyrie's voice came from behind everyone.

Everyone turned their heads to look at her, and Thor smiled at this heroic Valkyrie. With her help, the success rate of leaving here is much higher.


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