I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 260: Fall of the King of the Gods

"Come on, I'll take you to see him." Arthur stood up and said to Thor.

Thor also stood up, and it would have been better with Arthur's help.

"Remember what I told you to bring everyone to Wakanda," Arthur said to Stephen Strange.

"I see." Stephen Strange nodded and replied.

"Don't forget your umbrella, by the way, and his brother Loki." Arthur reminded Thor to get the umbrella over there, don't break everything in a while, and Loki is still in Stephens In Lankey's teleportation channel.

"Oh, I almost forgot if you didn't remind me." Stephen Strange raised his hand and drew a circle in the air, and the portal appeared again.

"Ah..." Loki screamed and fell from the portal, hitting the ground heavily.

"I fell for a full thirty minutes!" Loki said loudly through gritted teeth.

"He should be a lot more honest now," Stephen Strange said to the two.

"Yeah, thank you so much for your help." Thor reached out to Stephen Strange.

"Good luck." Stephen Strange shook hands with Thor.

"Much more honest? Who are you?" Loki asked, looking at Stephen Strange, then took out two daggers from behind him.

"What kind of great magician do you think you are, don't even think about it, you second-rate amateur Earth wizard!" Loki said fiercely as he walked towards Stephen Strange, ready to avenge his previous revenge.

"I advise you to stay still, otherwise I will let you experience the taste of infinite whereabouts again." Arthur said while looking at Loki now.

"Arthur? You're actually here too!" Loki was also carried away by his anger, only to see Arthur standing beside Stephen Strange.

"Okay, let's go, the rest is up to you, Stephen." Arthur said to Stephen Strange, then drew his hand in the air, and a blue portal appeared in front of several people.

"Let's go!" Thor put his arms around Loki's shoulder and forcibly led him towards the portal.

"Go, don't worry." Stephen Strange nodded to Arthur.

Arthur glanced at Stephen Strange and walked into the portal.

The three did not go to the endless meadow before, but this time they came to a beautiful seaside.

Arthur pouted at Tornu, indicating to him that Odin was over there.

Thor and Loki looked over to the sea, only to see a white-haired old man standing alone by the sea, staring at the sea.

He is the father of Thor and Loki, and Odinson, the father of the Asgardian gods.

Thor and Loki walked over together and came to Odin's side. Thor looked at his father and looked into the distance where his father had been watching, and still shouted, "Father?"

"Look at this place, it's so beautiful!" Odin looked into the distance and said.

"Father, it's us, we're here to pick you up." Thor looked at Odin worriedly and said.

"My sons, I have been waiting for you..." Odin replied.

"I know, we're here to pick you up," Thor said immediately.

"Go home? Yes, your mother, she's calling me... hear?" Odin asked with a glance at his two sons.

"Loki, remove your magic!" Thor said to Loki, thinking that Odin was still intoxicated by Loki's magic.

Loki shook his head, his magic had long been lifted by his father.

"Hehe, it's not easy to get rid of your magic, Frika will be very proud! Come sit with me, I'm running out of time! Come and sit too, Arthur." Odin first praised Luo Kei, he greeted the three of them to sit on the boulder over there for a while.

Arthur came over, and the four sat on a long stone like this.

"I know we failed you, but we'll fix it," Thor said, grabbing his father's hand.

"I failed you, the twilight of the gods has come." Odin replied.

"I stopped Ragnarok, and I solved Surtur with my own hands," Thor said immediately.

"No, everything has come, she's coming back... I've spent my whole life trying to stop her, but I've reached the end, and I can't do anything about her." Odin said helplessly.

Thor and Loki looked at each other, who did the father mean by "she"?

"Father, who are you talking about?" Thor asked, looking at Odin.

"Goddess of death, Hela! My first child, your sister?" replied Odin.

Thor couldn't believe it, thinking he was hallucinating. Isn't he the only son of Odin? Why is there another sister? Thor confirmed to Odin again: "Your child?"

"Her ambitions swelled beyond my control, I couldn't stop her, so I imprisoned her, locked her up. Her powers are in Asgard, and once in Asgard, her powers are Endless!" Odin explained to the three of Thor.

"Whatever it is, we can stop her together, we can face her together! Father," Thor said.

"We can't, I'm already on another road, you have to face it alone, with Arthur to help you should be able to get through this... I love you, my children." Odin shook his head and said.

When Loki heard his father say that he loved him, he was also shocked. Loki regretted a little, what did he do?

"Arthur, the future is in your hands, I believe you..." After Odin finished speaking, his body turned into a golden light, which slowly dissipated in front of the three of them.

The king of the gods of the generation of Asgard is gone! Ragnarok also comes by itself!

Thor and Loki watched the golden light that their father turned into dissipate in the sky and the earth, both of them were depressed, and a sadness rushed to their hearts.

Suddenly, there was thunder in the sky, and the clouds became low. It was Thor's anger that had been accumulating in his heart, and he felt that he could no longer hold back.

"Brother?" Loki shouted, looking at Thor, who had a dignified expression, a little scared.

"Look at what you've done!" Thor's whole body was running around, and he was extremely angry at first sight, ready to go to clean up Loki.

"Don't kill each other, the real enemy has come!" Arthur, who was standing beside him, said suddenly.

The two followed Arthur's gaze, and a black cloud in the distance came to the vicinity of the three of them. Green energy was looming in the dark cloud, and Hela, the goddess of death, came!

The three of them forgot to look at each other, turned and walked in the direction of the dark clouds, and the green light on Loki's body flashed back to his original appearance.

Thor smashed the umbrella in his hand on the ground, and the thunder light flashed, and Thor changed back to holding Thor's hammer and wearing Thor's armor.

Arthur also flashed golden light, the golden Sea King armor appeared on his body, and the golden trident appeared in his hand.

The three stood in place, watching a mass of black mist appear in front of the three of them. The green light flashed in the black mist, as if it was a teleportation channel.

A woman wearing a black tights and black hair draped over her shoulders came out of the black mist, and she looked very gloomy and depressed.


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