After Gamora left, Quill lay in a daze alone on the sofa in the room, his favorite music playing on his Walkman...

Egg walked in from outside, looked at Quill and asked, "Are you okay? Son. I just saw your girlfriend go away in a huff."

"It's alright." Quill didn't know what to say.

"What a coincidence, you're listening to this song too," Egg said, listening to the song playing on Quill's Walkman.

"Do you know what song this is?" Quill asked in surprise.

"Brandy, from the Mirrors. One of your mom's favorites," Egg replied.

"Yes, it used to be..." Quill said in surprise. He likes listening to music because his mother also likes music very much. I didn't expect Egg to understand music so well.

"One of the greatest music on earth, perhaps the greatest," Egg continued on Quill's words.

"Yes, that's right! I think so too." Quill said in surprise. When he met his bosom friend, other friends were not very interested in songs. Arthur directly said that his songs were too old-fashioned. Quill was depressed for a while.

"You know Peter? We two are the sailors in that song, and he showed up one summer day with a gift from afar. Like my present to your mother was the child, or like the one you gave to Gamora Freedom. Sailors say Brandy, you will be a good wife. My life, my love, my woman is the sea!" Egg compared his life to Peter as he read the lyrics.

"The sea called the sailor, and he loved the girl, but it wasn't his home. The sea called him like history called the hero! Sometimes we can't have the pleasures of mortals," Egg said.

"Of course, you may not be mortal, but I..." Quill said.

"No Peter, as long as there is the light of life on this planet, we don't have to face death." Egg interrupted Quill's words.

"Then can I live forever?" Quill asked, and Egg nodded.

"Really?" Quill asked again in surprise.

"Yes, as long as the light remains," Egg replied.

"Then can I build cool stuff with that light? Like you created this planet in the first place," Quill asked.

"Then you may need to practice for hundreds of years, but it can be done." Egg looked at Quill and said.

"Wow, this is amazing! You're about to see an eight hundred-foot tall statue of Pac-Man with Skeletron and Heather Lakriel next to him!" Quill exclaimed, standing up excitedly.

"You can do whatever you want." Egg said with a smile, Quill was like a child, and his wishes were so childish, but it was better to control him this way.

"I'm going to do something weird." Quill said funny.

"But you have to know Peter, this existence has a huge responsibility, only we can reshape the universe! Only we can hold the reins of the universe and lead it to the right direction!" Egg finally said his purpose.

When Quill listened to Egg's inspiring words, the whole person was excited, looked at Egg and asked, "How to do it?"

Egg stretched out his finger, and a white flame suddenly appeared on it, like a flower.

Quill stretched out his fingers the same way he did, creating a white flame as well.

The two smiled at each other, and Egg said to Quill, "Come with me!"

Quill followed Egg away, but they didn't see Mantis watching it all, Mantis went to wake Dracula immediately after Egg took Quill away, and let him all call.


"You mean Egg killed all his former descendants?" Gamora asked aloud, looking at Mantis.

"Yes, to him those offspring are failures," said the mantis girl.

"Will he kill Peter too?" Gamora continued.

"No, Quill is the most special of all his descendants, so his purpose is estimated to be to control Quill to become one of his helpers and help him rule the universe!" Arthur said suddenly.

"That's what you agreed to come here for, what do you want to do?" Gamora asked, looking at Arthur.

"I'm afraid Igor has already controlled Peter, so hurry up! Get out of here, it's too dangerous here!" Mantis Girl said loudly to everyone.

"No! Peter is our friend! I can't leave him!" Gamora said firmly.

"We're family! We can't leave anyone behind, Mantis you too!" Draculas said.

Everyone looked at Dracula, and they never thought that Dracula, who was usually the most brutal and unscrupulous, would say such warm words.

"Haha, who said he was leaving! I have to kill that Egg with my own hands, and then I can laugh at Quill every day that he is not as good as me!" Rocket laughed, and finally had the chance to be in front of Quill. He was angry once, and this time he saved him to see how he could fight with himself again.

"Of course we can't just leave. Egg has planted his energy seeds in countless planets, including my earth! As long as he has a thought, these planets will be destroyed, so I am here to solve him personally! ' Arthur told everyone.

"Do you have any plans?" Gamora asked, looking at Arthur.

"The plan is that you leave first, and I am here to fight Egg alone." Arthur replied.

"No! I have to participate! I must have a share in saving Quill this time." Rocket stopped listening, and he was still waiting to show his face in front of Quill.

"It's okay, Gamora, Dracula, and Groot Mantis, you go to the spaceship first, and then support us with firepower from a distance. Rocket and I go directly to Quill!" Arthur said.

"Okay, let's do it!" Gamora said with a nod.

"I'm Groot!" Groot was a little worried about Rocket and wanted to go with him.

"Don't worry about me, you go to the spaceship with Gamora first, and I'll come after I save Quill!" Rocket said to Groot.

Groot nodded and left with Gamora, Dracula, and Mantis, leaving Arthur and Rocket alone in the bookstore.

"Prepare your equipment. Egg's ability is estimated to be a large-scale energy attack. You'd better make your firepower stronger." Arthur said to Rocket.

"Hehe, do you know what I call a walking arsenal?" Rocket said as he pulled out the large energy gun behind him.

"Okay, but if you're worried about Quill, just say it directly, don't say anything in secret to show off your power in front of him." Arthur complained to Rocket as he walked to the distant hall.

"I'm worried about him? I saved him just to be able to show off my strength in front of him in the future!" Rocket said without admitting it.

"You can just lie to others. You can't lie to me. I can sense your worries. You cherish people who are good to you because you have been hurt so much, right?" Arthur remembered seeing the whole body of Rocket. It looks like it has been transformed, it used to be just some people's experiments.

"..." Rocket was silent. The reason why it kept arguing with Quill was that it was afraid, afraid that Quill was too good to it, and that it would collapse if it lost this feeling in the future. So he kept messing with Quill, trying to make him hate himself and not be so nice to himself.

"Don't worry about these, let him pass the past, you and we are all family! When we go to Earth, I will introduce more Avengers partners to you, they will all be your family, you will never I'll be lonely again." Arthur said to the Rocket gently, he hoped that the Rocket could untie his knot and truly accept his friends and family!


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