I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 263: strange saka star

Arthur took a nice bath in the scavenger camp, and then slept nicely. Since he couldn't leave, just stay here honestly.

Arthur remembered that the passage of time here was different from the outside world. Loki stayed here for a long time before Thor came, and it was only a day after the two brothers left.

This place is like a spiritual time house in Dragon Ball, which is especially suitable for cultivation.

After resting in the scavenger camp for two days, Arthur asked the scavenger to send him away. There was nothing in the scavenger camp, and Arthur could not be used to it.

Arthur was directly sent by the scavengers to the main city of Saka Star, Saka City. Arthur transformed the clothes into the colorful style of Saka star, and painted white paint on his face, looking like a normal Saka.

Arthur was hanging out on the streets of Saka City. The people here are really weird. Everyone's biggest interest is to go to the duel arena in Saka City to watch the game.

And this is also a traditional game invented by Saka Star Gao Tianzun, which is widely loved by everyone. In Thor's movie, the king of the Saka Star Duel Field is the Hulk Hulk. Now that Dr. Banner is showing his affection with Natasha on Earth, it is naturally impossible to appear here.

Arthur looked up at the largest tower in Saka City, where Gao Tianzun was. It is said that the master Gao Tianzun and the cosmos collector are both members of the legendary Tianshen group.

They are all intelligent lifeforms who have been through countless years, but the Gao Tianzun and collectors in the movie are relatively ordinary. I don't know what the real Gao Tianzun looks like here?

There is a huge statue on the top of it, which is the head of a man, and he is screaming, not like the Hulk.

It seems that the king of the dueling field here is someone else, but Arthur doesn't care about this. Since he came to Saka Star, just stroll around and taste the food here!

Arthur ransacked the scavenger's treasury, and now he is a rich man in Saka, Arthur hummed a song and walked towards a kebab shop...


After Thor was knocked down from the Rainbow Bridge by Hela, he also fell in a dizzy way in the different-dimensional channel of the universe.

I don't know how long it took him to finally fall out of the exit of the cosmic passage, and smashed into the garbage like Arthur.

Thor's physical fitness is much better than that of Arthur. He didn't vomit, but his experience was the same as Arthur, and he was also surrounded by a group of scavengers.

"The boss doesn't look like a rich man..." A younger brother next to Kayton said to Kayton.

"Yeah, not the last time... Hey, which one was last time? Why do I feel like I forgot something." Kayton said strangely, rubbing his head.

The younger brothers also held their heads and thought. They also seemed to have forgotten something. What is it? I just can't remember...

"Are you a duelist? Or a normal person?" Kayton asked Thor.

"I'm just a passerby..." Thor replied looking at the scavengers.

"That's an ordinary person? Haha, kneel down for me!" Kayton said to Thor, and the younger brothers beside him all grinned and surrounded Thor.

Thor raised his right hand and wanted to summon his Thor's Hammer to fight side by side, but he suddenly realized that his Thor's Hammer had been completely destroyed by Hela, and the wreckage was put away by Arthur.

Thor raised his hands helplessly, waiting for a scavenger with a weapon to come to him. Thor grabbed his weapon, grabbed the scavenger and threw him into the distance.

The scavengers in the back were knocked to the ground by Thor with one punch. Just as Thor fought bravely, Kayton raised the huge gun of his mobile phone, aimed at Thor, and pulled the trigger.

A large net composed of countless electric shocks instantly wrapped Thor, and Thor was instantly knocked to the ground by the powerful electric current, lying in the net twitching. (Thor will be corona, what is the principle?)

Countless scavengers rushed up, punched and kicked Thor on the ground, and attacked Thor frantically with the weapons in their hands.

Thor is now paralyzed and unable to move, and can only be slaughtered.

At this moment, a spaceship suddenly flew in front of everyone and stopped. Everyone stopped and looked at the uninvited guest.

The spaceship staggered and fell to the ground, the hatch suddenly opened, and a dark-skinned woman came out.

The woman staggered and drank with a bottle of wine, looking very drunk, and the scavengers all looked at the woman.

The woman drank the wine in the bottle in her hand, threw the bottle away and said to everyone domineeringly: "He is mine!"

But he was only handsome for three seconds. The woman walked down the stairs, but fell from the spaceship with one foot and fell into the garbage.

The scavengers looked at each other in dismay, what is this situation, where is the amusing? No matter how she continues to teach this ignorant man on the ground.

Thor is also helpless, finally someone came to save him, and the result is this? Thor closed his eyes and waited for the beating to continue.

"Wait!" the woman yelled, stumbling up from the trash.

"Wait, he's mine! So if you want to capture him, you have to pass me first!" The woman said domineeringly, looking at the scavengers.

Thor was also moved by the woman's domineering words. This woman really suits his appetite. After she saves him, he can consider making her as a friend.

"But he's in our hands now!" Kayton said, pointing to Thor.

"Okay, then I'll pass you guys first! I didn't want to be rough..." The woman walked towards the scavengers.

"Brothers, pick up the guests!" Kayton said with a wicked smile, and the scavengers all walked towards the woman with a wicked smile.

The woman walked to the front of the spaceship and banged her fists. The control system on it was not working well. After several attempts, the woman finally succeeded.

Two huge machine guns on the spacecraft suddenly stretched out to point at the scavengers, and the woman directly pressed the fire button on her hand.

Suddenly, the two machine guns opened fire strongly, and the scavengers were beaten into sieves before they could react!

The woman controlled the machine gun and swept over, and more than a hundred scavengers were instantly killed, while Thor immediately lay down on the ground with his head wrapped around his head, not daring to move.

After a whole fierce shooting, the field was emptied, all the scavengers were beaten to pieces, and only Thor was still lying on the ground.

Thor broke free and clicked the net, stood up embarrassedly, looked at the heroic woman in front of him with a smile and said, "Thank you!"

The woman didn't answer, and threw out a small ring-shaped device that landed on Thor's neck.

The ring-shaped gadget stretched out its claws and firmly embedded itself in Thor's neck, and Thor felt as if his neck had been stung by a bee.


Then I only saw the woman took out a small remote control and pressed it down... The small disc on Thor's neck instantly sent out a huge current, and Thor was instantly electrocuted and fell down and fainted. (Thor was corona again~( ̄▽ ̄~)~)

The stupefied Thor only felt that he was being dragged on the ground, and he didn't know anything else...


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