I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 259: Odin is gone?

Just when Loki was exposed to the crowd, Shi Keji finally ran here, pushed the crowd away and shouted: "Your Majesty Odinson! Thor..."

"No, I didn't ask you to do anything else, and Thor came back to inform me that you can't do such a thing!" Loki said, looking at the bald-headed Skogie with hatred.

"Listen to my explanation..." Shi Keji was also helpless, Thor could fly and he couldn't catch up.

"Where is Odin?" Thor asked, looking at his brother Loki.

"Can't you just hang out a little longer? Everything is perfect without you. Asgard is as prosperous as you are!" Loki exclaimed to Thor.

"Where is King Father? Have you killed him?" Thor asked loudly, striding towards Loki excitedly.

"You got your wish, didn't you always want to be independent?" Loki said to Thor, stepping back quickly and quickly.

Loki fell back and sat on the seat, Thor held the Thor's hammer against Loki's chest.

"It hurts... well, I know where he is." Rocky immediately became cowardly and begged for mercy.

Thor took Loki to the Rainbow Bridge Teleportation Temple, and Loki actually banished Odin to Earth, which Thor did not expect.

Thor is going to Earth to bring Odin back to Asgard. He has been restless recently, feeling that things are not that simple.

The Rainbow Bridge brings Thor and Loki to the vicinity of a nursing home called Shade Circle Nursing Center in New York City, USA.

Thor and Loki, both transformed into Earthling costumes, stood with their arms crossed on the streets of New York City, watching the Green Circle Nursing Center being demolished...

"I swear I've got him here." Loki said awkwardly, watching Thor's expression secretly.

"Do you stay on the sidewalk, or in the building that is being demolished? You arranged it well!" Thor asked Loki, holding back the anger in his heart.

"How do I know this is the case, I can't predict the future, and I'm not a magician." Loki replied helplessly. I'm not a mage, I'm an assassin!

"Aren't you? Then why are you dressed like this?" Thor asked Loki. Loki looked at his clothes, a black suit, a black shirt with a black tie, and a pair of black leather boots. Is it normal?

"Hey! I can't believe you're alive! I watch you die, I mourn for you, I cry for you!" Thor charged looking at Loki.

"Well, I'm flattered," Loki replied.

"Hey, can we take a picture with you?" The two sisters on the side recognized that this was Thor, the **** of Thor from the Avengers, and walked up excitedly and asked Thor with his mobile phone.

"Of course." Thor has long been used to it. When he was on Earth, he was often recognized and asked for a group photo. Arthur even took him to shoot a small video.

"Hurry up and think about where it is!" Thor said to Loki, and the two girls ran to Thor's side excitedly, raising the Xiaomi phone in their hands to switch to selfie mode.

Thor also lowered his head and smiled, showing a pair of scissors and taking a perfect group photo.

"I heard that Jane dumped you, don't be sad." A sister patted Thor on the shoulder to comfort him.

"She didn't dump me, I dumped her, we dumped each other..." Thor explained to Loki.

"I understand! I still remember the way you borrowed wine to relieve your sorrows in Asgard." Loki also patted Thor's shoulder and said.

At this moment, a circular orange energy suddenly appeared under Loki's feet, which seemed to be a teleportation array, and gradually became larger.

"What is this? What are you doing?" Thor also saw the strangeness under Loki's feet and asked Loki.

"That's not what I did... Ah~" Loki fell from the teleportation array before he could finish speaking, and then the teleportation array disappeared, and he left a note and was still there.

"Loki?" Thor poked the note with the umbrella in his hand, and found that the note was not made by Loki.

Thor picked up the note and saw an address written on it, 177A Brick Street...is this?

Thor reluctantly took a taxi to Brick Street and found No. 177A written on the note. It was an old three-story building and looked very inconspicuous.

Thor walked towards the door of the building, and just knocked on the door twice, he found that the scene in front of him changed instantly, and he came to the room of the building.

This is... short-range teleportation magic? Thor looked around, the surroundings were dark, not even a single light.

There are many glass cabinets around, and there are many ancient things on display in the cabinets, such as plates, bowls, and instruments that you have never seen before? There are all kinds of things, it's like a museum.

"Thor Odinson!" A man's voice came from a distance.

Thor looked up, and a man in a mage costume and a red cloak flew over from a distance and landed in front of Thor.

Thor raised the umbrella in his hand and looked at the strange man alertly.

"God of Thunder, you can put your umbrella down..." Stephen Strange said to Thor.

Thor looked down, and a shelf for holding an umbrella appeared at his feet at some point. Thor smiled and inserted the umbrella into the shelf. It seemed that the other party had no malice towards him.

At this moment, the scene suddenly changed again, Thor came to a room with some yellow murals, and Stephen Strange stood with his arms against the wall and looked at Thor.

"So Earth has wizards now?" Thor asked Stephen Strange.

"The correct way to say it is a magician. I'm also a member of the Avengers. My name is Stephen Strange and I'm a doctor. It's my pleasure to meet you." Stephen Strange stretched out his hand and said to Thor.

"You're also an Avenger? Then you didn't say it earlier, it's nice to meet you." Thor smiled and shook hands with Stephen Strange.

"There is an old friend of yours who wants to see you, please sit down..." As soon as Stephen Strange finished speaking, Thor felt a teleportation, he made it to a sofa, Stephen Strange and Ya Se smiled and sat across from him.

"Arthur, I haven't seen you for a long time!" Thor said happily to Arthur.

"Well, I haven't seen you for a long time. You are not there every time I come back." Arthur also replied with a smile.

"How have you been lately?" Thor asked Arthur.

"I've been waiting for you every day since I came back from space." Arthur looked at Thor and replied.

"Wait for me? You knew I was coming?" Thor asked, looking at Arthur in surprise.

"You found out that your father was changed by brother Loki, right? In fact, it was discovered by Stephen when Loki sent Odin to Earth." Arthur said to Thor.

Thor looked at Stephen Strange beside Arthur, and Stephen nodded to Thor and said: "I have been monitoring people and things from other worlds because they are a threat to the earth, such as your home My adopted brother, Loki, is one of them, so I've been watching him secretly since he came to Earth."

"Then do you know where my father Odin is?" Thor asked, looking at Stephen Strange.

"Of course I know that when the Green Garden is going to be demolished, I will personally take your father to other places." Stephen Strange nodded and replied.

"Great, please take me to meet him," Thor said to Stephen Strange.


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