I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 252: genetic disease

Wakanda Avengers Base

"Is he all right? When I saw him before, he was fine. I don't know what happened." Peter Parker and Arthur stood in the laboratory base together and looked at Max, who was lying on the hospital bed for a medical examination. .

"He, like you, has super powers due to physical mutations, and now I have invited him to join the Avengers," Arthur said to Peter Parker.

"That's great. I'm going to apologize to him later. I told him I needed him, but I almost forgot about him..." Peter Parker lowered his head and said.

"Yeah, sometimes what you say inadvertently will hurt those who care about you. Apologize well. I believe you will become good friends in the future." Arthur looked at Peter Parker with relief and said.

"Well, I see." Peter Parker nodded.

"By the way, do you have a friend named Harry?" Arthur asked suddenly.

"How do you know, he was a very good friend of mine when I was young, and he just came back from abroad to take over the Osborn Company." Peter Parker looked at Arthur in surprise and said.

"Actually, I like your friend very much. He may have some troubles recently. If he comes to ask for your help, you can give him my number and let him come to me." Arthur said to Peter Parker.

"What do you mean? What trouble will Harry have?" Peter Parker asked Arthur, looking puzzled.

"You'll know when the time comes, let's go, Max's examination is over, go see him." Arthur saw that Max had left the hospital bed and walked out of the laboratory.

"How do you feel?" Arthur asked, walking towards Max.

"Oh, Mr. Arthur, I feel good, I have been able to gradually control the energy in my body." Max said to Arthur with a smile.

"Your friend came to see you," Arthur said, pointing to Peter Parker beside him.

"Friend? Who are you?" Max had never seen Peter Parker, so he didn't recognize the young man beside Arthur as the famous Spider-Man.

"Max, I'm Spider-Man, my real name is Peter Parker, nice to meet you again..." Peter Parker stretched out his hand and said to Max.

"...I'm Max Dylan, nice to meet you." Max looked at Peter Parker with complicated eyes, but still reached out and shook his hand.

Max has admired Peter Parker very much since he was rescued by him, even to the point of insanity, and later learned that when Spider-Man had forgotten himself, Max felt abandoned by the world.

Fortunately, after the evolution of Soul Arthur's mind, Max's emotions are no longer so easily excited, and now it's funny to think about it, why should I blame Spider-Man?

"Max, I'm sorry! I want to apologize to you, I didn't forget you, but I didn't take you to heart. I just said it casually when I needed you, sorry for hurting you..." Peter Parker bowed his head and sincerely apologized to Max.

"I blamed you, because I care about what other people think of me. I have never had a friend, and I thought you would treat me as a friend! But I can't blame you, after all, you also saved me Life." Max laughed at Peter Parker, self-deprecating.

"No! Max, I really want to be your friend! I also want to apologize to you for my behavior." Peter Parker looked at Max and said sincerely.

"Okay, Max. If you want to be recognized by others, you need to help others. You are no longer the Max you used to be, and now you have the ability to help the weak. You join us and you are our family. I won't be alone anymore." Arthur looked at Max and said.

"Thank you! I will try my best to become a superhero like you in the future." Max smiled knowingly at Arthur and Peter Parker.


Harry Osborn sat in the office, watching Spider-Man, Aquaman, and Iron Man appearing in the news, he felt that the world is really wonderful now.

Harry was playing with a cube his father had given him on his deathbed, and his father had said it was what was really given to him, but he still didn't know what the cube was.

Harry felt a burning pain in the skin of his neck, and he saw through the reflection of the table that there was already a scar on his neck.

This is why he has been more irritable recently. What he cares about now is not the hostility of the people on the board of directors towards him. What he cares about is that his father told him before his death that their family had a genetic disease called reverse chlorocytosis.

I remembered that my father had green scars all over his body, and he suffered to death! Harry felt a chill in his heart.

He can't sleep now, his hands are shaking, the skin on his body is rotting, and he knows that he will soon be as sick as his father.

His father, Norman Osborn, could not cure such a rich man, so how should he save himself?

Harry reached out to squeeze the abscess on his neck.


Harry trembled in pain, and the cube in his hand fell on the table, but he suddenly found that when the small cube was placed on the desk, the desk turned into a sparkling display! This is the secret in the cube!

Harry reached out to touch the square, and a window suddenly appeared next to the square, with folders with strange names written on them.

Harry swiped to the right, and the entire folder unfolded, containing more than fifty secret file items.

These are some scientific and technological experimental projects that my father secretly researched! Harry opened them one by one and browsed.

There are weapons and equipment, high-tech armor, and octopus tentacles, which are all strange things.

But he suddenly saw the name of Peter Parker's father, who was also a researcher at Osborne Corporation?

Harry clicked on the project file, and there were two researchers in lab coats, one of whom Harry knew was Peter Parker's father.

Harry had seen his picture at Peter Parker's house, a research project on spider serum, which was used to cure severe infections, tissue damage and more.

Harry immediately thought of someone! It's Spider-Man. It seems that this Spider-Man has super powers because he has this serum. If he can find Spider-Man and let him give himself a little blood, will he be able to cure his own disease?

The more Harry thought about it, the more he felt that Spider-Man was his only life-saving straw! My father set up this project to treat family genetic diseases.

But Peter Parker's parents' plane crashed, and the project was halted. Later, I continued to study but also failed, but Spider-Man is a living example!

His super power is definitely related to the spider serum! Gotta find him myself, Spider-Man...Iron Man...Aquaman?

correct! Isn't Peter Parker interning at Stark? He also said that Iron Man Tony Stark is still his good friend.

Just ask Peter Parker to find Iron Man and ask for Spider-Man's contact information! Harry couldn't sit still at the thought of this, just do it!


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