I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 220: Sovereign

After three days of sailing, Arthur and the six finally came to the Sovereign Star Region.

The entire Sovereign star field is very peculiar. The so-called Sovereign star is not a planet, but a star field composed of eight planets connected together.

The largest of the eight planets is the main star of Sovereign, and there are countless ordinary Sovereigns living on it, while the other four smaller planets are auxiliary stars, made by the more prestigious Sovereign. Stars live.

The remaining small planet is called the Supreme Star, and there are two smaller satellites next to it. It is inhabited by the priests of Sovereign, with an ancient palace made of gold. In Sovereign star priests belong to the royal family of the country and hold the supreme power in their hands.

And the technology of the entire Sovereign star field is very developed, and the entire eight planets are linked together by the technology of Sovereign.

The six of Arthur and the others were particularly shocked when they looked at the eight planets in front of them. Even Quill and the others had never been to Sovereign, but had only heard the legend of the Supreme Star.

The Guardians of the Galaxy spacecraft received Sovereign's warning as it approached the small planet at the forefront, and Quill made a video call with Sovereign's **** fleet.

Saying that they were invited by High Priest Ayesha to complete their bounty mission, the Sovereign guards let the Guardians of the Galaxy wait for news outside the planet, and warned them to shoot them down with defensive cannons if they ran away. .

"The Sovereigns are really domineering!" Quill hung up the video call and said to the five.

"They've always been like this, don't worry, we just need to finish the mission and get the money and go," Gamora said to Quill.

"Compared to this, I still think this group of golden Sovereigns is more interesting. They all look like they grew up eating gold dust." Rocket laughed at the Sovereign's portrait.

"It's good to talk about this here. We still have to keep a low profile when we go to their territory!" Quill said to the Rockets.

"Why, are you still afraid of them? I'm not afraid of them! If I get angry, I will tear their high priest in half!" Destroyer Draculah shouted loudly.

"Forget it, you will be bombarded with artillery fire before you can do it." Gamora said with a blank look at Destroyer Dracula.

"Okay guys, our purpose here is 20 billion Zijin! In order to get 20 billion for everyone to endure, we have to show sincerity." Quill persuaded several people.

"Okay, I'll listen to you once for the money." Destroyer Draculas said impatiently, while Rocket didn't care.

Arthur looked at a few people bickering and found it more interesting. If Arthur remembered correctly, they would be hunted down by the Sovereigns after this mission.

"Friends of the Guardians of the Galaxy! Our High Priest Ayesha has invited you to be a guest at the Supreme Palace, please follow my spaceship into the Supreme Star!" Suddenly, the voice of the Sovereigns came from the spaceship's walkie-talkie, and asked Arthur and the others to directly Go to the High Star to meet their high priest.

The rocket-controlled spaceship followed the golden triangle warship in front of it and flew towards the smallest planet, the supreme star with the palace of the high priest.

The Guardians of the Galaxy Predator landed on a huge square, and Arthur and the five Guardians of the Galaxy got off the spacecraft.

Arthur came to the Supreme Star and found that the gravity here is similar to that of the earth, and the surrounding buildings look very tall, with golden palaces everywhere, and rivers and green plants outside the palace.

The ground is a floor made of yellow stones that look very smooth. The whole planet looks like a tyrant, and everywhere is resplendent.

Just like coming to Asgard, it seems that aliens have the same aesthetics and like golden things.

In the distance, a group of guards lined up towards Arthur and the others. These people were all golden skin and golden hair. They were all wearing golden armor and holding golden guns. They looked like golden saints.

For the first time, Arthur felt that the golden color was so soiled. Arthur thought that his Aquaman armor was also golden, and he suddenly felt that the golden Aquaman armor was not fragrant.

The front of the **** was led by a female priest, who was obviously much higher in rank than the guards, and was also wearing clothes made of golden satin.

The priestess came to stand in front of the six, and said to the six, "You are the Guardians of the Galaxy, right? I am Shasha, the priest of Sovereign. Welcome to Sovereign."

The priestess spoke very politely, but Arthur and the others did not feel polite at all in the expressions of the priestess. They always felt that the priestess in front of them had an aloof attitude, giving people a very arrogant feeling.

"Hello, we are the Guardians of the Galaxy. This time we were invited by your high priest. Can you take us to see your high priest?" Speaking of.

"Of course, the high priest has been waiting in the palace for a long time, please come with me." The priestess Xia Sha nodded her head and said the six Guardians of the Galaxy, then turned and walked towards the largest palace.

Arthur and the others immediately followed and went to see what the legendary high priest Ayesha looked like.

The six of Arthur followed the priestess Shasha to the foot of the palace. Arthur raised his head and looked at the huge golden palace in front of him and felt very shocked.

The palace has an architectural style in Norse mythology, with a row of very large columns. The whole palace is like a spaceship. A huge spherical building above is the main body of the palace. The long stairs lead to a huge golden door.

The entire palace was made of gold, and even the stairs Arthur walked up had a strong metallic texture.

"You Sovereign Stars are really rich, and you use so much gold to build a palace." Arthur said to the priestess Shasha with emotion.

"We Sovereigns have perfect genes and powerful technology, so our wealth is also very few in the universe, so you can rest assured that the reward for helping us complete the task this time is absolutely rich." Priestess Xia Shatou also Not to say back, very arrogant.

"It's easy to say, there's nothing we can't accomplish in the Guardians of the Galaxy. As long as the money is in place, nothing can stop us." Quill rubbed his hands and said to the priestess Shasha. He saw that Sovereign was so rich. , this time the 20 billion Zijin has stabilized.

Arthur and Gamora don't look over their heads and look like they don't know this guy. It's shameful. Quill is like a very philistine businessman.

The six followed the priestess Shasha up a very long golden staircase and finally came to the golden palace, where the style of the palace was finally no longer golden.

Changed to blue walls inlaid with gold trim, it looks both noble and high-tech.

On both sides of the palace are golden-skinned guards with weapons standing guard. After entering the palace, they saw rows of golden-skinned Sovereign high-level personnel standing.

Most of them were men, wearing all kinds of clothes, some were suits, some were overcoats, and they finally looked a little more comfortable, and no one was golden.

And in the innermost part of the palace, High Priest Ayesha was waiting in front to receive everyone from the Guardians of the Galaxy.


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