I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 254: cure disease

Arthur's House in Wakanda

"Haven't had breakfast, let's have some together." Arthur invited Harry to have breakfast together.

"Thank you!" Harry wasn't polite to Arthur, he sat down at a table and looked up at Arthur's villa.

"This is a traditional Chinese breakfast. I like it better. It's called rice noodles. Try it and see if you're used to it." Arthur brought Harry a bowl of Yunnan copper pot rice noodles made by himself.

Arthur also sat down opposite Harry with a bowl. Arthur knew that Harry couldn't use chopsticks, so he gave him a spoon and a fork.

"Thank you!" Harry was still rather restrained. Although he had never seen the white rice noodles in the bowl, he seemed quite appetizing.

"You try it," Arthur said to Harry.

Harry got a bit of rice noodles with a fork, put it in his mouth and tasted it, and suddenly a taste he had never experienced filled his taste buds, it was so fragrant!

"It's delicious! I've never eaten Chinese food before, I can't imagine it's so delicious!" Harry couldn't stop eating it, the more he ate, the better it was.

Arthur smiled and watched Harry eating rice noodles, and also picked up his chopsticks to eat...

After the two finished eating, they sat at the dining table and chatted. Harry never imagined that the famous Sea King Arthur would be Peter Parker's classmate.

If he hadn't transferred abroad by himself, Arthur would have been Harry's classmate.

"I already know your purpose. You want Spider-Man's serum to treat your family's skin disease, right?" Arthur asked Harry straight to the point.

"Yes, I don't know how you know this secret, but I'm very sick now, please help me." Harry raised his trembling hands and said to Arthur.

"You're wrong, Spider-Man's serum can't cure your condition." Arthur said blankly.

"How could this be?" Harry was so disappointed, he lowered his head and wondered what he was thinking.

"You are Peter's good friend, and also my friend. I am more willing to help you once." Arthur continued.

Harry raised his head, looked at Arthur with expectant eyes, and asked with a trembling voice, "So is there any way you can help me heal? As long as you can help me, I will promise you any conditions!"

"Your illness is too simple for me, and I can easily cure you." Arthur said with a smile.

"Really? Just say what conditions you have!" Harry's eyes lit up, and he stood up excitedly and asked Arthur.

"I said that you are Peter's friend and also my friend. I can help you with treatment without any conditions, and I can get you out of pain right away." Arthur shook his head and replied.

"That's great! I really don't know how to thank you! You are my best friend, and I will try my best to help you if you need anything!" Harry looked at Arthur and said seriously.

"Okay, I'll talk about this later, let's go to the treatment." Arthur said to Harry.

"Thank you!" Harry followed Arthur out of the villa and went to the forest outside the villa together.

"Venom! Where did it go?" Arthur shouted to the woods in the distance.

Harry only saw a huge black shadow shuttle through the woods, running towards them quickly, Harry was full of tension, is he about to see some terrible monster?

Just after the shadow jumped down from the canopy, Harry saw that it was actually a cute white-haired cat. This...is the cat who made him nervous for a long time?

"Are you ready?" Arthur asked, turning to Harry.

"Uh...are we here for treatment?" This is different from what Harry thought. Harry imagined that Arthur would take him to the secret laboratory of the Avengers, and then some mysterious scientists would use instruments to examine him, and finally give him Inject yourself with some weird drug.

As a result, Arthur actually took him to the edge of a beautiful grove, called out a cat and was ready to treat him.

If he hadn't looked at Arthur seriously, Harry would have thought Arthur was joking with him.

"Are you ready?" Arthur asked again, looking at Harry who didn't know what he was thinking.

"Get ready, come on!" Harry replied with a nod, as he wanted to see how Arthur was going to treat himself.

"Venom, he has a genetic disease on his body, you go and cure him, and he will pack your snacks for you in the future!" Arthur said to Venom.

After listening, Venom jumped onto Arthur's shoulder, stared at Harry for a while, and then asked Harry in a hoarse voice: "Boy, have you packed all my snacks in the future?"

Harry was startled, this cat could actually speak human words! And the sound is so ugly! It's hard to say that such a magical cat can really help itself.

"You can tell me what snacks you like, and I will be responsible for all your snacks in the future, Harry Osborn." Harry immediately patted his chest and assured.

"Very good! Boy, you are very good! I am very satisfied!" Venom said to Harry with satisfaction, and suddenly the black substance on the white cat seeped out like a liquid, turning into a two-meter-high with a row of sharp tooth monster.

Harry was frightened by Venom's real body, his legs softened, and he sat on the ground with his buttocks. Venom suddenly rushed towards Harry and instantly wrapped Harry.

"The virus on this kid is really delicious!" Venom said to Arthur, wrapping Harry's head and showing a head.

"Help him clean up the virus and don't get sick in the future!" Arthur pouted and said.

"How dare you question me? Is there an injury that I can't cure?" Venom said arrogantly.

"The tone of your talk to me has become more and more arrogant recently. Is it because I haven't taught you a lesson for a long time?" Arthur asked Venom with a very dangerous look.

Venom suddenly fought a cold war, recalling the fear of being dominated by Arthur! Immediately left Harry's body and rushed back into the white cat's body as if running away. The white cat immediately hid behind a tree, revealing a cat's head to see if Arthur was angry.

Arthur also smiled helplessly, this venom really needs to be cleaned up. But this time, his food was finally paid for.

The Avengers' head of logistics, Natasha, had already complained to him about the venom being eaten countless times, and Harry didn't realize he had promised something terrible.

Harry knelt on the ground and took a big breath of fresh air. He had just experienced the most terrifying thing he had ever experienced since he was a child.

His body was out of his control, as if a monster had squeezed into his head...

The skin on his whole body was instantly itchy, like a fire, until the venom left his body, and now he felt more comfortable than ever.

Harry stood up and stretched out his hands to see that his hands were not shaking at all.

Harry took off his jacket like crazy, pulled his shirt away, and looked at his body carefully.

Harry's skin returned to its original white and delicate appearance, and all the scars on his body were gone!

"I'm fine! I'm finally fine!" Harry screamed in excitement!

"Okay, don't be shy, put on your clothes, and don't catch a cold for a while. Remember what you promised me!" Arthur said aside.

"Okay...Okay! Thank you for your help, I will pack all the food for Venom in the future!" Harry calmed down again and put on his clothes again.

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