I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 222: energy star

After the meal was full, Priest Shasha appeared in front of several people again, leading them to leave the palace and walk towards their spaceship.

Priest Shasha and Quill boarded the Predator Guardian of the Galaxy together. Under her guidance, the rocket controlled the spaceship and flew towards the energy star overhead.

The size of the energy star is not big, just a little bigger than the moon. There are also cities and people living on it, and above the cities are huge "solar energy".

It would be inaccurate to call them "solar energy", but they actually consist of circular squares surrounded by six gleaming spherical energy storage devices.

Countless energy sources radiate from the planet's core and outer space. It can be said that it can store all the energy in the universe, and then convert it into usable energy through this circular platform to charge the battery of Sovereign.

Such platforms are scattered all over the planet, and one platform can only charge a dozen batteries.

Under the guidance of Priest Shasha, the Guardians of the Galaxy heard the spacecraft on a tarmac, and then everyone took out the prepared weapons and equipment from the spacecraft and followed Priest Shasha to the largest charging platform.

"Wow, what are all these?" Quill asked, looking at the gleaming giant spherical energy storage device.

"This is our energy storage device, the energy is transported here along the pipeline and then stored in this device, we call it the energy core!" Priest Shasha explained to Quill.

"Well, then our task is to guard these energy devices, right? When will the monster come?" Rocket asked Priest Shasha while looking at the surrounding energy cores.

"I don't know about this, but we predict that it will come soon, and every time it comes, it will be accompanied by strong spatial fluctuations." Priest Shasha said.

"What kind of monster are you talking about?" Gamora looked at Priest Shasha and asked.

"We call it the source-devouring beast." Priest Shasha replied.

"Origin-devouring beast?!" Quill and the others were frightened. The primal-devouring beast is the most terrifying monster in the universe. Its aliens are just like ordinary cats on earth, but he has a dimensional giant that can devour everything. mouth. If it was really the Primordial Beast Quill, the six of them would come to court death!

"Don't worry, the source-devouring beast they are referring to is not the one in the legend, but another huge monster, am I right? Priest Shasha." Arthur bowed his hands to the shock A few people who stayed said.

"Yes, the reason we call it the Origin Eater is that it lives by devouring energy, so it covets our energy device, not the legendary Origin Eater." Priest Shasha nodded and said.

"Scared me, it turned out to be the meaning of this source-devouring beast. Well, if that's the case, then leave it to us, Priest Shasha." Quill turned back to full of confidence and assured Priest Shasha. road.

"Then I'll trouble you. The residents nearby have already evacuated here in advance. I'll go back first and wait for your good news." Priest Shasha looked at the six and said.

"Okay, don't worry if you leave it to us." Quill patted his chest and said.

Priest Shasha nodded, turned and left. Quill and the others also opened the box containing the weapons to prepare the things to be used.

After a while, the sky suddenly darkened, and the originally clear sky instantly became cloudy, accompanied by lightning and thunder.

The six Quill looked at the vision in the sky and knew that the enemy was coming. Arthur looked at the sky speechlessly. How could the pomp of this source-devouring beast be the same as Thor? It was accompanied by strong winds and lightning before coming.

"The show is about to start, are you ready? It's coming soon!" Quill took out a small space tester and held it in his hand to measure the space fluctuation value.

"Then let's let it go back and forth!" Gamora took out a huge energy gun from the weapon box and debugged it in her hand.

"I thought you were good at using swords." Quill said, looking at Gamora in surprise.

"Didn't I learn this from you? And they hired us to deal with the monster that likes to eat batteries in the dimension space, so I will take a sword to deal with it?" Gamora looked at Quill speechlessly and said.

"You used to like to use swords, I just think it's a little inappropriate for both of us to use guns." Quill said proudly.

"Dracula, why didn't you wear the flying device designed by the rocket?" Gamora saw that everyone wore the flying device, only Dracula the Destroyer did not wear it, the tree Groot couldn't wear it, and Arthur would have flown.

"Because it hurts!" said Dracula the Destroyer.

"It hurts?" Gamora looked at Dracula in confusion. Why does it hurt to wear a flying machine?

"My **** is very sensitive!" Destroyer Draculas said, the flying chess designed by Rocket is to be protected on the chest, just like wearing a bra.

"Hahahaha, my **** is very sensitive, it's really yours, haha!" Rocket laughed and learned Dracula's tone of voice.

"What's your business! What are you doing there?" Dracula asked angrily, looking at the rocket.

"I'm assembling the speakers that Quill wants so I can listen to music while I work." The pair of speakers Quill bought before the Rockets tinkered.

"Is that thing important? Do you need this time to get it?" Destroyer Dracula asked the Rocket as he watched the lightning in the sky more and more frequently.

"It's all for Quill, it's not that he has to let me get it done quickly so he can listen to the music!" Rocket pointed to Quill and said.

"Actually, I agree with Draculas on this matter. It's a bit unprofessional for you to do this now!" Quill said to the Rockets.

"Okay, I'll listen to you Quill!" Rocket said while raising an eyebrow with Quill.

"No, I mean it, Draculas is right!" Quill said, looking at the rocket.

"I understand! You're serious this time." Rocket began to wink at Quill again.

"What do you mean by blinking there?" Dracula asked the Rocket, watching it frantically blink.

"Damn it! I blinked with my left eye?" Rocket said to himself.

Arthur covered his head and watched the performances of these live treasures.

The space is becoming more and more unstable, and some small monsters that look like dinosaurs have begun to appear on the platform.

Groot especially didn't like this kind of long and ugly monsters, and trampled them into a pool of blood with his feet one by one.

"Groot, are you disgusting, don't do it." Rocket looked at Groot and said.

"I'm Groot!" Groot said he couldn't bear it.

"Arthur, you don't have to shoot for a while, we can do it ourselves!" Quill came to Arthur and bumped his arm against Arthur and said.

"Are you serious?" Arthur asked, looking at Quill.

"Of course, I didn't do anything to catch the Fallen last time. You and Dracula stole the limelight. This time it's up to me." Quill said confidently.

"Okay, don't blame me if you die!" Arthur nodded and stepped back.

"This may be the decision you regret the most. If you can't beat it for a while, I suggest you call for help!" Rocket looked at Quill and said.

Quill ignored the rockets and took out two pistols to fight, can I beat it? What are you kidding!


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