"I didn't expect you to come and die! But I didn't intend to let you leave alive! Especially you, Arthur! You have the Infinity Stone on you, give it to me, and I can consider spare your life!" Ge's body recovered in an instant, he looked at Arthur and said arrogantly.

"Haha, since you know that I have the Infinity Stone and dare to talk to me like this, I really don't know where you got your confidence?" Arthur asked, looking at Egg scornfully with his arms crossed.

"You think you can beat me with an Infinity Stone? Haha, I'm the real **** in the universe! And you're just a descendant of a toy transformed by other gods, and you only own half of it. Bloodline!" Egg laughed and said, he said a secret thing, that is, Atlantis was also created by the members of the Celestial Group when they went to Earth, of course they also created other races, just Arthur doesn't know yet.

"Do you think you have a steady stream of energy to defeat me on your own body planet? But this is also your fatal flaw. I smashed the planet directly and you died." Arthur looked at Egg Speaking of.

"Then come and try!" Egg roared, and then the ground of the entire hall suddenly burst open, and countless huge blue energy tentacles burst out of the ground, rushing towards the three of Arthur.

Arthur pushed Quill away, took out his trident and shot a red energy beam at the three blue energy tentacles that stabbed at them.

The three energy tentacles were instantly smashed by Arthur's energy rays. The rocket flew in the air wearing a flight suit and took out another weapon, a giant folding machine gun. It fired at the surrounding tentacles, and countless tentacles were hit by it. smash.

Quill was not idle either, he put on his mask, also put on a flight suit, and flew in the air and kept shooting at the tentacles.

Arthur looked at Egg in the distance, and caught the thief first. Although this is not his main body, if it is destroyed, it will take some time for it to recreate a clone.

Arthur's whole body of golden sea king armor suddenly appeared on his body, and he quickly charged towards Egg with a trident in hand.

Egg discovered Arthur's movement, and five huge blue tentacles smashed down towards Arthur together, with a feeling of a mountain pressing on the top. Arthur looked at the tentacles above his head and felt like Illaoi in the League of Legends made a big move.

Well, since that's the case, I'll pick you up! Arthur raised his hand and drew on the top of his head, and two large blue magic shields appeared out of thin air, spinning on top of Arthur's head, and their size became larger and larger.

boom! !

Five huge blue energy tentacles smashed together on the magic shield, and the ground in the entire hall trembled and jumped, showing the power of this blow.

"Arthur!" Rocket shouted at Arthur worriedly in the air.

But at this moment, a tentacle slapped towards the back of the rocket, and the rocket had no time to react. Suddenly, a few bright lights flashed, and the tentacle was shattered. It turned out that Quill was supporting him.

"Can you be serious, will Arthur be knocked down by this? Worry about yourself." Quill complained to the Rockets.

Rocket was so angry that Quill said that, he picked up the machine gun and attacked indiscriminately, and all the nearby tentacles were beaten into smoke and disappeared into the air.

A burst of red light flashed, and the five huge tentacles were all shattered immediately. Arthur rushed out of the tentacles, and the red energy ray of the trident in his right hand blasted towards Egg.

A blue tentacle in front of Egg helped him block Arthur's blow. Egg watched Arthur prepare to come directly to him. He suddenly roared, and the ground of the entire hall shattered instantly. Six dazzling blue huge The beam of light soared into the sky.

The beam of light broke through the top of the hall, first dashed into the air, and then turned towards the hall.

Six blue beams of light descended from the sky and converged on Yigo's body. Yigo's whole body suddenly radiated dazzling light, so that all three of Arthur could only close their eyes.

After only a moment, the light disappeared, and the three of Arthur opened their eyes and suddenly saw a shocking scene. Egg became a very big blue giant, bigger than the golden hall.

In order to prevent Arthur from destroying the clone, Egg wrapped it with energy, making himself look like a hill.

Rocket and Quill both opened their mouths. How could Egg get so big? They are like ants now, and they are expected to be trampled to death by one foot.

Arthur narrowed his eyes at the giant above his head. It was Illaoi just now, and now there is a Susanoo? Are you the earthling or am I the earthling?

Arthur sighed, it's true! Arthur closed his eyes, and his hands drew mysterious symbols in the air, communicating the energy of the latitude of water.

"It's over! Find a way! Arthur?" Rocket shouted, and Quill joined him in firing at the giant, but it was like tickling the giant, unable to break even his skin.

Egg raised his right foot and stepped on it hard towards the three of them. Quill and Rocket wanted to run, but the range of the huge soles of their feet was too large. Press the top of the head.

Done! Goodbye Gamora! Quill closed his eyes and waited for death to come, while Rocket roared and fired at the soles of his feet in the air, and energy bullets shot at Egg's soles desperately.

At this moment of crisis, a blue water energy ball wrapped the three of them, and it was getting bigger and bigger. Egg only felt that he stepped on a water ball, and then a huge force came from the soles of his feet to lift Egg. Turn out.

boom! !

Instantly shakes! Two big earthquakes!

Egg fell back heavily, crushing all the golden walls of the hall, and his golden hall was completely scrapped.

Egg looked up, and the same blue giant appeared in front of him.

"It's impossible!" Egg said in shock, he knew that Arthur had the Infinity Stones, and he had seen Arthur kill the Sovereigns.

What Arthur has should be ether particles, but how can he have such a huge water element magic energy, and can create such a huge water giant out of thin air?

If the energy formed by ether particles should be red, and this water element energy...still underestimate Arthur!

Egg stood up again, and he watched the blue water giant who was as tall as himself punch out.

Quill and Rocket were so excited to see themselves surrounded by water standing next to Arthur, and the three of them were now in a water giant of the same size, and they had never experienced it before.

"Teach him a lesson about Arthur and let him know how powerful our Guardians of the Galaxy are!" Rocket reminded Arthur as he watched Egg punch.

Arthur controlled the water giant to raise his arm to block Egg's punch and then punched Egg's head with a backhand.

The fist of the water giant slammed **** the head of Egg's energy giant, and Egg was beaten to the ground.

Arthur went up and hugged Egg's arm of the energy giant, turned around and threw Egg over his shoulder and slammed him to the ground, and the whole earth shook.

"Yeah! Good fight Arthur! Continue to play him!" Rocket said excitedly, while Quill also had a complicated expression on the side, not knowing what he was thinking.

In the distance, the four of Gamora flew over in the Predator Guardian of the Galaxy, and they were shocked when they saw the two giants fighting like Ultraman.

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