I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 253: invitation

Peter Parker received a call from Harry, Harry wanted to invite him to dinner with Gwen, meet, Peter Parker agreed.

At six o'clock in the evening on the weekend, Peter Parker took Gwen to a high-end western restaurant, and Harry made an appointment here.

"Sir, do you have an appointment?" the waitress asked Peter Parker with a smile.

"I have an appointment with Mr. Harry Osborne," Peter Parker told the waiter.

"Please come with me." The waitress took Peter Parker and Gwen to the second floor of the restaurant, and Harry was waiting for Peter Parker and the two at the front.

"Hi, how did you come so early?" Peter Parker greeted Harry.

"I have nothing to do today, is this your girlfriend?" Harry asked Peter Parker, standing up.

"I'm Gwen Stacy, Peter's girlfriend, and I see you often." Gwen stretched out his hand to Harry.

"I'm also very happy to meet you. It is said that you are an intern in my company. I'm sorry that I only met you today." Harry shook Gwen's hand and said very gentlemanly.

The three of them all smiled and took their seats. Harry had already ordered meals for them. Peter Parker and Harry happily chatted about some interesting things about their childhood, while Gwen listened silently.

After a while, the waiter put all the food on the table, and poured a glass of red wine for all three of them. The three of them had a very happy dinner...

"Peter...I asked you out today to ask for your help." Harry saw that Peter Parker and Gwen had almost eaten, and he hesitated for a while before speaking to Peter Parker.

"What's the matter? Let's hear it." Peter Parker snorted, and Arthur guessed it right, and Harry really had something to help himself.

"You said you worked for Stark, didn't you? Have a good relationship with Tony Stark?" Harry asked, looking at Peter Parker.

"Yes, Mr. Stark and I are good friends," Peter Parker replied.

"That's right, I have something to meet with Spider-Man, and I want him to do me a favor, so can you ask Mr. Stark for his contact information?" Harry asked, looking at Peter Parker. .

"..." Harry was looking for Spider-Man? isn't it me? What does he want me to do for him?

"I can think of other ways if it makes you embarrassed." Harry looked at Peter Parker's indecision and thought he was a little embarrassed.

"No problem, may I ask what's the matter?" Peter Parker asked Harry.

"...I have something wrong with my body, only Spider-Man can help me, so I need to get in touch with him." Harry thought about Peter being his best friend and told him it was okay.

Harry's body is in trouble? Let yourself help? How can he help him if he is not a doctor? Peter Parker was also puzzled by what Harry said, but he did not forget Arthur's entrustment.

"Actually, someone told me about you..." Peter Parker said.

"Who?" Harry asked in surprise, no one knew about his own business, but someone had told Peter Parker?

"My other friend, Aquaman Arthur Yon, you should have heard of him? He told me he could help you," Peter Parker said to Harry.

"Sea King Arthur? He said he can help me?" Harry was even more strange, he didn't know Sea King Arthur, how did he know he needed help.

"Here's his number, he told me to give this to you if you ask me for help." Peter Parker handed Harry a note with Arthur's personal number on it.

Harry took the note. He didn't know how Arthur knew that he wanted to ask Peter Parker for help, but Arthur the Sea King must know the contact information of Spider-Man. Even if Arthur couldn't help himself, he could introduce Spider-Man to himself. , is one step closer to success.

"Thank you! Peter, you've helped me a lot. Next time I'll invite you and Gwen to a big dinner." Harry said happily to Peter Parker.

"You have invited us to a big dinner today, you can contact Arthur, he is also my good friend, he should be able to help you." Peter Parker said to Harry.

Harry nodded. Harry was so excited that he could no longer stay here and chat with Peter. He was in a hurry to go back to call, and got up to say goodbye to Peter Parker Gwen.

Peter Parker also knew that Harry was in a hurry to get home, so he and Gwen said goodbye beforehand and left.

Harry couldn't wait to return to his villa after saying goodbye to Peter Parker and Gwen, took out his phone and dialed Arthur's number.

"Hello?" A man's voice came from the phone, sounding young.

"Hello, are you Mr Arthur Yone? I'm Harry Osborn, and Peter Parker gave me your contact information," Harry said into the phone.

"Oh yes, I'm Arthur. I asked Peter Parker to give you my contact information to help you heal your body," Arthur said over the phone.

"How did you know my physical condition?" Harry was taken aback, this Sea King Arthur actually knew that something was wrong with his body.

"It's not clear on the phone, you come to Stark Tower tomorrow, and we'll talk later." Arthur said.

"Okay, I'll be here early tomorrow morning, so I won't bother you, bye," Harry replied immediately.

"Goodbye!" Harry breathed a sigh of relief when the call was hung up. Although he didn't know how Arthur knew about his condition, it was great that there was now hope for the few to resolve this matter!

Harry tossed and turned in bed and couldn't sleep. He was itching all over his body, which had been getting worse recently, causing his spirit to get worse and worse.

Harry reached for the wine beside him and took a gulp. Only in this way can he fall asleep, and the drunk Harry fell asleep in a daze...

the next day

Harry got up early in the morning, he took a shower, changed into a black suit, and dressed himself a little more handsomely.

Harry looked at himself in the mirror and nodded, then picked up the car keys on the table and went out to make an appointment.

Harry drove his sports car directly to the Stark Tower. It was still a little early, and the employees of the Stark Company had just started to go to work.

Harry walked into the Stark Building, came to the reception desk, and told the girl at the front desk his name. The girl at the front desk smiled and took him to the elevator directly to Tony Stark's office area on the top floor.

"Come in, Stark is waiting for you inside." The beauty at the front desk said to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry nodded to the beauty and walked towards Tony Stark's office.

Harry knocked on the office door, but a woman's voice came from inside.

"Please come in!"

Harry pushed open the door and walked in, and saw Pepe Pepper, who was sitting in the office and working hard.

"You are Mr. Harry Osborn, right? Please sit down and wait a moment, and I will help you inform Arthur." Pepper raised his head and said to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry sat down on the sofa beside him and looked at Pepper who made the call.

He knew the CEO of the Stark Company, who was said to be Tony Stark's girlfriend, and the two were about to get married.

Suddenly a blue magic portal appeared next to Pepper, and Arthur walked out of the magic portal.

Harry was taken aback by this supernatural phenomenon, but Pepper didn't even look up, she was used to it.

"Harry, let's go, come to my house and let's talk." Arthur looked at Harry Osborn and said...


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