I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 261: goddess of death Hela

"So he's dead? What a pity, I wanted to watch him die with my own eyes." Hela said contemptuously, standing in front of the three of them.

"Are you Hela? I'm Thor, the son of Odin." Thor looked at his unfamiliar sister and said.

"Really? You are nothing like him." Hela looked at Thor and said.

"Maybe we can negotiate, there is no need to face each other with swords." Loki also said.

"You do look like him." Hela looked at Loki and said.

"Don't have any illusions, she has been suppressed for tens of thousands of years, and it is impossible to live in peace with us." Arthur said to Thor and Loki.

"You are his son too? It's not like that at all." Hela looked at Arthur again and said.

"Sorry, I'm not from Asgard. I'm the guardian of this planet. If you catch me, I can consider letting you go." Arthur looked at Hela and said righteously.

"Capture without hand? Hahahaha, kneel down now! I'll spare your life!" Hela said with a laugh, as if she heard something interesting.

"What did you say?" Loki looked at Hela and thought she was crazy. Now that there are three of them, and there are two strong and outrageous people, Arthur and Thor, how dare Hela speak up in front of them?

"Kneel down and bow your head in front of your queen, or you will die!" Hela said to the three again with disdain.

"It's not certain who will die!" Thor stepped forward and smashed the Thor's Hammer at Hela fiercely. Arthur wanted to stop it before it was too late.

A scene where Thor and Loki couldn't close their mouths appeared in front of them. Hela caught Thor's hammer with only one hand.

"This...it's impossible!" Thor was speechless in shock, why is the gap so big? Hela made him feel like he was facing his father Odin.

Hela smiled evilly and said to Thor, "Little cutie, you don't even know what possibility is!"

I only saw Hela grabbed the hammer of Thor and squeezed it hard, and the hammer of Thor was suddenly covered with cracks, and suddenly a whole dazzling thunder burst, and a huge shock wave came to the three of them.

Torloki and Arthur were both blinded by the powerful shock wave, which came and went quickly, and disappeared in an instant.

When Thor opened his eyes, he saw the Thor's Hammer that had accompanied him for thousands of years. The divine weapon Thor's Hammer built by Ulu turned into a scrap of iron and lay on the ground.

Thor couldn't accept it, and Loki was also taken aback. Is their sister so strong?

Hela's hair was patterned, and ten black tentacles grew on her head, like a strange crown. Two black swords appeared in her hands and walked towards the three of them.

Arthur stomped his foot and charged directly towards Hela, the trident in his hand stabbed fiercely towards Hela's heart.

Hela raised the two swords in her hand to hold Arthur's golden trident, and the two stood in a stalemate, competing for strength.

"You are very similar to a person I once met. He called himself the Sea God and was also killed on this planet by me." Hela said with an evil smile looking at the golden trident in Arthur's hand.

"Oh? My trident was found on the bottom of the sea. Since you killed its owner, then I have to breathe a sigh of relief for it." Arthur also said with a smile.

Suddenly, the sea water in the sea boiled, and four huge water columns rose into the sky and fell towards Hela at a high altitude.

"Don't say I'm invincible when fighting by the sea!" Arthur forced the trident to stab Hela's heart.

Hela's two swords were holding Arthur's trident to compete with Arthur's strength. She paid attention to the four water columns that were rushing in above her head, and looked at Arthur with a charming smile.

A dark green substance suddenly appeared in Hela's body. She was like a hedgehog, and the spikes formed by countless dark green substances stabbed towards Arthur.

"Be careful!" Thor reminded God when he saw that Arthur was going to suffer.

But Arthur didn't dodge, and he increased the strength of his hand. Hela stabbed the dark green spikes into Arthur's heart, ready to stab Arthur into a sieve.

However, red energy appeared on Arthur's body instantly, Arthur's body became translucent, and the dark green spikes instantly penetrated Arthur's body.

And Arthur was still standing intact, and the four water jets instantly reached Helad's head. Arthur roared, and the four huge water columns instantly condensed into ice and stabbed towards Hela fiercely!

Arthur responded to her with Hela's attack, preparing to stab Hela into a sieve as well.

The huge four icicles stabbed Hela fiercely, and immediately stabbed her into a chill.

Loki almost jumped up with joy when he saw this situation, Arthur was so powerful! But the next scene made him unable to laugh.

Hela was dismantled by four huge icicles and not only did not shed a drop of blood, but her expression did not change as if nothing happened.

"Ether particles? I underestimated you. I didn't think you could use the Infinity Stones." Hela said with a smile.

Suddenly Hela pushed Arthur away, and countless dark green substances turned into a sword that flew out from behind Hela and stabbed at Arthur.

Arthur drew with his left hand, and a blue magic shield appeared in front of him, only to see dark green swords stabbing at Arthur's magic shield continuously.

And more and more, Arthur held on to the magic shield, and the whole person was pushed back by the impact.

The magic shield is full of dark green swords, and Arthur is speechless, aren't you the goddess of death? Why are you still playing Wanjian Guizong? Did you watch Chinese martial arts movies under Odin's custody?

Loki saw that Arthur couldn't hold on anymore, and his brother Thor's hammer was also destroyed. It is better to go back to Asgard to rescue soldiers!

Loki suddenly shouted to the sky: "Skeji, take us back!"

"Don't!" Thor wanted to stop it was too late, didn't you hear from your father that if Hela returned to Asgard, she would have unlimited energy? Are you a pig teammate?

The huge rainbow bridge energy fell from the sky and wrapped Loki and Thor. Hela laughed when she saw it, jumped up and rushed into the rainbow bridge.

Arthur also immediately flew in and rushed in. The four of them flew out of the earth under the energy package of the Rainbow Bridge and flew towards Asgard.

Hela directly shot Arthur behind him with a backhand sword, and Arthur fell out of the Rainbow Bridge after being hit by Hela's sword.

Hela shot another sword and hit Loki, and Loki was also shot from the Rainbow Bridge by Hela's sword.

In the end, Thor and Hela scuffled together, but where Thor was Hela's opponent, Hela was strangled by Hela's neck and kicked out.

Finally, looking at the three people who had disappeared from the rainbow bridge energy, Hela also said, "Thank you!"

Hela returned to Asgard along the rainbow bridge. The moment she stepped into the Asgard Teleportation Temple, countless energies rushed into her body. Hela suddenly felt that all her power was back!

"Who are you! What did you do to Thor?" Vorstag, who was waiting for Thor in the teleportation hall, asked Hela.

Fandral and Skorjee also looked at the strange woman who walked into the teleportation temple, while Loki and Thor, who called the Rainbow Bridge, were nowhere to be seen.

Before Vostager finished speaking, Hela raised her hand and flew out with a sword, directly piercing Vostager's heart.

When Fandral saw that his friend was killed, he immediately shouted and charged at Hela with a sword. Hela waved his sword and ended Fandral.

The remaining Scrooge immediately knelt down and said, "I'm just a gatekeeper."

"I'm Hela, you look very smart and know how to judge the situation. Do you want to work for me?" Hela asked, looking at Shi Keji.

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