I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 262: scavenger

Arthur's face was blue and he fell out of the Rainbow Bridge energy channel, and fell in the different channel of the universe.

Originally, he and Hela were fighting back and forth. Loki, the pit guy, had to summon the Rainbow Bridge. Arthur, who just flew into the Rainbow Bridge energy channel, was attacked by Hela.

It was also Arthur who forgot about this section, and now he can only use gem energy to wrap himself, not knowing where he will fall.

The next time I see Loki, I must teach him a lesson and let him know why the flowers are so red.

After flying around for a long time, Arthur finally saw the exit of a space channel, and there was a blue planet in the channel.

Arthur couldn't take care of it anymore, he rushed towards the passage and plunged into the exit of the space passage.

After escaping the space passage, the familiar sense of gravity returned to Arthur, who fell toward the ground.

boom! !

Arthur slammed into an old ship's hull and fell off into the trash.

"Cough cough... What the **** is this place in TM, it smells so bad!" Arthur was about to faint from the smell, and he was lying in a place where there was a huge pile of garbage.

There are all kinds of garbage that have never been seen before, and huge alien flies are buzzing, and the whole area is dyed with a stench.

Arthur can endure the smell of stinky fish and rotten shrimp on the bottom of the earth, but he can't bear the smell now, and he has been flying in the space channel for a long time.

Arthur still couldn't hold on, he knelt on the ground and vomited. This was the most embarrassing time for Arthur.

Arthur vomited for a while, and retched there for a long time, completely unaware that he was surrounded by people.

As soon as Arthur fell, the planet's gold scavengers noticed him, and more than a dozen scavengers drove their spaceships and surrounded Arthur.

This is their chassis, and they are guarding the mountain of garbage every day, waiting for useful garbage or people or other creatures in the universe to fall from the dozens of space passages in the sky, and then be taken away by them.

"Cough..." Arthur retched for a while, took out a bottle of mineral water from his body and rinsed his mouth, wiping his mouth with a tissue.

A group of aliens were watching him not far from Arthur. One of them was a man with white paint and a red shirt. The eldest brother was their leader, and the other younger brothers were all tattered.

A boy wearing a mask said to the leading man: "Boss, this time we have made a fortune! Look at this man, the golden armor looks worth a lot of money, and he seems to have space to store equipment, I don't know what's inside. How many good things are there!"

The others also looked at Arthur with glowing eyes, and Arthur heard someone talking and realized that he was surrounded by people.

TMD is too stinky here, and it also affected Arthur's sensing ability. Fortunately, he was not attacked by this group of stupid X. He can remember what happened when Thor, the **** of thunder, fell to the star of Saka.

Couldn't this be Sakaxing? Arthur looked up and saw that more than ten space passages in the sky had been falling into cosmic garbage, and there was a huge city in the distance. It seemed that this place was very likely to be Saka Star.

"Hey, what about you, kid! Kneel down for Lao Tzu! Hand over all the valuables on your body!" The leader looked at Arthur speechlessly and shouted loudly. Looking around, it was obvious that he didn't pay attention to these people.

"Are you their leader?" Arthur finally breathed a sigh of relief. Although it stinks here, he got used to it after staying for a while.

"Boy, you are very discerning. You are unlucky when you meet us, take off your armor! You also have dimensional storage equipment on your body! Seeing that you are not weak, you will be able to sell for a good price when you arrive at the dueling arena. Hahahaha!" The boss who took the lead laughed, and his younger brothers also followed.

"Let's go, take me out of here first..." The yellow gem in Arthur's hand instantly emitted a dazzling light, and in an instant, more than a hundred scavengers were all controlled by Arthur.

Arthur walked towards their spaceship, leading the boss to follow Arthur honestly, and the other younger brothers followed them away.

The spaceship took off, left the garbage mountain, and took Arthur toward a valley composed of red rocks not far away. There was their scavenger's camp, and this area was their territory.

Arthur sat on the seat of the spaceship without saying a word, leading the eldest and several younger brothers to stand beside him with their heads bowed.

The scavengers in the camp watched their own spaceships descend from the sky, and they all came out to welcome the return of the boss.

As a result, after the spaceship door was opened, a man they had never seen walked down, and their boss, Kayton, followed behind the blond man.

The scavengers in the camp were all stunned. What's the situation? Who is this blond man in golden armor?

Is he sent by the master? Why is his boss like a dog next to him? Everyone was very confused, but no one dared to ask.

I didn't see that my boss was honestly waiting by the side, and now I jumped out and collided with this man, wouldn't he be executed on the spot?

Arthur led Kayton to the largest tent in the wanderer camp, saying that the tent was actually a huge abandoned spaceship shell, decorated with colorful cloth.

Arthur walked straight to a metal seat in the middle of the tent, and sat down with a knife. After Arthur sat down, the leader of the scavengers, Kayton, stood by the side.

One of the younger brothers brought up a basin. The basin was filled with ice cubes and water, and in the water were bottles of colorful wine.

The other little brother brought a plate of roasted meat. I don't know what kind of animal meat it was, and the roasted meat was quite appetizing.

Arthur just enjoyed eating meat while drinking, while the scavengers stood by and watched blankly.

"Tell me, where is this place and what's the situation?" Arthur took a sip of iced fruit wine and asked Kayton.

"Master, this place is called Saka Star. It is a special existence in the universe. The time and space here are different from the time and space in the universe. And the person who controls this place is a person called Grandmaster Gao Tianzun, who doesn't know that he lives. How many years have passed, in short, he is very mysterious and powerful..." Kayton introduced the situation of Saka star to Arthur.

Arthur sighed. Sure enough, he fell to the Saka star. He really couldn't escape his fate.

Arthur wondered if he should get out of here first, or wait for Loki and Thor to come and walk together.

Arthur thought for a while and stood up, drawing a circle with his right hand in the air to open the portal to leave, but found that his magic had actually failed.

What's going on? His teleportation magic has never failed. Arthur does not believe in evil and continues to try. Blue magic energy is formed in the air, but no space channel is formed. This...

"Master, although the space of this planet is connected to the outer universe, it belongs to a different dimension, so your teleportation magic cannot be used." Kayton reminded Arthur after watching Arthur's work for a long time.

"Grass, then you didn't say it earlier...Go get some water, I want to take a bath."



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