I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 200: go straight to the nest

Arthur didn't find the whereabouts of the Fallen from the memory of the little minion just now, but he knew the location of the dead pirate's lair.

"I have successfully infiltrated the Star of the Dead, and I am heading to the lair of the dead pirates!" Arthur said into the wireless headset.

"Arthur, you finally replied to us, we thought you hung up." Quill's exaggerated voice came from the headphones.

"I've been on the death pirate's spaceship just now, so keep a low profile so they can't see the flaw," Arthur continued.

"OK, be careful yourself, get the news of the Fallen to see if there is a chance to kill him, we are waiting outside the planet to support you!" Quill said.

"Understood, I moved on." After Arthur finished speaking, he walked quickly along the path all the way forward.

Just over there is the base lair of the dead pirates, all the cadres are there, and the fallen may also be here.

After walking for a while, Arthur finally saw clearly the base of the death pirates. It was a huge straight mountain. The top of the mountain was carved into the shape of a skull, and the cadres of the death pirates were on it.

Below the mountain is a steep cliff. If you want to go up, the only way is to have a large elevator in the middle of the cliff, which can also prevent outsiders from getting in.

Fortunately, Arthur can fly. There are several caves on the mountain. Weapon forts are set on the caves to prevent enemies from approaching the mountain.

The whole mountain was hazy under the blue smoke, just right for Arthur to sneak up.

Arthur carefully came to the foot of the mountain, looked around and flew up the mountain to see that no one was there, bypassing the sight of the enemy in the half-awake and half-sleeping bunker.

Coming to the platform of the tooth part of the skull on the top of the mountain, Arthur hid on the edge of the cliff, grabbed the edge of the cliff and stuck his head out to look forward.

There is a metal gate on the side of the huge skull. There are two people standing guard at the gate. Outside the gate is an open space for parking small spaceships. There is a team of people patrolling in the open space.

Arthur didn't know if the Fallen was there. If he knew, he wouldn't have to spend so much trouble. It would be better to just blast the entire mountain with an energy bomb.

But if Arthur wants to get the head of the Fallen, he can't attack indiscriminately, and he has to find a way to sneak in for a melee attack.

Arthur waited for the patrolling people to walk away, hunched over to the back of a spaceship on the flat, picked up a small stone from the ground, and threw it towards a guard at the gate.

"Ah Jo! Who stoned me?" The guard was bruised on the head by Arthur's pebble.

"Is there a situation? I'm guarding the door here, you can go and see." Another guard said.

The guard smashed by Arthur walked slowly towards the platform with a weapon and looked around.

He slowly moved closer to Arthur's position, then suddenly stood still.

"Hello? What did you see? Speak." The guard at the door shouted as he watched the guard motionless.

"It's okay, come here." The guard who was hit by the stone turned around and said to the guard at the door.

"What's wrong? What did you see? Talk?" the guard at the door asked as he walked, and then he walked to the smashed guard and stood still.

Arthur put his hand off the head of the guard just now, he checked his memory, and put his hand on the head of the guard who came later to see if he knew more information.

The death pirate organization has a total of about 2,800 people, and there are more than 30 leaders, large and small. Their leader is called Battier the Blackbeard, who is a native of the Void Domain.

black beard? I give it back to Whitebeard, Arthur can't complain about the nickname of the leader of the death pirates, and Akarian the Fallen was invited by Blackbeard to join the death pirates a week ago.

Now he is not on this dead star, but has been living alone in his own territory. There are more than 300 planets in the entire Void Realm, and almost every dead pirate cadre has his own territory.

Arthur also saw some evil deeds of the dead pirates from their memories. The civilians in the entire Void Realm have been poisoned by them for a long time. Not only do they have to pay protection fees every year, but if they don’t, they will be taken away directly. They were caught and played to death.

And the planets around the Void Domain have also suffered, and the spaceships passing by will be robbed. The men are caught as slaves, and the women need not say more.

And there are a few leaders who don't know what race they are and still eat human flesh. Arthur is so angry that his blood pressure has risen a lot.

"There is no need for this kind of organization to stay in the world." Arthur shot red energy from his hand, and the two guards were blasted into powder without making a sound.

Arthur walked directly towards the death pirate base. After entering through the gate, there was a long passage leading directly to the hall of the base.

Arthur continued to walk forward, and suddenly a group of patrolling guards came towards Arthur and happened to bump into each other.

"Who are you? How did you get in?" The leading guard pointed his weapon at Arthur and said, and the remaining dozen or so people immediately aimed their weapons at Arthur and were ready to fire at any time.

"Who am I? Haha, I'm the one who will kill you!" Arthur's right hand flashed a yellow light, and all the guards seemed to have lost their minds, their eyes dazed and stood motionless.

Arthur's right trident appeared in his hand, and the red energy ray shot out instantly, piercing the hearts of the three people at once, and the rays swept from left to right more than a dozen guards turned into powder in an instant.

Even the walls were scorched by Arthur's rays, and Arthur continued to walk toward the base.

A sudden alarm broke out in the base, and it was the people in the control room who sounded the alarm when they found that there was an intrusion in the gate passage from the surveillance.

Suddenly, countless dead pirates rushed to the door with weapons and shot Arthur.

In front of Arthur, a blue magic shield appeared in front of him, all the attacks were under his crotch, and the red energy ray of Arthur's trident blasted out at the crowd.

boom! ! !

The red energy rays exploded in the crowd, and the dead pirates' trash fish suddenly turned their backs and lay on the ground screaming.

However, more and more enemies rushed out of the base and fired at Arthur, who had a magic shield in his left hand and a trident energy ray in his right hand.

Facing the ruthless harvest of the members of the dead pirate organization, Arthur can't understand why the superheroes in this world always like to fight hand-to-hand.

Arthur was thinking about this strange problem while reaping his life. Suddenly, a huge energy shot towards Arthur. Arthur raised his magic shield to resist, but the power of this energy was not small. The energy blasted out.

"Okay!! Hit him!" The little minions of the death pirates shouted happily.

It turned out that one of their cadres took the shot. This person is called Sniper Capri. He used a huge energy sniper rifle. Just now, he attacked Arthur with maximum power from a distance.

Just after Arthur fell to the ground, his second energy ray shot towards Arthur, not giving Arthur a chance to breathe.

Arthur rolled to the side to avoid the blow, but the energy ray exploded right next to Arthur, and the power was not small. Fortunately, Arthur resisted it with a magic shield.

what weapon is this? The power is okay, grab it and give it to the rocket, and it won't be happy to die? Arthur lifted the trident and a red energy ray blasted towards Capri in the distance.

boom! ! !

The red energy ray exploded beside Kabri, Kabri was hit by the blast and flew out, smashed heavily on the wall and fainted.


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