I am The Sea King In Marvel

Chapter 199: pretend to be ambushed

Arthur was sailing in space with the spaceship, and suddenly two headlights illuminated Arthur's small spaceship from different directions in the dark void.

Two huge dark red spaceships appeared in front of Arthur's small spaceship, and the lights on their spaceships were so bright that they could shine more than ten meters away in the fog of the void.

"Stop the small spaceship in front of me immediately and accept our inspection!" An arrogant voice came to Arthur through a loudspeaker.

Arthur could only turn off the engine and waited for the movement of the two large spaceships. A search of the large spaceship drove towards Arthur's small spaceship. Suddenly, an opening was opened on the body of the large spaceship, and a mechanical iron claw stuck out towards Arthur's small spaceship. Small spaceship caught...

In the dark red spaceship, Arthur was pressed by two strong men to the cabin hall. There were more than 100 people in the hall. All of them were wearing black leather jackets. There was a skull painted on the leather jackets. style.

Arthur's calf was suddenly kicked by the strong man behind, and Arthur fell to the ground.

"Hahahaha! Boy, you are not too timid, you dare to wander outside the Dead Star, do you know where this place is?" A ferocious-looking man sitting on an iron box in the middle of the crowd asked Arthur .

Arthur raised his head and glanced at him. This should be the boss of the spaceship. This man has green skin, a strong body, and muscles all over his body, but he has an ugly face. His right hand is still a mechanical prosthesis. , like the Winter Soldier.

"I got lost, drove around blindly, and ended up hitting a meteorite and came here out of nowhere. Where is this place?" Arthur said as he sat on the ground and pretended to be dumbfounded.

"What is this place? Hahahaha, this is Death Star, we are Void Death Pirates, aren't you scared?" The man who took the lead laughed, and the other Death Pirate members also laughed.

"Death Pirate? Sorry, I haven't heard of it, and I don't have any money, so just let me go." Arthur said weakly.

"Let go of you? You want to be beautiful, the only difference between our dead stars is human beings. You seem to be fine-skinned and tender, and it sounds good to be a slave, hahahaha!" The man laughed arrogantly.

"I beg all of you, I'm just passing by, I don't want to offend you." Arthur continued to tremble.

"Someone, take it back to the base, the boss will definitely like him." The man said to his subordinates.

"It's Brother Sangbiao!" The two little guys walked up to Arthur and lifted him off the ground. One of the little guys took out an electronic collar with a number from his bag and forcibly took it to Arthur.

"Don't move, this collar can't be taken off after you put it on. Of course, if you want to escape, you will know what it tastes like." The little scoundrel said to Arthur with a grim expression.

After Arthur put on the collar, he was taken to a cell in the spaceship and locked up. There were several aliens in the cell, all dressed like beggars, with a bruised nose and a swollen face. It looked like they had been educated.

Arthur sat in the cell with an indifferent face, observing the male aliens opposite.

There are five people, three with yellow skin and one with blue skin and one with red skin.

The five people don't seem to be very old, and they are in their prime. It seems that their ending is to be slaves on the Dead Star all their lives.

Among them, the blue-skinned man was sobbing while covering his face, looking really desperate.

"Hey! All of you were caught as slaves?" Arthur looked at the five and asked.

The five just looked up at Arthur and ignored him.

"Don't stop talking, now we are all grasshoppers on the same boat. If we make friends, maybe we will have to rely on each other in the future." Arthur continued.

"We are adventurers who came to the Void Realm. A week ago, we met the dead pirates and were caught, and the spaceship was also destroyed by them." One of the three yellow-skinned aliens said.

"What about the two of you?" Arthur asked again, looking at the two aliens with blue skin and red skin.

"I'm a local and I live on the 64th star. I was caught as a slave because I couldn't pay the protection fee," said the red-skinned man.

"Wuwu, I was caught outside the Void Realm. My crew fought hard and all were killed. I was the only one left..." the blue-skinned man said while crying.

"Okay, meeting is fate, I'll remind you, don't separate when you go to the dead star, stay together, if you see the chaos in the dead star, you will find a spaceship to escape. Did you hear that? As for whether to run or not. It's up to you if you have to." Arthur looked at a few people and said in a low voice.

"What do you mean? You mean there will be chaos on the Dead Star? It's impossible, who would dare to mess around on the Dead Star?" the red-skinned local asked.

"I've already told you the words, it's up to you whether you can seize the opportunity or not." After Arthur finished speaking, he closed his eyes and stopped talking.

The five people are also you, look at me, I look at you, I feel that Arthur is very mysterious, and then they don't speak, I don't know what they are thinking...

two hours later

"I'm at the place, get out of here immediately, don't let me do it!" The two little thugs opened the door of the cell and said to the six people.

Arthur glanced at them, stood up and walked out of the cell, the other five followed behind Arthur.

Under the leadership of two minions, Arthur and the six got off the spaceship and came to the base camp of the legendary death pirate, Death Star!

After Arthur got off the spaceship, he felt that the temperature of the planet was very low, and the entire planet was also surrounded by the fog of the void, and it was impossible to see the distant scenery.

But there are street lamps with blue smoke on the roadside nearby, and the paths illuminated by the smoke with blue light look gloomy and do not look like a place where people live.

Arthur and the six were pressed in front of Sangbiao, and a little rogue reported to Sangbiao: "Boss, people have taken off the spaceship."

"Very good, you can take them directly to the slave camp." Sangbiao nodded and said.

"Yes!" After receiving the instruction, the little minion took Arthur and the others away from the spaceship and walked towards the distant path.

Arthur saw that he was getting farther and farther away from the spaceship, so he walked up to the two little guys and asked, "Where is your base? Why didn't I see it?"

"Stop talking nonsense! Our base is a place you can visit? Hurry up, or let you taste the feeling of high-voltage electricity!" said a little scoundrel.

"Help us take off the collar." Arthur said, looking at the little guy.

Under the unbelievable eyes of the five people, the little minion obediently helped Arthur remove the electric shock collar on his neck.

"Take theirs too!" Arthur twisted his neck and continued.

The little minions went up one by one and took off the shock collars for the five people who were caught.

"Who are you? How did you do it?" the yellow-skinned alien asked Arthur in disbelief after his collar was removed.

Arthur put his hand on the top of the little guy's head and read his memory. After getting the information he wanted, Arthur twisted the little guy's neck.

"Remember what I said to you, and find a way to find a spaceship and leave by yourself." Arthur looked at the five people and turned around to leave.

"Wait!" the blue-skinned alien suddenly shouted, and Arthur, who was about to leave, stopped.

"What's your name, I will repay you later." the blue-skinned alien asked.

"I am Sea King Arthur Jon, you may not have heard of it, but you will have heard of it in the future." Arthur left without looking back.

The five stood there and watched Arthur leave. They would never forget the person they met today who will be famous in the universe in the future!


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