I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 221: Ayesha

The six of Arthur walked through the hall to the innermost hall of the palace. The high priest Ayesha was sitting on the huge golden seat in the middle of the hall, waiting for a few people from the Guardians of the Galaxy.

Arthur and the others came to the front of High Priest Ayesha to observe the supreme ruler of the Sovereign star field in front of him.

The high priest Ayesha was wearing a golden robe, a golden crown, golden skin and golden hair, and the whole person looked like a golden statue.

There are two priestesses beside the high priest Ayesha, who are also dressed in golden robes. Arthur saw that only priests are women in Sovereign, and women are the real rulers, while men are just ordinary people.

High Priest Ayesha stood up from the throne. She was estimated to be two meters tall. She was very beautiful and looked very noble.

"Welcome the friends of the Guardians of the Galaxy to our Sovereign Star as a guest, I am Ayesha." High Priest Ayesha said to the six Arthurs with a smile.

"We are very honored. I am Peter Quill. They are all my partners. We heard that Thrall said that the high priest needs our help, so we rushed there immediately." Quill walked over to Ayesha. Speaking of.

"Yes, we Sovereign need a strong team to help us through the difficulties, Thrall recommended you the Guardians of the Galaxy to me. It is said that you once defeated Ronan the Cree?" High Priest Ayesha carefully A few people who were observing the Guardians of the Galaxy asked.

"Yes, the Kree accuser Ronan actually led the troops to invade Xandar. Of course we, the Guardians of the Galaxy, could not turn a blind eye, so we cooperated with the Nova Corps to resist the Kree invasion and successfully eliminated the accuser Ronan. ." Quill raised his head and said righteously, he didn't want to be inferior in front of Ayesha.

"Very good! We need the help of strong men like you. If you help us get through this difficult time, I promise to pay you 20 billion Zijin!" High Priest Ayesha said to Quill with a smile.

Quill, Rocket, and Dracula all smiled when the Guardians of the Galaxy heard Ayesha admit to giving Twenty Billion, only Arthur, Gamora, and Groot were expressionless.

"So, what do you need us to do?" Quill asked Ayesha.

"Did you see the little planet above you when you came to the Highest Star?" Ayesha asked Quill back.

"Of course I saw it. It's a very beautiful golden planet. In fact, there is such a planet in my hometown." Quill nodded and said.

"No, no, that planet is different from ordinary planets. That planet is the source of energy for our Sovereign star. We rely on it to absorb energy from the universe to charge our batteries." Ayesha told the six explained.

"So that's it, what do we need to do?" Quill asked Ayesha.

"And that energy star will produce wormholes nearby every ten years, and a monster that likes to eat energy objects will appear from the wormhole. We have relied on powerful people to help us resist these for so many years. The invasion of monsters! And the next time the monsters come will be in these few days, so this time we have to rely on you." High priest Ayesha said to the six.

Quilton breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the Sovereigns were trying to make them do difficult things, wasn't it a monster invasion? Little K is dead, and they can get it done without Arthur's help.

"So that's the case, I want to ask, how many monsters are there at a time?" Quill continued to ask Ayesha.

"Usually there is only one, and there are records of two at one time." Ayesha said to Quill.

"Haha, it's just a monster, you can leave it to us the Guardians of the Galaxy, we promise to help you." Quill patted his chest and assured.

"That's great. The safety of our Sovereign star's energy star will be handed over to the Guardians of the Galaxy. Since everyone has come to Sovereign star for thousands of miles, please dine in the palace for a while, and then will be served by Priest Shasha will lead you directly to the energy star, please everyone." Ayesha said happily, and asked Shasha to lead the members of the Guardians of the Galaxy to the side hall for dinner.

After thanking Ayesha for the hospitality, Quill and the five Arthur followed Priest Shasha to the side hall for dinner.

"I didn't expect this mission to be so easy. Thrall is a good friend. I have introduced such good things to me. Next time I see him, I must buy a bottle of good wine for him." Quill said excitedly to the five people as he walked.

"It's really beyond my imagination. This mission is a bit too simple, but who makes the Sovereigns all stupid and rich?" Rocket said recklessly.

Gamora patted Rocket on the head to tell him not to talk nonsense, and looked at Priest Shasha apologetically, but Priest Shasha didn't care about Rocket's rudeness at all.

Priest Shasha brought the six people to the side hall. This is the place to eat. The overall style of the side hall is the same as that of the hall. The walls are made of blue and inlaid with gold metal, which looks very noble.

Shasha led the six people to a huge golden dining table. The dining table was already filled with all kinds of food, and there were waiters who were constantly bringing new dishes to the table.

"Friends of the Guardians of the Galaxy, please dine here first, and I will lead you to the energy star after your meal is over." Priest Shasha said to the six of the Guardians of the Galaxy.

"Thanks to High Priest Ayesha for his hospitality, and thanks to Priest Shasha for his care, then we are welcome." Quill said to Priest Shasha.

"Please use it slowly!" Priest Shasha turned his head and left after finishing speaking.

And the six of Arthur came to the table to be seated, Draculas and Rocket have already begun to feast, and for a few people in the Guardians of the Galaxy, it is nothing to eat!

Arthur also picked up the fork and ate the unknown meat in front of him. Several other people also started to eat, and even Groot began to eat.

"I still think something is wrong. This Sovereign star is so advanced in technology that it shouldn't be able to deal with a monster, right? Why do we need to pay a lot of money to invite us?" Gamora said to the five.

"Uh... Who knows, the Sovereigns are stupid and have a lot of money. It's hard to say that they are too lazy to do it." Rocket said while nibbling on a leg of lamb.

"I think that Ayesha is quite kind. Although it gives a sense of superiority, I don't feel her maliciousness." Quill put down the fork in his hand and said.

"You don't think people are good people just because they're good, do you?" Draculas ran on Quill.

"Bullshit, am I that kind of person? I'm a good man! Are you saying that, Gamora?" Quill looked at Gamora and asked, but Gamora simply ignored it. he.

"I guess it's Ayesha who thinks the lives of their Sovereigns are very precious and used us as robbers. Didn't you find that the Sovereigns are very proud of their genes?" Arthur said to several people arrive.

"No matter what his purpose is, we just finish the task and take the money and leave. If they dare to default on the debt, hum!" Rocket said while eating.

"That's right! We only want the money, and we don't care about the rest!" Dracula was also nibbling on a chicken.


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