I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 223: Origin Eater

There was a sudden gust of wind in the sky, and colorful space passages in the dark clouds suddenly formed. A very ugly monster rushed out of the space passage and descended from the sky, "swimming" towards the platform where Arthur and the others were.

This monster called the Origin Eater is huge, with eight tentacles that look like octopuses, and a big head with two raised eyes and a huge mouth.

"Oh, it's going to be real!" Rocket said, looking at the huge monster rushing down from the sky.

The monster's head first landed and slammed heavily on the platform, without the slightest injury. Destroyer Draculas roared with two daggers and was about to rush up to attack the monster.

Arthur watched with his arms crossed, watching the live broadcast of the Guardians of the Galaxy vs. Dimensional Source Eater.

The huge source-devouring beast opened its mouth wide, with a full mouth of teeth bared and roared at several of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Destroyer Dracula shouted and rushed to the monster and stabbed the monster with a dagger. The three of Quelgamora and Rocket launched their flying backpacks and soared into the sky. The energy weapons in their hands kept attacking the monster.

But Groot had no intention of going up, and was still dealing with the little monsters on the ground. He seemed to have a soft spot for them.

"Why don't you help?" Arthur asked Groot.

"I'm Groot!" Arthur understood, and Groot meant that it couldn't beat this Origin-devouring beast, and going up would also add trouble.

Arthur is right when he thinks about it. Groot's size and strength are not as big as that of the source-devouring beast. Isn't it courting death to fight with it?

Arthur took out a large energy cannon from the dimensional space and handed it to Groot, "Here, you can hit it from a distance with this."

"I'm Groot!" The tree Groot took the large energy cannon and held it just right in his hand. It was a shot at the huge source-devouring beast in the distance.

The recoil made Groot take a step back, a huge energy ball slammed into the monster's forehead, and the Origin Eater screamed, but it was still unscathed.

"Good fight, Groot, just fight like this! This Origin Eater is so durable, **** it!" Rocket flew in the air and attacked the Origin Eater with the sniper rifle Arthur gave her, but couldn't break the Origin Eater. Origin beast skin.

Quill was also shooting in the air while avoiding the tentacle attack of the Origin Eater, and Gamora was also shooting from a distance.

The most exaggerated is Draculas the Destroyer, he held a tentacle of the source-devouring beast tightly, clenched his teeth and stabbed with a dagger.

Arthur saw Quill's new stereo and his Walkman. Arthur stepped forward, inserted the audio cable into the extremely advanced 3.5mm headphone jack on the Walkman, pressed the play button, and the dynamic music immediately came out from the two speakers for everyone in the square to hear.

The source-devouring beast suddenly opened its mouth and sprayed colorful corrosive liquid towards the rocket in the air, and the rocket immediately turned to dodge.

The sniper rifle in his hand shot at the eyes of the Origin Eater, the Origin Eater roared loudly, and the colorful energy spewed out again towards Quill, who was constantly attacking it, this time it was a flame.

Quill was immediately startled, immediately turned off the engine and fell from the sky, dodging the flame attack of the Origin Devourer, but then the Origin Devourer's tentacles were drawn towards Quill.

Quill was wiped by the tentacles of the source-devouring beast on the ground, and was knocked flying to the side of Arthur, lying on his stomach.

While listening to the music and shaking his legs, Arthur drank the drink he was carrying, and asked Quill, who was lying on the ground, "Are you okay? Is it alright?"

Quill stood up in embarrassment, picked up the pistol in his hand and continued to shoot, and said to Arthur with a swollen face and a fat man: "I have no problem at all!"

As a result, the tentacles of the source-devouring beast quickly pulled out again, knocking Quill into the air, and calling towards Arthur. Arthur snapped his fingers, and the sound of the body and the ground was wrapped in red energy and became transparent.

The tentacle passed through Arthur's body, and Arthur continued to drink and listen to music without doing anything.

Dracula the Destroyer was entangled by the tentacles of the source-devouring beast, and flung wildly in the air. Dracula yelled in the air, and then the tentacles threw Dracula to the ground. Dracula Si smashed heavily on the platform ground, and was dragged back by the tentacles' legs and continued to smash.

Arthur felt a pain in his face when he looked at it, and it was because Dracula's skin was rough and fleshy that it was okay.

Quill and Rocket moved in a snake-like position in the air to avoid the various energies spurting out of the mouth of the source-devouring beast. As expected of a monster that grew up eating energy, countless energies could be spurted out of his mouth.

Dracula was smashed to the ground again, and Arthur stood beside him, jokingly: "Does it hurt? It hurts when I look at it!"

"How long are you going to talk nonsense here?" Dracula got up and asked Arthur.

"I'm Groot!" Groot also expressed his dissatisfaction with Arthur.

"It was Quill who told me not to shoot, he said he was going to show his skills." Arthur said, looking at the embarrassed Quill in the sky.

"Well, I admit that I am too big, Arthur is still up to you!" Quill shouted in the air.

"This monster's skin is too thick to be pierced from the outside, so I have to attack it from the inside!" Dracula said, looking at the source-devouring beast in the distance.

"No no, Dracula, wait!" Gamora wanted to stop Dracula's stupid behavior.

Just as Dracula was about to go, he was pulled by Arthur.

"Why are you stopping me?" Dracula asked Arthur.

"Idiot, isn't he thick on the outside and not thick on the inside? Go and watch, if you are in his stomach for a while, it will be very uncomfortable!" Arthur withdrew his mouth and said, and then walked straight to the source of the bite. beast.

The source eater saw this coward who had been hiding on the side and wanted to come up to provoke him? The source-devouring beast opened its mouth to face Arthur.

"Get out of the way! Arthur!" Gamora shouted loudly, watching the action of the Origin Eater.

Arthur didn't dodge, took out the ring from his trousers bag and put it on his hand, and a colorful energy of various kinds from the mouth of the source-devouring beast was sprayed towards Arthur.

Arthur drew a circle in the air with Xuan Jie's right hand, a blue portal was formed instantly, and colorful energy rushed into the portal and disappeared.

After the Origin Devourer stopped spraying energy, Arthur drew a circle again, and a huge blue portal formed above the Origin Devourer's head.

"Give it back to you!" Colorful energy spurted out from the portal above the head of the source-devouring beast, instantly submerging the body of the source-devouring beast.

"Oh, hey, it's comfortable this time." The Rocket in the air laughed as he looked at the Origin Devourer.

When the portal disappeared and the energy dissipated to reveal the source-devouring beast's body, everyone realized that it was still unscathed.

"This monster is really difficult to deal with. He devours energy and is not afraid of all kinds of energy attacks." Quill said while looking at the source-devouring beast.

"Then let's loosen your muscles and bones!" Arthur instantly appeared next to the source-devouring beast, grabbed one of his tentacles and swung it hard.

The source-devouring beast was pulled by Arthur's huge force and flew in the air. The whole scene was very shocking. Arthur could actually throw the source-devouring beast so much bigger than him in the air like an item.

In fact, Arthur doesn't have such great power. Arthur secretly used the reality gem energy to change the weight of the source-devouring beast.

Arthur smashed the source-devouring beast to the ground of the platform, and the source-devouring beast screamed when Arthur smashed it. It was really enjoyable to watch!

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