I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 234: so-called father

"Now you have to readjust the way you look at life, such as everything around us, including that girl. Everything in your life is short-lived, we are eternal!" The main hall of the egg-shaped display screen.

"Isn't eternal life boring?" Quill asked.

"Have a goal and you won't be Peter, that's why I brought you here!" Egg led Quill to an egg-shaped display.

"I told you that over the past few years I had a constant urge to explore life. But what I didn't tell you was how...disappointed I was when I finally found it!" Egg pointed to the little girl holding a flower on the screen and said.

Quill was stunned after hearing this, disappointed? Hasn't life been found? Why are you disappointed?

"It was at that moment that I deeply realized a deeper thought. I longed to find other lives, not for me, but in the hope that I could be one of them. Peter, I have found the truth. !" Egg said looking at Quill, then reached out and tapped Quill's forehead.

The energy entered his brain along Quill's forehead, and Quill's eyes turned blue, and there seemed to be a sea of ​​stars inside.

Quill's consciousness traveled through the universe to see countless planets, they were so beautiful and moving.

"Ah...I...I saw it! The true meaning of eternity!" Quill's eyes saw the universe through the planet, and his consciousness was dominated by Egg to understand his ambitions.

"I call it expansion! That's my goal, and now it's your goal too! My child!" Egg said, conjuring up planets.

"It's so beautiful!" Quill said, looking up at the countless planets in the universe.

"In the past tens of thousands of years, I have implanted tens of thousands of extensions of myself on tens of thousands of planets. I have to achieve the only ultimate goal of life, multiply and gradually replace all existing planets, until finally all life All become me!" The countless planets in front of Egg were covered with blue energy and became a part of him, this is his goal, to make all the planets in the universe merge with him!

"I have only encountered one problem, that is, one **** does not have enough energy to complete such an important task, but two gods may be enough." Egg continued.

Quill turned his head to look at Egg, he wants me to help him rule the universe like him? what should I do?

Quill's heart was struggling, but there was a voice in his brain that kept tempting him to just promise Egg and get everything! Always trying to sway his mind, Quill's mind struggled with this temptation.

"My favorite part of everything I do is try to graft my genes onto other species, and I hope that the result of this grafting will advance my expansion." Eagle continued after a pause.

"I once asked Yondu to help me send some offspring, which violated the rules of the predator, but I compensated him generously, and to appease his conscience, I said I would not hurt them. What I said was To be honest, they didn't feel the pain, but they let me down so much! None of them carried the celestial gene until they met you, Peter! Of all my descendants, you were the only one who inherited the light of life. Gene connection. This is the first time in my life! I'm really not fighting alone anymore!" The more I said, the more excited I was and finally shouted out loudly.

After listening to Egg's words, Quill not only was not excited, but lowered his head and showed a sad expression.

"What's the matter, boy?" Egg asked, looking at Quill.

"Then what about my friends?" Quill asked, looking up at Egg.

"Look at you, it's the human side that's doing the blame, we've surpassed these things," Egg said.

"Yes, but my mother, you said you loved my mother!" Peter asked with a struggling expression.

"I love him, my water lily, she sings the lyrics of every song that plays on the radio... I've come back to earth three times to see her, and I know that if I go back a fourth time, I'll never be Not going. My expansion, the purpose of my existence is all over! So I did what I had to do, but I shouldn't put the tumor in your mother's brain." Egg sighed.

But I shouldn't have put a tumor in your mother's brain!

The tumor was put into the mother's brain!

tumor? ! brain? !

This sentence has been echoing in Quill's mind, and the voice is getting louder and louder. Quilton wakes up immediately, the blue stars in his eyes disappear, and only the anger goes straight to the top of his head!

"What did you say?!" Quill looked at Egg angrily and asked.

"Don't get excited, I know this sounds bad..." Before Egg could finish speaking, the energy pistol that Quill pulled out of his body pierced his heart.

boom! boom! Bang bang bang! !

Quill shot Egg after shot, and you killed my mother! go to hell!

Quill fired continuously in anger. Egg was beaten with many holes under Quill's firepower. Only half of his head was left, and most of his body was damaged, with huge holes all over his body!

But Egg not only did not fall, but also stood in place. His body is made of energy, and it can automatically recover after receiving damage, and it is still on his own planet. It can be said that his current energy is continuous. of.

Quill's eyes widened as he watched the blue energy in Egg's body slowly forming new flesh and blood. What is this?

"Who do you think you are? You're a little over your head!" Egg yelled at Quill.

"You killed my mother!" Quill yelled too.

"I worked so hard to find the most suitable form for you, but the result is that this is your thanks? You should really grow up!" Egg's body fully recovered with energy, and then stretched out his hand. The ground cracked instantly, and a dazzling huge tentacle of blue energy burst out of the ground, stabbing towards Quill's back.

The blue energy tentacles passed through Quill's chest instantly. Quill felt that something was sucked out of his body, and he was completely immobile now, so he could only let the blue tentacles absorb his own energy.

"I wanted to complete the expansion with you too, but for the next few thousand years, you will only be able to provide me with divine power like a battery!" Egg revealed his true colors and looked at Quill and said viciously arrive.

boom! !

Only a loud gunshot was heard, and Egg's entire upper body was shattered.

The blue energy tentacles on the ground disappeared instantly, and Quill fell to the ground, gasping for breath.

"What do you want to do to my brother?" Rocket and Arthur walked in from outside the gate of the main hall. Rocket held the giant sniper rifle that Arthur gave her and asked Egg loudly.

"Peter, as your family, I'm really ashamed of you. I stood at the door and listened for a long time. Your biological father is no different from a breeding pig. He is a beast!" Rocket looked at Quill and said contemptuously.

Quill stood up from the ground with difficulty and said to the rocket, "I agree with you this time!"


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